RNC convention fact check LOL

There is no step two. We've done this already.

You know who also believed your Bullshit ?


First they came for the Long guns.......
How Gun Control Became an Instrument of Tyranny in Venezuela | José Niño

NEVER trust a Pinko
Dumbfuck, we already had a federal assault weapons ban. We still didn't turn into Venezuela. What the fuck is wrong with you?

And you think things are the same today as when your lapdog was Prez?
I'm gonna lower myself to your level for a second, so you can understand.....

You odiferous diarrhea puck. Your stupid ass thinks all they want to do is take "assault weapons" ? What the fuck is wrong with you?
We are a lot closer to being Venezuela than we were then, you diseased toilet floater.
Everyone with a brain knows you talk pure shit. Is fooling yourself a hobby?
The goal is total confiscation...and i hope Americans are ready and willing when your trash tries.

You're such a complete imbecile.
California has almost made gun ownership impossible. You have a lot of nerve being so fucking stupid and naive, yet....so loud and so wrong.
You have no clue do you? Getting a gun for personal protection is nearly impossible in NY. Did mommie teach to be such an avid lying dipshit freak?
California wanted all bullets to have two micro stampings on EVERY bullet. Manufacturers said it was impossible or too costly.
This wasn't about AR15's you piss drinker. The left is all about cancelling the 2nd.
So go back to your public toilet and finish your dinner you freaking retarded bottom feeder.

(I will now resume being my patient, respectful self)
Hey Faun show us the stats on how many Americans were killed last year with "assault weapons" vs hand guns.
Once you post those numbers, explain how an "assault weapons" confiscation is about saving lives.
Watch the idiot tap dance.......................

Of course, you are absolutely correct. The goal obviously is not safety, it's reducing the ability of the average citizen to defend their rights.
Which is why no matter what happens, never register anything....and never turn anything in.
No, you imbecile, it's to reduce massacres like the one in Las Vegas and the Pulse night club. :eusa_doh:

It won't reduce shit you flaming dingle berry.
Can you do basic math? How many have died in mass shootings in 200 years? (A small handful)
How many have died in gun free societies due to tyrants in 200 years? HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. So to save a few you calculate it's smart to risk MILLIONS?
You brainless incompetent bed wetter.
Maybe if you shit for brains leftists try keeping violent felons in prison, instead of releasing them back into society?
Last edited:
There is no step two. We've done this already.

You know who also believed your Bullshit ?


First they came for the Long guns.......
How Gun Control Became an Instrument of Tyranny in Venezuela | José Niño

NEVER trust a Pinko
Dumbfuck, we already had a federal assault weapons ban. We still didn't turn into Venezuela. What the fuck is wrong with you?

And you think things are the same today as when your lapdog was Prez?
I'm gonna lower myself to your level for a second, so you can understand.....

You odiferous diarrhea puck. Your stupid ass thinks all they want to do is take "assault weapons" ? What the fuck is wrong with you?
We are a lot closer to being Venezuela than we were then, you diseased toilet floater.
Everyone with a brain knows you talk pure shit. Is fooling yourself a hobby?
The goal is total confiscation...and i hope Americans are ready and willing when your trash tries.

You're such a complete imbecile.
California has almost made gun ownership impossible. You have a lot of nerve being so fucking stupid and naive, yet....so loud and so wrong.
You have no clue do you? Getting a gun for personal protection is nearly impossible in NY. Did mommie teach to be such an avid lying dipshit freak?
California wanted all bullets to have two micro stampings on EVERY bullet. Manufacturers said it was impossible or too costly.
This wasn't about AR15's you piss drinker. The left is all about cancelling the 2nd.
So go back to your public toilet and finish your dinner you freaking retarded bottom feeder.

(I will now resume being my patient, respectful self)

A rightard stretches its mighty wit and comes up with its best retort... I know you are but what am I?


Truth kicks your scrawny arse huh? :laughing0301:
Maybe if you didn't go around spouting such absolute idiotic garbage all the time.

