Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

True, he didn't carry from Illinois to Wisconsin, but he didn't borrow it. He bought it. He couldn't purchase it legally because he was under 18, so he gave the money to a friend who purchased for him. That friend has since been charged for doing that. Rittenhouse then carried the gun across state lines upon returning to Illinois.

Let me guess. You want "Rittenhouse" to be executed or receive life in prison, correct? Rittenhouse was obligated to be beaten into a coma or worse, right?
If he didn't want to go to prison, he shouldn't have murdered anyone.

So he was obligated to allow himself to beaten to death, right?
There's no evidence he was going to be beaten to death had he not shot anyone.

You mean besides the three guys that all assaulted him or tried to assault him. How about this? If you don't want to get shot, don't assault others. Is that fair?
They went after him only because he had already shot someone. There is no evidence they would have tried to disarm him had he not shot Rosenbaum.

After he shot that guy he said he was going to the police and then they attacked him. He was no threat to them.
He only said that to one person. No one else there knew that was his intention. No one else there knew he was not a threat.

He was jogging toward the police. Lol. Why didn't they also jog over to the police and tell them?

Rittenhouse will win and he'll be rich in a few years from the lawsuits that he will win. You are not a fair, rational, or reasonable person. It's scary to think that people like you serve on juries.
True, he didn't carry from Illinois to Wisconsin, but he didn't borrow it. He bought it. He couldn't purchase it legally because he was under 18, so he gave the money to a friend who purchased for him. That friend has since been charged for doing that. Rittenhouse then carried the gun across state lines upon returning to Illinois.

Let me guess. You want "Rittenhouse" to be executed or receive life in prison, correct? Rittenhouse was obligated to be beaten into a coma or worse, right?
If he didn't want to go to prison, he shouldn't have murdered anyone.

So he was obligated to allow himself to beaten to death, right?
There's no evidence he was going to be beaten to death had he not shot anyone.

You mean besides the three guys that all assaulted him or tried to assault him. How about this? If you don't want to get shot, don't assault others. Is that fair?
They went after him only because he had already shot someone. There is no evidence they would have tried to disarm him had he not shot Rosenbaum.

After he shot that guy he said he was going to the police and then they attacked him. He was no threat to them.
He only said that to one person. No one else there knew that was his intention. No one else there knew he was not a threat.

He was jogging toward the police. Lol. Why didn't they also jog over to the police and tell them?

Rittenhouse will win and he'll be rich in a few years from the lawsuits that he will win. You are not a fair, rational, or reasonable person. It's scary to think that people like you serve on juries.
The police were blocks away and doing nothing as people were being shot and killed.

Wisconsin Gun Laws
The state of Wisconsin is an open carry state, meaning you are legally permitted to carry a loaded weapon in public. Open carry does not require a permit or license to legally do so. A person is considered to be openly carrying a gun if the gun is in plain view while you are in public. If the gun is hidden from ordinary view, then it is considered to be concealed and you must have a permit to legally carry the firearm. You must also be at least 18 years old to openly carry a gun in Wisconsin.

He breaking WI gun laws.

So why don't you think he should be severely punished?

No, that's wrong. Wisconsin has an explicit exception for 16-17 year olds (Kyle was) openly carrying (he was) a long gun (he was). Note that the exact wording is extremely confusing and requires jumping to half a dozen different sections of the criminal code. (I only know about it because a lawyer-licensed and practicing in Wisconsin-explained it.)
Did Rittenhouss have a hunting certification, or was it not required? That is the point in the law that made me think he was guilty of the illegal possession charge.
He was under adult supervision.

So he was hunting people then?
Hunting people? He wasn't hunting anyone---he only shot those attacking him.
Well if he wasn’t hunting, then he wasn't legally allowed to carry that weapon.
Bullshit. Of course you will not cite the Wisconsin law that says you are only allowed to carry a weapon if you are hunting, simply because no such law exists.

You're an idiot.

