Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

The point however, is these aren't exactly the kind of people most of us would shed a tear for, especially Rosenbaum.

No, but the point is, I could find someone who thinks equally badly of you, and that doesn't mean you should be shot just because I can exaggerate (or just plain make up) the worst thing you ever did.

The sad thing about Rosenberg is that he needed mental health care, and like millions of the homeless, he didn't get it.
What are you saying?

How does anything he did affect their ability to pay rent?

I doubt very much this sister can’t get a job just because her last name is Rittenhouse. Nobody gives a shit

I told him to just slap them bitches around and show em your gun.

-- george zimmerman
No, but the point is, I could find someone who thinks equally badly of you, and that doesn't mean you should be shot just because I can exaggerate (or just plain make up) the worst thing you ever did.

The sad thing about Rosenberg is that he needed mental health care, and like millions of the homeless, he didn't get it.

The dude that raped the kids DESERVED to be put down, and I could have pulled the trigger myself. Karma always finds a way..........................
...who were attacking him. Literally attacking him. Curious that you left that part out...? /sarcasm

So let's review.

First guy he shot threw a plastic bag at him. Hardly justified shooting an unarmed homeless man half his size.

The second guy he shot was trying to take him into custody for the police.

THird guy he shot didn't point a gun at him. He held it up in the air and tried to reason with him.
So let's review.

First guy he shot threw a plastic bag at him. Hardly justified shooting an unarmed homeless man half his size.

The second guy he shot was trying to take him into custody for the police.

THird guy he shot didn't point a gun at him. He held it up in the air and tried to reason with him.

You could have just said 'no, I didn't follow the Rittenhouse trial' and saved so much of that meaningless typing above.

In three hours of dramatic testimony Monday, Grosskreutz, 27, acknowledged that he was armed with a pistol on the evening of Aug. 25, 2020, but said that he feared for his life given the presence of Rittenhouse's AR-15-style rifle. During cross-examination, Grosskreutz acknowledged being shot after he pointed his own gun at Rittenhouse, which he said was unintentional.

Grosskreutz was also carrying his handgun holstered in the small of his back. His conceal-carry permit was expired at the time — which Grosskreutz said in testimony that he was unaware of that night.
(Funny, for all the ACROSS STATE LINES hysterics I remember, I don't recall ANY news organization pointing out that Gaige's gun WAS ACTUALLY BEING CARRIED ILLEGALLY??)

"I thought that the defendant was an active shooter," he said. "Anytime you bring a firearm into that equation, the stakes are much higher for both serious injury and death." (Says the guy who brought a firearm into that equation)

As he approached, Rittenhouse was confronted by Anthony Huber, who struck him with a skateboard. Rittenhouse shot Huber in the chest, killing the-26 year-old.
"It wasn't until you pointed your gun at him — advanced on him with your gun, now your hands down, pointed at him — that he fired, right?" the defense said.

"Correct," Grosskreutz replied.

During cross-examination, Rittenhouse’s attorney, Mark Richards, asked Kelley if Rosenbaum’s hand was over the barrel of Rittenhouse’s AR-15-style rifle when he was first shot.

Kelley said that “makes sense.”

Kelley also confirmed Rosenbaum was falling forward, not walking away, when he was shot in the back by Rittenhouse — an important detail as the defense tries to prove Rittenhouse was not chasing Rosenbaum or that Rittenhouse was not shooting as Rosenbaum was fleeing.

So, now that you know that FACTS of the incident, I have to ask, why were you lying just now while PRETENDING you knew what the facts were?

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