You didn't post truth. You just mindlessly squawked what I posted about you. Shit, a parrot can do that. Guess your IQ is on par with a parrot.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!

Obama " ", April 2009:

"All across America, families are tightening their belts and making hard choices.
Now, Washington must show that same sense of responsibility."

"It’s time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington.

...we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative.
That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent."

"I’m announcing several steps that my Administration will take in the weeks ahead
to restore fiscal discipline"

"so that government acts the same way any responsible family does in setting its budget."

"We cannot sustain deficits that mortgage our children’s future, nor tolerate wasteful inefficiency.
Government has a responsibility to spend the peoples’ money wisely, and to serve the people effectively.
I will work every single day that I am President to live up to that responsibility..."

Premiums will not go up they will go down
You can keep your doctor
HAMP-$75 BILLION to help upwards of 7-9 million homeowners avoid foreclosure
TARP- $800 Billion
ARRA- $800 Billion
Putting millions back to work with Shovel ready jobs and Infrastructure and Green energy projects
The markets will collapse if Trump is elected
Like, with a cloth
I never sent/received classified emails from/on my private server
I don't remember being instructed on handling classified communications
Everyone had security clearance
I'm technologically challenged
I never had sexual relations with that girl
I was on Epstein's plane only 4 times
I know nothing about the crimes he plead guilty to
I didn't inhale
Whitewater, Madison Guaranty, Castle Grande
Rose Law Firm billings
Top half of my class
Quid Pro Joe
I want any records of Tara Reade's sexual assault allegation to be released
I opposed the Iraq War in 2003 from the start
(united mine workers)I was a coal miner
I organized a civil rights boycott because they wouldn’t serve black kids.
"I had the great honour of being arrested with our UN ambassador on the streets of Soweto
trying to reach Robbens Island to see Nelson Mandela(while he was still imprisoned)
"When I exited the plane I was directed to one side of the tarmac,
while the African American congressmen travelling with me were sent to the other side,
I refused to break off, and the officials finally relented."
"I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it"
The only way civility will be restored in Washington and things can go back to normal
is with Democrats having the majority in both Houses

If your anus was the only orifice your crap could be expelled from, You wouldn't have shit to say
They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands.

You just admitted Crazy Joe is for gun confiscation.


Yeah, for assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Now contrast that with fucking morons who say he wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.

Under the 2nd Amendment, the federal government has no authority to place any restrictions whatsoever on civilian weapons.

Idiot, there are already such restrictions on some firearms. Such a certain shotguns which can't be legally owned by civilians.

That does not mean that they have the authority under the Constitution.

Play the game and pay the tax, and you can own anything.
They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

Define "assault weapon"

Biden already did. The ones banned in the 1994 federal assault weapons ban.

Hey Faun show us the stats on how many Americans were killed last year with "assault weapons" vs hand guns.

Once you post those numbers, explain how an "assault weapons" confiscation is about saving lives.

Watch the idiot tap dance.......................

Basically no one is talking about confiscation except brainwashed right-wingers. They will be lucky to ban the sales.

They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

Define "assault weapon"

Biden already did. The ones banned in the 1994 federal assault weapons ban.

Hey Faun show us the stats on how many Americans were killed last year with "assault weapons" vs hand guns.

Once you post those numbers, explain how an "assault weapons" confiscation is about saving lives.

Watch the idiot tap dance.......................


You ask a stupid question and you already expect no answer. These assault weapons should be banned because they're the most lethal in that they're the most commonly used in the deadliest mass shootings.

Dance Monkey, dance...........:dance:
Hey Faun show us the stats on how many Americans were killed last year with "assault weapons" vs hand guns.
Once you post those numbers, explain how an "assault weapons" confiscation is about saving lives.
Watch the idiot tap dance.......................