Furthermore, the video evidence clearly shows that Kyle was the prey being pursued by a pack of aggressive predators. He was the huntee, not the hunter.

The predators separated the calf from the herd and had him cornered. Predators pursue the littlest prey. But he had an equalizer.
You're wrong as always. Of course I'll post it...

But John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases, believes an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt, could apply.
Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee defense lawyer who also specializes in gun cases, agreed the exception might apply beyond hunting, but said that part of the law is poorly drafted. He said he would argue to apply a rule of law that interprets ambiguous criminal statutes in favor of the defendant.

And then there's Rittenhouse’s own attorneys who said they're planning on challenging that charge based on federal statutes which allow militia members to carry firearms even at 17 years of age. At no point did he say they would fight that charge because Wisconsin law allowed Rittenhouse to legally be in possession of a gun.

(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used under the supervision of an adult... in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

Kyle was under the supervision of adults.

Try again, you idiot child molester apologist.
How does someone running away shoot their pursuer in the back?
By applying excessive force.
How is excessive force applied by someone running away? You know that Kyle Rittenhouse is not a police officer. Claims of excessive force don't apply to him.
Utter nonsense. Of course excessive force applies to someone claiming self-defense. The law only allows people to apply a sufficient amount of force to stop an imminent threat. Any force beyond that is excessive. Shooting someone in the back is excessive and no longer self-defense. At that point, it becomes murder.
You keep bringing up “shot in the back” as if that means anything at all. Now I don’t mean this in a rude or condescending manner at all when I say this, but saying “he was shot in the back” as if it proves anything is nonsense and demonstrates you either don’t know anything about fighting/gun fighting, or you are grabbing the first thing that confirms your opinion and latching on to it.
In a fight, fist or gun, people don’t hold still and pose to take incoming hits. They move, squirm, twist, etc. You can fire off rounds as fast as you can twitch your finger, and a person doesn’t generally stand there as there are incoming. They move. It isn’t uncommon for someone being shot at to
Be struck all over the place if there are multiple rounds taken. Being shot in the back doesn’t mean the person was running away, and the person pursued them and shot them from behind. It simply means that as rounds were incoming, which can be a matter of seconds, the person twisted and turned their back.
Look at a boxing match. It’s not uncommon for someone to get punched in the back or the back of the head. That doesn’t mean the person turned and ran and the other fighter pursued and punched them from
Behind. It is almost always because the person was throwing punches, and the other fighter twisted and turns away and is struck in the back or head.
I get it, you think rittenhouse is to blame. Ok. But to keep saying “shoot me nigga pedo-manlet was shot in the back, that means xyz” is not accurate, and only helps your case with people who don’t know any better. People who do know better, such as myself, just see that you are ignorant on this topic. And again I don’t mean that as an insult.
Rosenbaum was shot after he grabbed the rifle. How was he in a position to twist in such a way as to be shot in the back if he had ahold of the rifle?

Was he really shot by Ziminski? Why haven't the results of the ballistic tests been made public.
Maybe he was shot by someone else.
I don’t know.
I’m merely pointing out that acting as if a bullet striking someone in the back is proof of them retreating, or proof of unjustified force is nonsense.
Who said "retreating?" Rosenbaum was falling to the ground when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

I am not going to cry about a paedophile, a convicted child molester, getting shot in the back.

Why such a tender heart for the chomo?
As I've said in the past, Rosenbaum was an absolute piece of shit and I couldn't care less that he's dead. That said, I still see it as murder. Shooting someone in the back is not self-defense.
You have never fired an automatic weapon, or been in a life or death situation...........

