Rising Seas are threatening many who see rich nations the problem

And just what the hell does someones choice to build airports in a particular locality have anything to do with the amount of sea rise being observed at that locality? Many foolish people in this old world, you are ample proof of that.
Westwall? You do realize sea level isn't measured by photographs, right?

No problem. Since Westwall has set a new standard here for data, we can work with it. I produce this photograph of the sea level in Tuvalu, and thus prove sea levels have recently risen 2 feet. And I thank Westwall for creating this new field of super-accurate scientific measurement. Who needs that silly satellite altimetry and those useless tidal gauges when you have random photos?

And by the way Westwall, you still haven't produced those magical photos of Ocean Beach that you keep referencing. Do they, perhaps, also show any underwater cities built by aliens? That would definitely be a twofer for you.


:lol::lol::lol: You post a picture of Tuvalu at the height of a "King Tide" and think that supports your tall tale!:lol::lol::lol: Here's a hint silly person, Tuvalu has always flooded during the king tides.

Here are graphs through 2010 that show no rise at various points around the Pacific ocean.


And here is a source to get your current data from wherever you wish.

Obtaining Tide Gauge Data
And just what the hell does someones choice to build airports in a particular locality have anything to do with the amount of sea rise being observed at that locality? Many foolish people in this old world, you are ample proof of that.

Ummmm because if they were going under water who the fuck is going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to build something that will soon be underwater nimrod. Are you really that incapable of THINKING?
You people in the globull warming cult are the "cherry pickers" and all for what?

because you hate the people who won't bow down to you and hate your country to boot

ugly Americans who won't be happy until you bring us all down

traitors in my book

wake up people:
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

Staph, you are an idiot.
And just what the hell does someones choice to build airports in a particular locality have anything to do with the amount of sea rise being observed at that locality? Many foolish people in this old world, you are ample proof of that.

Ummmm because if they were going under water who the fuck is going to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to build something that will soon be underwater nimrod. Are you really that incapable of THINKING?

Some senile old fart like you, that's who.
The seas have been rising since the end of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Did the so-called scientists just notice?
Gosh, no. They should have come to you. You're so very much smarter than all those so-called scientists. I bet not a one of them ever noticed what sea level was doing more than 20 or 30 years ago. They are so stupid. Wow. And you're so smart. Double-wow.
The seas have been rising since the end of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Did the so-called scientists just notice?

Now most of our seaports have been in existance for a hundred to a couple of thousand years. During this time, a rise of a meter to two meters would have put them out of business. Yet, that is what we are looking at before the turn of this century. And that will put most of the present seaports out of business.

At a climate conference in Warsaw in November, there was an emotional outpouring from countries that face existential threats, among them Bangladesh, which produces just 0.3 percent of the emissions driving climate change. Some leaders have demanded that rich countries compensate poor countries for polluting the atmosphere. A few have even said that developed countries should open their borders to climate migrants.

“It’s a matter of global justice,” said Atiq Rahman, executive director of the Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies and the nation’s leading climate scientist. “These migrants should have the right to move to the countries from which all these greenhouse gases are coming. Millions should be able to go to the United States.”[/QUOTE

We can only stick our heads in the sand for so long. The climate change deniers are going to have to face reality. Without the will to even consider Immigration Reform, we are leaving ourselves open to a looming disaster as millions will be looking for another home.
Here is a better idea. Move inland and let the water come to you...now's a good time to buy the beachfront property up the hill a ways.
The seas have been rising since the end of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Did the so-called scientists just notice?

Now most of our seaports have been in existance for a hundred to a couple of thousand years. During this time, a rise of a meter to two meters would have put them out of business. Yet, that is what we are looking at before the turn of this century. And that will put most of the present seaports out of business.
yeah, because old seaports have never had to change to accommodate rises and falls of ocean levels.....I don't think that any seaport is in any danger of going out of business anytime in the next few hundred centuries.
The seas have been rising since the end of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Did the so-called scientists just notice?

Now most of our seaports have been in existance for a hundred to a couple of thousand years. During this time, a rise of a meter to two meters would have put them out of business. Yet, that is what we are looking at before the turn of this century. And that will put most of the present seaports out of business.
yeah, because old seaports have never had to change to accommodate rises and falls of ocean levels.....I don't think that any seaport is in any danger of going out of business anytime in the next few hundred centuries.

What you 'think', or rather, fail to think, has no bearing on the evidence at hand. If the sea level continues to rise at the present rate, and the rate of change in the rise continues to be positive, then the seaports around the world will be in deep trouble before this century is done, maybe even before mid-century.
Now most of our seaports have been in existance for a hundred to a couple of thousand years. During this time, a rise of a meter to two meters would have put them out of business. Yet, that is what we are looking at before the turn of this century. And that will put most of the present seaports out of business.
yeah, because old seaports have never had to change to accommodate rises and falls of ocean levels.....I don't think that any seaport is in any danger of going out of business anytime in the next few hundred centuries.

What you 'think', or rather, fail to think, has no bearing on the evidence at hand. If the sea level continues to rise at the present rate, and the rate of change in the rise continues to be positive, then the seaports around the world will be in deep trouble before this century is done, maybe even before mid-century.
The evidence at hand bears no support for your poorly thought out suppositions.

You don't even believe what you write.....Note your own sentence structure...
Idiot! For many of these people, there is no 'inland'.
Moron.....is their entire country just a thin strip of beach?

God, are you even worth the electrons to refute? I'm thinking no...

OK. Low information 'Conservative' poster alert.

Yes, technically, a very low series of atolls. Which a six foot rise is sea level will make totally uninhabitable. Look it up, as you should have before flapping your ignorant yap.
Idiot! For many of these people, there is no 'inland'.
Moron.....is their entire country just a thin strip of beach?

God, are you even worth the electrons to refute? I'm thinking no...

OK. Low information 'Conservative' poster alert.

Yes, technically, a very low series of atolls. Which a six foot rise is sea level will make totally uninhabitable. Look it up, as you should have before flapping your ignorant yap.
These atolls.....in the middle of nowhere I take it?

Low information? Look in the mirror moron...The seas are not rising to the level that people are threatened and cannot move.....The entire argument is ludicrous as it assumes that man is causing the seas to rise and that the rich nations are responsible and should take action.
Doesn't it seem the people in the globull warming cult are brainwashed?

they repeat the same shit over and over...WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.....and nothing else...

damn sad
I have never said anything even approaching "we are all going to die". No one here has. You've been repetitive, though. You've repeatedly failed to provide the simplest evidence for your contentions here.

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