Of course, you are absolutely correct. The goal obviously is not safety, it's reducing the ability of the average citizen to defend their rights.
Which is why no matter what happens, never register anything....and never turn anything in.
No, you imbecile, it's to reduce massacres like the one in Las Vegas and the Pulse night club. :eusa_doh:
The guy who shot up Pulse used a pistol too. You gonna take those away also?
Hey Faun show us the stats on how many Americans were killed last year with "assault weapons" vs hand guns.
Once you post those numbers, explain how an "assault weapons" confiscation is about saving lives.
Watch the idiot tap dance.......................

Of course, you are absolutely correct. The goal obviously is not safety, it's reducing the ability of the average citizen to defend their rights.
Which is why no matter what happens, never register anything....and never turn anything in.
No, you imbecile, it's to reduce massacres like the one in Las Vegas and the Pulse night club. :eusa_doh:
The guy who shot up Pulse used a pistol too. You gonna take those away also?

If they say they aren't, they LIE

Their ultimate goal cannot be realized if the population still has "some" guns. They MUST get them all. Regardless of their deceptions.
They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands.

You just admitted Crazy Joe is for gun confiscation.


Yeah, for assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Now contrast that with fucking morons who say he wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.

Under the 2nd Amendment, the federal government has no authority to place any restrictions whatsoever on civilian weapons.

Idiot, there are already such restrictions on some firearms. Such a certain shotguns which can't be legally owned by civilians.

That does not mean that they have the authority under the Constitution.

Play the game and pay the tax, and you can own anything.

That Pesky Constitution.
They have about as much respect for the Constitution as they do for America
They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands.

You just admitted Crazy Joe is for gun confiscation.


Yeah, for assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Now contrast that with fucking morons who say he wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.

If you go down the list of all the laws he wants, like requiring a license to own a gun, then you have disposed of the 2nd Amendment.
They really are this stupid folks...

The democrook party is hell bent on undermining and getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. Few of them come out and directly admit it like Beto, but make no mistake that is the agenda, and the bed wetting piece of shit OP knows it is.



Joe Biden: "I support the Second Amendment."

Conserv-a-idiots: Biden said he's taking our guns!

If you read his platform you'll learn that for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Biden's Plan to End Gun Violence | Joe Biden for President

Did the forum really need more evidence you're a fucking moron, fucking moron?

If you could understand what you read, you'd understand he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands. That's not in any stretch of imagination, not even your demented imagination, "for all intents and purposes he plans to outlaw the 2nd Amendment."

he's only looking to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines out of civilian hands.

You just admitted Crazy Joe is for gun confiscation.


Yeah, for assault weapons and high capacity magazines. Now contrast that with fucking morons who say he wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.

Under the 2nd Amendment, the federal government has no authority to place any restrictions whatsoever on civilian weapons.

Idiot, there are already such restrictions on some firearms. Such a certain shotguns which can't be legally owned by civilians.

That does not mean that they have the authority under the Constitution.

Play the game and pay the tax, and you can own anything.

Actually, until a court rules otherwise, they do.
No Biden doesn't want to take your guns, he got pissed someone thought so.
Did Joe not praise the guy that said "Hell yes we're coming after your A.R. 15's a d your AK 47's"?

Shut the fuck up you gun-grabbing commie. You're just like Joe Biden. Bunch of fucking lies.
You are going to be so disappointed when no one ever comes for your guns. You've wasted your life being paranoid.

I know no one will come to take the guns, because they know they would only take the ammo.
Statements like that is why gun nutters are so hard to take seriously.
Gotta love how Dimwingers think anyone who likes the Constitution is a nut.
You just love perverting the second amendment and being a Dupe 4 gun companies.
No Biden doesn't want to take your guns, he got pissed someone thought so.
The guy was referring to 'assault' weapons, and yes, joe wants to take them

So did Ears but like everything else he fckd that up too
They want to ban the sales of military-style semi-automatic. They are already 18 million out there that seems like plenty. First they want background checks and that is about it. You people are just off the wall brainwashed.....
No, that's not it. Read his platform. It contains a long list of restrictions on firearms.

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