Kyle fired his weapon at the crazy pedo trying to kill him with the pedo turning away only after being shot which landed the last bullet more toward his back. Automatic weapons fire QUICKLY.......and you ADRENLINE takes over causing the shooter/victim to keep pressing the weapons.........that and cops have said for years that if shoot someone keep shooting till they are completely down. The pedo should have ended his attack before being shot.
His inability to control his weapon is not an excuse.
You are clueless

That boy controlled his weapon perfectly------something that most adult men and women couldn't even come close to doing. His shots all hit their target----he was able to keep his cool as the horde of violent dems tried to kill him one after another----and he was able to successful stop the violent dems from killing him. AND was still able to not shoot the one would be attacker who backed off after having the gun pointed at him. He is the perfect self defense survival story and I guarantee that an assortment of law enforcement and military groups would be very very happy to have him. The boy did what very few people ever could--------------
You make yourself sound batshit insane. First you claim he controlled his weapon perfectly, but then you claim his shots all hit their targets.

Well that's provably false. He fired 2 shots that missed his targets and who knows what they did hit. You only serve to prove yourself wrong when you post such obvious lies. And you also claim he shot Rosenbaum in the back because of adrenaline. Well that is not controlling his gun.
ThaT is controlling your gun fool. Adrenaline takes over causing humans (non-psychopaths anyways) to press on the trigger a bit longer than is necessary...Humans are not machines---so being able to control the trigger down to a nanosecond especially under threat of violence and fear which causes adrenaline is impossible. Kyle shot the pedophile who evidently turned only after Kyles first bullets hit him (if the fourth bullet was kyles--I havent seen the ballistic reports for this weapons so I have some question but I digress)... Kyle did perfectly for a humane-----and he even did perfectly for a machine since.......

If you shoot someone----it is best to kill them as per my boyfriend cops from way back when I was young and single. It prevents them from attacking again which they often do especially when doped up on drugs and/or crazy like these attacking felons are. The RULE is that you shoot till the attacker is completely immobilized which is usually when DEAD. This also has the added benefit from keeping such violent criminals like the pedophile and the others from attacking others saving society and their would be other victims. Kyle killing just the pedo---likely saved several other younger boys from his attacks. But yet immoral dipshit foreign trolls and dem communists would condemn kyle for saving himself and others. Kyle deserves a medal-----

Kyle did not hit anyone that wasn't attacking him----he was able to shoot all three of his targets to stop the mob of dozens of violent dems from killing him. He had enough controll---to not shoot the would be 4th attacker who backed off when kyle pointed his gun at him. This is damn fine shooting-----------He couldn't have and nobody else could have done a better job of defending themselves than Kyle did that night.
Imbecile, you already said Rittenhouse's shots all hit their targets; when in fact, 2 shots missed. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
LIAR!!! They should have taken a leaf out of your book and run away!!!


Wisconsin Gun Laws
The state of Wisconsin is an open carry state, meaning you are legally permitted to carry a loaded weapon in public. Open carry does not require a permit or license to legally do so. A person is considered to be openly carrying a gun if the gun is in plain view while you are in public. If the gun is hidden from ordinary view, then it is considered to be concealed and you must have a permit to legally carry the firearm. You must also be at least 18 years old to openly carry a gun in Wisconsin.

He breaking WI gun laws.

So why don't you think he should be severely punished?

No, that's wrong. Wisconsin has an explicit exception for 16-17 year olds (Kyle was) openly carrying (he was) a long gun (he was). Note that the exact wording is extremely confusing and requires jumping to half a dozen different sections of the criminal code. (I only know about it because a lawyer-licensed and practicing in Wisconsin-explained it.)
Did Rittenhouss have a hunting certification, or was it not required? That is the point in the law that made me think he was guilty of the illegal possession charge.
He was under adult supervision.

So he was hunting people then?
Hunting people? He wasn't hunting anyone---he only shot those attacking him.
Well if he wasn’t hunting, then he wasn't legally allowed to carry that weapon.
Bullshit. Of course you will not cite the Wisconsin law that says you are only allowed to carry a weapon if you are hunting, simply because no such law exists.

You're an idiot.

Furthermore, the video evidence clearly shows that Kyle was the prey being pursued by a pack of aggressive predators. He was the huntee, not the hunter.

