Rising Seas are threatening many who see rich nations the problem


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

At a climate conference in Warsaw in November, there was an emotional outpouring from countries that face existential threats, among them Bangladesh, which produces just 0.3 percent of the emissions driving climate change. Some leaders have demanded that rich countries compensate poor countries for polluting the atmosphere. A few have even said that developed countries should open their borders to climate migrants.

“It’s a matter of global justice,” said Atiq Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and the nation’s leading climate scientist. “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.”[/QUOTE

We can only stick our heads in the sand for so long. The climate change deniers are going to have to face reality. Without the will to even consider Immigration Reform, we are leaving ourselves open to a looming disaster as millions will be looking for another home.
HOW do you like that folks

Because you all lived and made your Nation rich...Everything is YOU FAULT and that means you need to GIVE away your hard earn money from blood, sweat and tears to extinguish this blame from OTHER COUNTRIES whose government has keep them dirt poor, like Brazil, Venezuela, China, AFRICA etc

and you have Obama and his comrades in arms willing to do just that...you voted for him so live with it and sit down and shut up about it
now I HOPE you all wake up to see what this GLOBULL warming is really ALL ABOUT

At a climate conference in Warsaw in November, there was an emotional outpouring from countries that face existential threats, among them Bangladesh, which produces just 0.3 percent of the emissions driving climate change. Some leaders have demanded that rich countries compensate poor countries for polluting the atmosphere. A few have even said that developed countries should open their borders to climate migrants.

“It’s a matter of global justice,” said Atiq Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and the nation’s leading climate scientist. “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.”[/QUOTE

We can only stick our heads in the sand for so long. The climate change deniers are going to have to face reality. Without the will to even consider Immigration Reform, we are leaving ourselves open to a looming disaster as millions will be looking for another home.

Bullshit, the seas stopped rising the night of Obama's 2009 inauguration.......

At a climate conference in Warsaw in November, there was an emotional outpouring from countries that face existential threats, among them Bangladesh, which produces just 0.3 percent of the emissions driving climate change. Some leaders have demanded that rich countries compensate poor countries for polluting the atmosphere. A few have even said that developed countries should open their borders to climate migrants.

“It’s a matter of global justice,” said Atiq Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and the nation’s leading climate scientist. “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.”

Yeah, good luck with that.

After the freaking winter I have been thru where even just one day this winter the surface of Mars was warmer than Winnipeg, I say we donate to buy them life preservers and boats. Oh and I'm willing to kick in for swimming lessons.

I demand global warming.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy." -- IPCC
Dang. Simply point to the real world, and the denialist cultists all lose their minds.
Good ole NYslimes...pimping for the selling us out to other countries DEMAND by blaming everything on YOU

They Put Pravda to shame
Maldives will be gone in our lifetime.

Venice is losing more and more every day.

Its real and its happening now. Its happening all over the world, including the US, home of the world's biggest polluters, as Bush bragged.
How do you figure the people who do NOT buy into malarkey as being the "cultists"?

Seems an odd perspective...
Maldives will be gone in our lifetime.

Venice is losing more and more every day.

Its real and its happening now. Its happening all over the world, including the US, home of the world's biggest polluters, as Bush bragged.

Praise Allah that there's been no noticeable "Manmade Global Warming" these past 15 years
Dang. Simply point to the real world, and the denialist cultists all lose their minds.

Because they live in their Lilly white castles with the impenetrable mote around it. Denial is their way of coping...
now I HOPE you all wake up to see what this GLOBULL warming is really ALL ABOUT

We pollute the they suffer....simple as that. When we start losing beach homes and when the ocean moves into the lobbies of some NY hotels, maybe you will notice. Until then, you will continue to hold the GOP/FOX line of denial.
Dang. Simply point to the real world, and the denialist cultists all lose their minds.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy." -- IPCC

At a climate conference in Warsaw in November, there was an emotional outpouring from countries that face existential threats, among them Bangladesh, which produces just 0.3 percent of the emissions driving climate change. Some leaders have demanded that rich countries compensate poor countries for polluting the atmosphere. A few have even said that developed countries should open their borders to climate migrants.

“It’s a matter of global justice,” said Atiq Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and the nation’s leading climate scientist. “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.”[/QUOTE

We can only stick our heads in the sand for so long. The climate change deniers are going to have to face reality. Without the will to even consider Immigration Reform, we are leaving ourselves open to a looming disaster as millions will be looking for another home.

I wonder how they explain the photographs taken over 100 years ago of the cliffs at Ocean Beach near San Diego, and those taken today show no rise at all. Not one tiny little bit.

Seems to me that if there really were a problem the Maldives wouldn't have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a brand new international airport if they were going to be underwater soon.

Looks like it's just more third world dictators trying to steal from the citizens of the first world. I wonder if they know any of those Nigerians needing to store loads of cash in your bank accounts:lol::lol::lol:
Dang. Simply point to the real world, and the denialist cultists all lose their minds.

Who are the "denialist cultists" again? :lol: This has been out there for months now. You really need to get up to speed.

Global warming has STALLED since 1998: Met Office admits Earth's temperature is rising slower than first thought

Earlier forecasts predicted a much steeper rise in global temperatures
But latest figures from Met Office show slower rise than previously warned
Figures raise questions about the true danger posed by greenhouse gasses

The Met Office has admitted that global warming has stalled.

Officials say that by 2017, temperatures will not have risen significantly for nearly 20 years.

They concede that previous forecasts were inaccurate – and have come under fire for attempting to ‘bury bad news’ by publishing the revised data on Christmas Eve.


Rise: The earlier Met Office predictions show a much sharper rise in projected global temperatures through to 2016...


Fall: But the new computer model predicts temperatures will stay relatively flat

Global warming: Met Office releases revised global temperature predictions showing planet is NOT rapidly heating up | Mail Online
now I HOPE you all wake up to see what this GLOBULL warming is really ALL ABOUT

We pollute the they suffer....simple as that. When we start losing beach homes and when the ocean moves into the lobbies of some NY hotels, maybe you will notice. Until then, you will continue to hold the GOP/FOX line of denial.

are you ever on our side?
what a horrible American you and people like you are
Like your dear leader you think we should now bow to others countries with their demands of BLACKMIAL
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Maldives will be gone in our lifetime.

Venice is losing more and more every day.

Its real and its happening now. Its happening all over the world, including the US, home of the world's biggest polluters, as Bush bragged.

If that is true why did they just build a nice shiny new international airport (at a cost of several hundred million dollars...), hell they built FOUR new airports, Kooddoo Airport, Maamagili, Dharavandhoo, and Fuvahmulah there at hundreds of millions of dollars each! If they were going to be under water don't you think that would be a shitty investment.

"However, some of the more remote portions of the Maldives have come a little closer to the rest of the world this week, as a new airport launches in the south of the archipelago.

The arrival of Kooddoo Airport, in the distant Gaafu Alifu Atoll, will open up the southern half of the Maldives – an area that, traditionally, has received far fewer visitors than the north of the country, where the majority of the luxury resorts are clustered."

New Maldives airport: Kooddoo Airport opens up south of the country | Mail Online
now I HOPE you all wake up to see what this GLOBULL warming is really ALL ABOUT

We pollute the they suffer....simple as that. When we start losing beach homes and when the ocean moves into the lobbies of some NY hotels, maybe you will notice. Until then, you will continue to hold the GOP/FOX line of denial.

are you ever on our side?
what a horrible American you and people like you are
Like your dear leader you think we should now bow to others countries with their demands of BLACKMIAL

You just hate to hear facts don't you. Pretty sad...

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