Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong

Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Something seriously wrong with the type of "person" who equates the two.
There is no equation, that's the point. One was a thug that got himself killed and one was not who had to kill to survive.
Nope...one was murdered, the other is a murderer.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.

Your're right he took out two atempting to kill him and wounded another attempting bodily harm using a skate board.
Funny though all three were white no Black people involved. They were all felons and Antifa thugs....
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.
So what? WTF does that have to do with anything, except perhaps that saints have to be dead?
The thread title was Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong. They are two totally different cases, having nothing to do with each other in any way.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.
So what? WTF does that have to do with anything, except perhaps that saints have to be dead?
The thread title was Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong. They are two totally different cases, having nothing to do with each other in any way.
Most people don't think Floyd was a saint, just know he shouldn't have been murdered by police.
Most don't think of Rittenhouse as a true villain, just a dumb ass kid that bought a weapon out of state, because not legal for him to buy and go armed with it in his state, not even allowed without supervision in the state he decided to go, to attend a riot. Sounds like lousy parenting to me. Every adult the that was responsible and or assisted him having an AR-15 over there in that adjacent state, including his parents, deserve to be prosecuted and have the crap sued out of them. They all let that dumb ass kid down, and let him get involve in a situation way, way over his juvenile head. I wouldn't prosecute the kid as an adult, but he had to be charged and this has to be adjudicated. That state has laws and they certainly do not need kids coming across state lines, illegally possessing weapons to help their police handle riot situations. It's just now a good idea.
We are not idiots. You know exactly what the title meant. Your moronic excuses are not sufficient to alter the obvious truth. BTW, stop with the snowflake absurdities.
You sound like idiots. How was anybody to know.
You think juveniles with weapons attending riots out of state is a good ideal?
You think his parents exercised proper control?
You think the straw buyer who help purchase the weapon is mister responsible good guy?
You think the property owner that let him be there protecting his interests is a good guy?
You think the adults with him that let him get separated were good guys?
Does anybody here think that riots are not super fluid violent environments or are suitable places for kid?
Get real, Doofus. You can't even join the Army without parents permission at that kid's age, as contracts are void or voidable at discretion of either party until age of majority, even under uniform commercial code, as juveniles are not considered responsible.
Rittenhouse had what we call balls and a conscience. You could not possibly understand having neither.
If you say so, but what he needed was some brains.
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Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.

Your're right he took out two atempting to kill him and wounded another attempting bodily harm using a skate board.
Funny though all three were white no Black people involved. They were all felons and Antifa thugs....
Lucky he didn't get his ass killed. I don't give points
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.

Your're right he took out two atempting to kill him and wounded another attempting bodily harm using a skate board.
Funny though all three were white no Black people involved. They were all felons and Antifa thugs....
One was murdered, one is a murderer.
Interesting, considering the recent Kavanaugh led Supreme Court decision, Ritterhouse could possibly end up in prison for life with no chance of parole.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
“Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong”

No, nothing’s ‘wrong’ the two couldn’t be more dissimilar.

Floyd was murdered by law enforcement, posing a threat to no one.

Rittenhouse, motivated by hate and racism, traveled to another state with the intent of murdering Americans of color engaged in peaceful, lawful protest.
Rittenhouse brought a rifle in order to shoot people, while Floyd really did nothing harmful to anyone.
Floyd is a saint compared to Rittenhouse.
If Rittenhouse had some connection to a particular building and was protecting that, it would have been fine.
But to be walking randomly around the streets, picking trouble, carrying a loaded rifle, that was crazy.
Being underage, I would let Rittenhouse out after about a year.
He likely learned his lesson, and won't do that again.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Conservatives object to being called racist yet they post hateful, wrongheaded nonsense such as this demonstrating that they are indeed racist.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
“Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong”

No, nothing’s ‘wrong’ the two couldn’t be more dissimilar.

Floyd was murdered by law enforcement, posing a threat to no one.

Rittenhouse, motivated by hate and racism, traveled to another state with the intent of murdering Americans of color engaged in peaceful, lawful protest.
That was my point. One was a thug with a rap sheet longer than his dick and one was a lifeguard who was trying to stop thugs from looting,
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
How do you figure? Murdered versus Murderer...

If you can't see the difference, that's your problem, not mine.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.
So what? WTF does that have to do with anything, except perhaps that saints have to be dead?
The thread title was Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong. They are two totally different cases, having nothing to do with each other in any way.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
Rittenhouse didn't die. Apples and oranges. He'll get his day in court. Haven't noticed him being demonized lately. Haven't actually seen him mentioned much, even here on the USMB lately.
So what? WTF does that have to do with anything, except perhaps that saints have to be dead?
The thread title was Rittenhouse Vilified/Floyd Canonized - Something's Wrong. They are two totally different cases, having nothing to do with each other in any way.
Most people don't think Floyd was a saint, just know he shouldn't have been murdered by police.
Most don't think of Rittenhouse as a true villain, just a dumb ass kid that bought a weapon out of state, because not legal for him to buy and go armed with it in his state, not even allowed without supervision in the state he decided to go, to attend a riot. Sounds like lousy parenting to me. Every adult the that was responsible and or assisted him having an AR-15 over there in that adjacent state, including his parents, deserve to be prosecuted and have the crap sued out of them. They all let that dumb ass kid down, and let him get involve in a situation way, way over his juvenile head. I wouldn't prosecute the kid as an adult, but he had to be charged and this has to be adjudicated. That state has laws and they certainly do not need kids coming across state lines, illegally possessing weapons to help their police handle riot situations. It's just now a good idea.
I believe many people are really tired of this endless and tiresome game that is being played. If part of the human body a sick and decaying part keeps having some acidic substance poured on it and opening the wounds up over and over. People who are not Progressives are starting to avoid these areas now. Like amputating a part of the body hopefully not needed. And frankly, most of the cities are really not needed for people in semi rural and rural areas. Reforms could have been made decades ago. To do what you propose as in defunding is not going to work. While you crucify police, murders and crimes on people and property on have increased many times over. And the media and entertainers and the so called concerned Progressive politicians barely say a word on it. Because the Prog Party is the god. And the members of this godless church are expendable for the cause. The local funeral parlors are working overtime.
Are we arguing that Rittenhouse shouldn’t be vilified and Floyd canonized?
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.

This armed and dangerous "seventeen-year old lifeguard," an out-of-towner whom the police failed to stop, murdered two people and tried for a third. This "thug/junky thirty years his senior" did not murder anyone. Decent people recognize the difference. Referring to the victim as "sainted" is totally ridiculous. Drama queen.
.....I've said it before...it's why their culture is self destructive = they LOVE criminals and hate law - order
..they TEACH Floyd's kids that he's a HERO---not that he robbed a pregnant woman ----etc

Yeah you call that murdering a little shit Rittenhouse a “hero”. As long as white guys committing the crime it’s fine. Boys will be boys.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.
They were both committing crimes.
Think about it. A seventeen-year old lifeguard gets attacked while trying to stop thugs is called a murderer while a thug/junky thirty years his senior is "sainted".

There is something seriously wrong with America.

This armed and dangerous "seventeen-year old lifeguard," an out-of-towner whom the police failed to stop, murdered two people and tried for a third. This "thug/junky thirty years his senior" did not murder anyone. Decent people recognize the difference. Referring to the victim as "sainted" is totally ridiculous. Drama queen.
You don't know that the thug/junky/saint didn't murder anyone since he wasn't caught doing so, but we do know he threaten to murder a pregnant woman in his drug lust.

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