The predators separated the calf from the herd and had him cornered. Predators pursue the littlest prey. But he had an equalizer.
You're wrong as always. Of course I'll post it...

But John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases, believes an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt, could apply.
Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee defense lawyer who also specializes in gun cases, agreed the exception might apply beyond hunting, but said that part of the law is poorly drafted. He said he would argue to apply a rule of law that interprets ambiguous criminal statutes in favor of the defendant.

And then there's Rittenhouse’s own attorneys who said they're planning on challenging that charge based on federal statutes which allow militia members to carry firearms even at 17 years of age. At no point did he say they would fight that charge because Wisconsin law allowed Rittenhouse to legally be in possession of a gun.

(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used under the supervision of an adult... in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

Kyle was under the supervision of adults.

Try again, you idiot child molester apologist.
I don't need to try again... you lied. You quoted an exception to the law as stating...

This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used under the supervision of an adult... in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

When it actually states (parts you left out are in red)...

This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

You literally altered the text of that law to make it read as though Rittenhouse is legally allowed to be in possession of a firearm for reasons even his own attorney isn't arguing. Of course, his own attorney can't alter that law in a courtroom the way you did here.

You lose yet again because you're a loser.

4 years 40 million dollars and no russians...you dumb twit....and we have the leadership admitting to spying on Trump and going after Flynn when they knew he didn't break the law....

Actually, 2 years, half-ass investigation where everyone pleaded the fifth and they were promised pardons if they kept their mouths shut.

Yeah, that's why you need to pardon everyone before you leave, because you were so "innocent".

As to statistics.....do I trust their numbers on guns...no. But their number is 10,258......they are law enforcement and since twits like you trust them, I will use their number...

Naw, man, you are the guy who gets on here claiming pools are more dangerous than guns. You just look silly doing it.
The 3 joe biden voters were committing actual felony crimes by committing rioting, burning, and looting.......and as reports say they set fire to the dumpster and tried to push it into the gas pumps at a gas station when the hispanic teenager put the fire out...

Actually, do you have any evidence the three people he shot were doing that, or are you just assigning collective guilt?

Because I would love to "collectively charge" the NRA for all the gun violence in this country.

Okay, reality check, Dick Tiny. Most of us don't want to share our streets with trigger happy gun nuts like Kyle Rittenhouse.

That's why he's going to jail for a long time.
Shitstain....he only fired his rifle in self defense, you dumb ass........he was known and observed by police before he was forced to shoot the violent joe biden voters who attacked him when he stopped them from blowing up a gas station...

Wow, your tale gets more and more fanciful every telling, doesn't it?

The big problem here is that the Kenosha Police were COMPLICIT in his crimes. Shit, combined with the lawsuit Jacob Blake is going to win, BLM is going to end up OWNING Kenosha.

Unfortunately for them, it's Kenosha.
Prosecutors often lose high profile cases. Ask Marcia Clark about that one. In this case the prosecutor will put on a little show and Kyle Rittenhouse will go home. The jury will be from Kenosha. It's not like those good people liked seeing their city burned down.

Actually, those were the people who were demonstrating, because they were sick and tired of their corrupt, thug police department.

Marcia Clark lost because she put on an awful case... against a popular celebrity and a community that was angry about law enforcement misconduct.

It didn't help their star witness was a racist who committed perjury on the stand, either.

In this case, you have video of him shooting these people.... and laughable stories of self-defense won't fly.

He's going to prison for a very long time.
He was jogging toward the police. Lol. Why didn't they also jog over to the police and tell them?

Rittenhouse will win and he'll be rich in a few years from the lawsuits that he will win. You are not a fair, rational, or reasonable person. It's scary to think that people like you serve on juries.

Any fair reasonable person is going to look at this maniac firing into a crowd with a weapon of war and send him to prison for the rest of his life.
Running off to another state to shoot people is IN NO WAY fucking "self-defense".

