Rittenhouse ordered to stand trial

This is a state issue. Federal laws don't apply. State laws and Federal laws may contradict each other. One does not affect the other. For example, in some states, smoking weed is legal even though it's illegal in Federal law. Those states can't convict someone of smoking a blunt just because Federal law forbids it.
Not quite...it's what is referred to as prosecutorial discretion which is what is keeping the marijuana smokers/distributors from being prosecuted. The federal prosecutors don't want to make waves for the boss. (President or presidential appointee)
Federal laws trump state laws every time.
I have and did several times.
Just because you fail to accurately comprehend the materials while reading has no bearing. The fact remains that Kyle will ultimately be released and not convicted with a conviction that will last for long. No matter what I or you desire...that's how the legal system will work. If it doesn't then anyone can be convicted for simply breathing.
I've posted a link, numerous times, to the Wisconsin State Legislature's website which shows, rather clearly, that you're wrong.

You've provided NOTHING similar to demonstrate that his possession of the weapon was legal. Nothing. Nada. Zipsquatshit.

You've provide nothing. You know it and I know it. You're just lying to avoid having to come up with a reasonable explanation for your errant belief...
If he is adult enough to try as an adult, it is immoral to try him as a child at the same time.
Your opinion is noted. I disagree. I see nothing immoral with trying a minor charged with murder as an adult along with separate charges which are illegal for a minor.
Nobody asked Kyle. The owner of the property did not. He was not in the Militia. And even if he was it would give him no authority to do what he did.
The property owner of the car lot DID ask Kyle to help.
Again that fact is not in dispute except by you apparently for some reason....care to explain?
Not quite...it's what is referred to as prosecutorial discretion which is what is keeping the marijuana smokers/distributors from being prosecuted. The federal prosecutors don't want to make waves for the boss. (President or presidential appointee)
Federal laws trump state laws every time.
No, it's not. The state cannot refer to Federal law in a state case. Had this been a Federal case, you would have a point. But it's not, it's a state case. Federal law has zero bearing on it. That's possibly why Rittenhouse's attorney's are not even going down that path.

Try harder next time.
I've posted a link, numerous times, to the Wisconsin State Legislature's website which shows, rather clearly, that you're wrong.

You've provided NOTHING similar to demonstrate that his possession of the weapon was legal. Nothing. Nada. Zipsquatshit.

You've provide nothing. You know it and I know it. You're just lying to avoid having to come up with a reasonable explanation for your errant belief...
And I've explained that you still have ignored ALL the hunting laws. They aren't in that section.... Keep digging...

Don't forget all the Federal laws too.
The property owner of the car lot DID ask Kyle to help.
Again that fact is not in dispute except by you apparently for some reason....care to explain?
Someone asking Rittenhouse for help does not absolve Rittenhouse from his responsibility to act lawfully. He chose not to do that...
And I've explained that you still have ignored ALL the hunting laws. They aren't in that section.... Keep digging...

Don't forget all the Federal laws too.
Exceptions for minors' hunting are granted in that section.
No, it's not. The state cannot refer to Federal law in a state case. Had this been a Federal case, you would have a point. But it's not, it's a state case. Federal law has zero bearing on it. That's possibly why Rittenhouse's attorney's are not even going down that path.

Try harder next time.
If a state makes a law that is in conflict with other state laws and Federal laws it is deemed unenforceable and unconstitutional....just because they try to prosecute someone for an unconstitutional law doesn't mean that it will not be overturned by a Federal judge.
If a state makes a law that is in conflict with other state laws and Federal laws it is deemed unenforceable and unconstitutional....just because they try to prosecute someone for an unconstitutional law doesn't mean that it will not be overturned by a Federal judge.
That's utterly false. The Federal government and the 50 states are separate concurrent jurisdictions. One has no bearing on the other. And each state can have different laws where one state's laws have no bearing on another state.
If a state makes a law that is in conflict with other state laws and Federal laws it is deemed unenforceable and unconstitutional....just because they try to prosecute someone for an unconstitutional law doesn't mean that it will not be overturned by a Federal judge.
Again, you're wrong.

Different states have different laws regarding a whole slew of topics.

In Mississippi, a 15 year old girl can get married. In New York the legal age is 18. You can get a learner's permit at age 14 in South Dakota, but you have to wait until you're 16 to get one in Pennsylvania...
Old article....back in September...he has flip flopped several times trying to get out of the spotlight....I don't blame him. But last I heard they had witnesses that proved otherwise.
Again, it doesn't matter what the business owner wanted or asked for...
Old article....back in September...he has flip flopped several times trying to get out of the spotlight....I don't blame him. But last I heard they had witnesses that proved otherwise.
Post a link to where that property owner admitted he asked them for protection...
Your analysis is meaningless, and it doesn't displace the law.

Rittenhouse was armed, and it was not legal for him to be so. Period...

I love idiotic comments like that. I don't see the kid as a hero so, obviously, I'm some left-wing progressive who supports Antifa and BLM.

Nothing could be further from the truth, dummy.

I'm a registered Independent, but definitely lean towards conservatism. I own 49 firearms; handguns, rifles, shotguns. I'm as strong a proponent of the 2nd Amendment as you'll ever encounter. And as much as I support the 2nd Amendment, I also hold a deep respect for the law, and the law is clear that Kyle Rittenhouse should not have been where he was with the gun that he had. Period. I couldn't give a fuck about BLM types, and I've been pretty clear about that since joining this forum. I have no problem, whatsoever, with riotous vermin being gunned down in the street but, if it's going to happen, it needs to be someone who can legally hold a firearm doing the shooting.

Your emotional reach about my "Prog masters" is, at it's very best, ridiculously ignorant, and it demonstrates that you have no idea who the fuck you're conversing with. You just read one thing and decide you know anything about me. Well, you don't, and you've proven that you're simply too stupid to want to be educated about it...
The people doing the prosecuting are they same folks who have been refusing to prosecute these rioters, for the most part.

Based on that alone, fuck the laws...... it either applies to everybody equally or it applies to no one at all.
That's utterly false. The Federal government and the 50 states are separate concurrent jurisdictions. One has no bearing on the other. And each state can have different laws where one state's laws have no bearing on another state.

So if Texas was to make illegal Immigration worthy of a capital offense that should be allowed?
Or how about just some racist laws against Asians? That's OK too?
Of course not....that's utterly ridiculous.

2nd amendment laws are not so much as passive as they are directive.... meaning that it's something that must be done. (How it's reached there I'm not exactly sure myself)
But a good constitution lawyer could probably answer that....I'll have to ask him next time I talk to him.

No matter what.... Kyle is going free one way or another.
And this conversation is becoming fruitless with people grabbing at non-existent threads and made up "facts". I've lined out the relevant parts. I am Unconcerned about the politics of it all....I just know the laws and the conflicts arising from this case...and ultimately what is going to happen.

Personally I think guns are too prolific and cheap....over marketed to the wrong people for the wrong reasons and then overly vilified by others. The why's are too numerous to count for all of this and too many emotions used for quality decision making.

So I'm out....argue amongst yourselves. I don't want to argue. So I don't.

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