Rising Seas are threatening many who see rich nations the problem

Man is causing the seas to rise and the rich nations are responsible and should take action.

PROVE IT. And I don't mean post pages of worthless drivel, I want empirical evidence that supports what you say.
Moron.....is their entire country just a thin strip of beach?

So Bangladesh will only lose half their land, that makes it okay with Darkwind. The displaced can just crowd in on the land which is already packed to the maximum.

Oh wait! I think Darkwind is saying he's volunteering to personally host 6 displaced Bengali families in his own home, and that's why their displacement isn't an issue. Very thoughtful of him. After all, being the responsible type, he doesn't want to make someone else suffer the consequences of his own actions.

(Of course, if he's not the responsible type and isn't going to do that, he should clarify that.)
You post a picture of Tuvalu at the height of a "King Tide" and think that supports your tall tale!

Make up your mind, will ya? First you say only photos and red-herring anecdotes about airports count, and all other methods don't. Now you're flipflopping and saying the opposite. When you finally settle on one position and stick with it, let us know, and we can start discussing it.

And at least I posted a photo, in an attempt to embarrass you into doing the same. You keep claiming the magic photos of the Ocean Beach cliffs exist that prove your case, but you flat out refuse to show them, or even discuss how they're supposed to prove your case.

The conclusion? You're spouting boatloads of bullshit again.
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Maldives will be gone in our lifetime.

Venice is losing more and more every day.

Its real and its happening now. Its happening all over the world, including the US, home of the world's biggest polluters, as Bush bragged.

F'ing idiot. Venice has been sinking since the first brick was laid. That's what happens when you build a city on a swamp. Were do you people come from?
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Moron.....is their entire country just a thin strip of beach?

So Bangladesh will only lose half their land, that makes it okay with Darkwind. The displaced can just crowd in on the land which is already packed to the maximum.

Oh wait! I think Darkwind is saying he's volunteering to personally host 6 displaced Bengali families in his own home, and that's why their displacement isn't an issue. Very thoughtful of him. After all, being the responsible type, he doesn't want to make someone else suffer the consequences of his own actions.

(Of course, if he's not the responsible type and isn't going to do that, he should clarify that.)
how is that My, or your problem? We are not causing the seas to rise or fall.. More failure by the left. People have had to move inland in the past, and will in the future. The planet changes and it is humans that have to accommodate that. Time to up your critical thinking ability.
The rising seas shows distinct signs of having been caused solely by poster Darkwind. His IP address was found in the Challenger Deep of the Marianas Trench.

Of course we're causing it. If you'd like to stop causing it, help reduce our GHG emissions. Get a high mileage car, conserve electricity. I know those are radical and distinctly anti-conservative, anti-Republican actions, but they will not hurt you and they will help the entire human race (yourself included).
The rising seas shows distinct signs of having been caused solely by poster Darkwind. His IP address was found in the Challenger Deep of the Marianas Trench.

Of course we're causing it. If you'd like to stop causing it, help reduce our GHG emissions. Get a high mileage car, conserve electricity. I know those are radical and distinctly anti-conservative, anti-Republican actions, but they will not hurt you and they will help the entire human race (yourself included).

The RW crowd deny global change as quickly as they deny demographic changes that will turn their GOP into a rerun of the Whig Party. They both had good intentions once...



"Global mean surface temperature trends exhibit substantial decadal variability, despite the robust multi-24 decadal warming since 1901 (Figure SPM 1). The rate of warming over the past 15 years (1998−2012; 25 0.05 [−0.05 to +0.15] °C per decade) is smaller than the trend since 1951 (1951−2012; 0.12 [0.08 to 26 0.14] °C per decade). (Figure SPM.1) {2.4.3}"

"Models do not generally reproduce the observed reduction in surface warming trend over the last 10–15 years. There is medium confidence that this difference between models and observations is to a substantial degree caused by unpredictable climate variability, with possible contributions from inadequacies in the solar, volcanic, and aerosol forcings used by the models and, in some models, from too strong a response to increasing greenhouse-gas forcing. {9.4.1, 10.3.1, 11.3.2; Box 9.2}"

Moron.....is their entire country just a thin strip of beach?

So Bangladesh will only lose half their land, that makes it okay with Darkwind. The displaced can just crowd in on the land which is already packed to the maximum.

Oh wait! I think Darkwind is saying he's volunteering to personally host 6 displaced Bengali families in his own home, and that's why their displacement isn't an issue. Very thoughtful of him. After all, being the responsible type, he doesn't want to make someone else suffer the consequences of his own actions.

(Of course, if he's not the responsible type and isn't going to do that, he should clarify that.)
prove it!
The rising seas shows distinct signs of having been caused solely by poster Darkwind. His IP address was found in the Challenger Deep of the Marianas Trench.

Of course we're causing it. If you'd like to stop causing it, help reduce our GHG emissions. Get a high mileage car, conserve electricity. I know those are radical and distinctly anti-conservative, anti-Republican actions, but they will not hurt you and they will help the entire human race (yourself included).



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