Do you have evidence that this is what Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to do? You might find his carrying of the rifle to be misguided, or stupid, as well as illegal, but it doesn't mean he went there with the intent of shooting anyone. People carry guns around the country every day without any intention of shooting someone.

Your arguments here all seem to follow the assumption that Rittenhouse intended to shoot people, but I haven't seen anything as of yet to lead to that conclusion.
..and that..is the crux of it. Intent. I would be interested in what the guy who bought Kyle his rifle..is telling the DA, right about now. If Kyle has stuff out there..him using the N-word..talking threatening shit. If his buddy gets on the stand..and in exchange for no prison..testifies that Kyle was all about shooting someone--Kyle is through. Just the act of wallking through such a tense scene with a rifle will be spun as inflammatory by some.

Even if his motives were of the purest--the definition of manslaughter is engaging in behavior that a reasonable person could conclude would result in grave bodily harm or death.
Don't see how he gets off of that one..as a lesser included charge. Murder is overreach..unless...they can spin Kyle as a domestic terrorist...his social media footprint will tell the tale of that, I imagine.

Prosecuters hate to lose high-profile cases.....just sayiin~

As an aside..I also wonder..just what happened to Kyle's friend..they were there together..Kyle was with a group...how did he get separated/ Did he assault a woman before the shootings?

1. THe group that he was with seemed to buy the media line, that the "protests" were "mostly peaceful" and that the violence was a fringe element. I agree that is not reasonable. But, it is the Conventional Wisdom.

2. He left his group, perhaps to provide first aid to a protestor and then was prevented from rejoining his group by the police.

3. Your eager assumption of wacism, even with the hint of self serving lying, seems very, very wrong.
I'm assuming nothing..eagerly or no---I'm telling you that that will be what hangs Kyle....if he is shown to have gone that direction.

Remember..in court..it is not about justice..it is about winning and losing--that's how it works..if justice is served..that's cool too.

Left his group to render aid..that's nice..just as long as the DA can't show that he left his crowd..to hunt up some shit....found it..got scared...and all flowed from there.

You talk a lot about what the DA can do, or "show" even if it is based on a lying, perjuring associate,

yet, you talk nothing about what his defense lawyer might do or show, even if it based on the reality of a good faith attempt by a good kid to serve and protect his community.

YOu seem to be more about punishing a young man that you don't like, with no concern at all for Justice.
Justice? Interesting concept..but..this is not the forum for that chat.

To me it's a game...i know a bit about the law...and its practice...so I game it out.

The defense will do exactly what it is doing..polish Kyle's image..offer an alternate explanation----build a fan base, as it were..and attempt to win in the media.
It's been successful before..it has also failed miserably.

For your edification...a cogent story..from my neck of the woods....

The crime in question occurred on May 17, 1995. On that day, Arrasmith walked into a Lewiston auto repair shop and, using a Tec-9 semiautomatic pistol, proceeded to pump the better part of a 30-round magazine into Ron Bingham, who had been lying next to the car on which he’d been working.
“In total,” Davis wrote, “Ron Bingham had 44 wounds - 10 on his right side, 26 on his left, six in the back, one grazing wound on his penis and one in the right buttock. Twenty-four were entrance wounds.”
When he was finished, Arrasmith pulled out a 9mm Ruger handgun bearing a laser-sighting device. He stalked Luella Bingham in the shop’s inner darkness and, when he found her, shot her seven times - six times in the back.

Little about the case is as clear-cut as those simple forensics results.

Eyewitnesses testified that neither of the Binghams was armed, for example. Police, though, would come under fire for not divulging during the trial that they had found two guns in the shop during a routine sweep following the murders.
On that basis, Arrasmith’s lawyers are appealing their client’s conviction, and his attendant life-without-parole sentence, to the Idaho Supreme Court.
In another important twist to the case, there’s ample evidence to believe that Arrasmith had reason to be enraged at the Binghams.
Accused of being sexual predators, the Binghams had been identified by several area women as their attackers. Ron Bingham had served time in prison for rape, which added weight to the accusations of Arrasmith’s daughter - Cynthia, age 15 at the time - who said that not only did the Binghams sexually abuse her, but they’d also plied her with drugs.
On the other hand, Arrasmith was hardly the upstanding guy that his defenders portrayed him as being. Thrice-married, as much as $30,000 behind in child-support payments, connected with known drug dealers and an admitted drug-user himself, Arrasmith was careful not to tarnish his carefully constructed public image.

On a national level, at least, there was little chance that would happen anyway. People magazine, the ABC news show “20/20” and talk shows hosted by the likes of Montel Williams, Phil Donahue, Leeza Gibbons, Geraldo Rivera and Oprah Winfrey all stuck with the cliche.
“Throughout the summer of 1995, the media portrayed a biased picture of Ken Arrasmith, a white knight, riding to rescue his abused daughter,” Davis wrote.

The story played out differently in Lewiston.

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1. Thank you for admitting that you don't care about justice, and that this is just a game to you.

2. Your point on "layers" and tainting the jury pool is taken. But layers can go both ways. And if any jury pool has been tainted, it has been tainted by the media, AGAINST Rittenhouse. It is the LEFT that is playing that game, and with vastly more cards, in this case.

3. This is not a game to me. I am seriously concerned about the breakdown of our Justice System as part of our overall decline as a culture. I am not happy about the nation my child is growing up in, nor am I confident about my personal safety, when I am elderly, if we continue on our current path.
So Self-Defense isn't a reason?

If some thug comes up to a senior citizen with a gun, or a other weapon, are they supposed to just die in your world?

Actually, they should just hand over their wallet, and they'll be fine. Let the police handle arresting them.

Of course, DGU's are a myth. The bad guy with a gun will always have the drop on a good guy with a gun.
So Self-Defense isn't a reason?

If some thug comes up to a senior citizen with a gun, or a other weapon, are they supposed to just die in your world?

Actually, they should just hand over their wallet, and they'll be fine. Let the police handle arresting them.

Of course, DGU's are a myth. The bad guy with a gun will always have the drop on a good guy with a gun.

There is no guarantee that they "will be fine" if they give the loser anything. And the police are usually not able to get their stuff back, even if they would catch the perp. If the perp is a POC , the police aren't even interested in arresting him and risk being a victim of BLM mobs.

The safer move is to tell the robber to "fuck off loser, take a hike"
He was jogging toward the police. Lol. Why didn't they also jog over to the police and tell them?

Rittenhouse will win and he'll be rich in a few years from the lawsuits that he will win. You are not a fair, rational, or reasonable person. It's scary to think that people like you serve on juries.

Any fair reasonable person is going to look at this maniac firing into a crowd with a weapon of war and send him to prison for the rest of his life.

The only people that got shot were the people that attacked him.

Look at it another way. Just pretend that the two violent thugs that got shot and killed were late-term abortions and then you will no longer give a fuck.
True, he didn't carry from Illinois to Wisconsin, but he didn't borrow it. He bought it. He couldn't purchase it legally because he was under 18, so he gave the money to a friend who purchased for him. That friend has since been charged for doing that. Rittenhouse then carried the gun across state lines upon returning to Illinois.

Let me guess. You want "Rittenhouse" to be executed or receive life in prison, correct? Rittenhouse was obligated to be beaten into a coma or worse, right?
If he didn't want to go to prison, he shouldn't have murdered anyone.

So he was obligated to allow himself to beaten to death, right?
There's no evidence he was going to be beaten to death had he not shot anyone.

You mean besides the three guys that all assaulted him or tried to assault him. How about this? If you don't want to get shot, don't assault others. Is that fair?
They went after him only because he had already shot someone. There is no evidence they would have tried to disarm him had he not shot Rosenbaum.

After he shot that guy he said he was going to the police and then they attacked him. He was no threat to them.
He only said that to one person. No one else there knew that was his intention. No one else there knew he was not a threat.

He was jogging toward the police. Lol. Why didn't they also jog over to the police and tell them?

Rittenhouse will win and he'll be rich in a few years from the lawsuits that he will win. You are not a fair, rational, or reasonable person. It's scary to think that people like you serve on juries.

IF he gets a fair trial.

Wisconsin Gun Laws
The state of Wisconsin is an open carry state, meaning you are legally permitted to carry a loaded weapon in public. Open carry does not require a permit or license to legally do so. A person is considered to be openly carrying a gun if the gun is in plain view while you are in public. If the gun is hidden from ordinary view, then it is considered to be concealed and you must have a permit to legally carry the firearm. You must also be at least 18 years old to openly carry a gun in Wisconsin.

He breaking WI gun laws.

So why don't you think he should be severely punished?

No, that's wrong. Wisconsin has an explicit exception for 16-17 year olds (Kyle was) openly carrying (he was) a long gun (he was). Note that the exact wording is extremely confusing and requires jumping to half a dozen different sections of the criminal code. (I only know about it because a lawyer-licensed and practicing in Wisconsin-explained it.)
Did Rittenhouss have a hunting certification, or was it not required? That is the point in the law that made me think he was guilty of the illegal possession charge.
He was under adult supervision.

So he was hunting people then?
Hunting people? He wasn't hunting anyone---he only shot those attacking him.
Well if he wasn’t hunting, then he wasn't legally allowed to carry that weapon.
Bullshit. Of course you will not cite the Wisconsin law that says you are only allowed to carry a weapon if you are hunting, simply because no such law exists.

You're an idiot.

Furthermore, the video evidence clearly shows that Kyle was the prey being pursued by a pack of aggressive predators. He was the huntee, not the hunter.

The predators separated the calf from the herd and had him cornered. Predators pursue the littlest prey. But he had an equalizer.
You're wrong as always. Of course I'll post it...

But John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases, believes an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt, could apply.
Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee defense lawyer who also specializes in gun cases, agreed the exception might apply beyond hunting, but said that part of the law is poorly drafted. He said he would argue to apply a rule of law that interprets ambiguous criminal statutes in favor of the defendant.

And then there's Rittenhouse’s own attorneys who said they're planning on challenging that charge based on federal statutes which allow militia members to carry firearms even at 17 years of age. At no point did he say they would fight that charge because Wisconsin law allowed Rittenhouse to legally be in possession of a gun.

(a) This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used under the supervision of an adult... in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

Kyle was under the supervision of adults.

Try again, you idiot child molester apologist.
I don't need to try again... you lied. You quoted an exception to the law as stating...

This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used under the supervision of an adult... in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

When it actually states (parts you left out are in red)...

This section does not apply to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a dangerous weapon when the dangerous weapon is being used in target practice under the supervision of an adult or in a course of instruction in the traditional and proper use of the dangerous weapon under the supervision of an adult.

You literally altered the text of that law to make it read as though Rittenhouse is legally allowed to be in possession of a firearm for reasons even his own attorney isn't arguing. Of course, his own attorney can't alter that law in a courtroom the way you did here.

You lose yet again because you're a loser.


IF we are going to be technical, for a kid that wants to grow up to be a cop, actually protecting a building from being destroyed by rioters, under the supervision of adults,

would be quite educational.

Indeed, in a sane world, the cool manner in which Kyle handled himself, when separated from his group (by the police) and attacked by a violent mob led by a child molester,

would be fantastic resume builder.
Yes. There's no reason to carry a gun if you are not a soldier or a peace officer.

Now, more than ever, citizens need to be armed to protect themselves and their families against the violent mobs that your leftist masters adore and refuse to control.

The police, especially in your Major Urban Heck Holes, are really unable to protect the people. They realize that, depending on the race and sexual preference of the perp, they are likely to be charged with a Hate Crime themselves if they run him in.

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