RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Yep.. it's plain as day... liberals see racism where it doesn't exist.

Even if the the racist nature of the picture is debatable, the caption is not. That certainly gives the picture above a racist connotation. After all, why choose that picture if your motive is to argue an essentially racist concept.

I'd also put forward this for thought: Perhaps the fact that many Conservatives don't understand why the photo could be offensive is the reason that the Conservatives, and the GOP as a whole, are losing out with minorities.

Bullshit, there is only one reason minorities of all stripes flock to the Democrat party, they don't hold anyone accountable, they will accept you no matter how strange, immoral, lazy or sick you are. The Democrats don't just accept anyone, they promise freebees to everyone except white males of course. You can be a felon, a NAMBLA member, anarchist, communist, socialist, into beastiality....... whatever, the Democrats just care about your vote and will promise anything for it. Those damn Republicans only offer help for you to work on helping yourself...... fuck that, the freebees are much more attractive.
Bullshit yourself. Blacks hold a huge amount of power in the Democratic party, but hey, keep it up with the "minorities are too stupid and lazy to succeed, so they sold out to the Democrats" horseshit.

Racists are fucking stupid.

I don't know why he's racist. He said something about blacks having a bigger dick than he does or something to that effect, so I reckon it's an insecurity issue.

Ooooo! Sounds interesting. Linkie?



consider the source, you need to apply lonestar logic to come to the conclusion that i am a racist for what i posted, but the pic in the OP is of course not racism.
I wonder if RNC chair Michael Steele would have a problem with it...
Or maybe I don't read his posting history is such great detail to be able to much such a call as you have.

Again....why is he racist?
Read the thread. Post no. 68. Maybe the poster should have said blacks dance well, too? :rolleyes:

you want to call me racist to my anonymous e-face, or do you just like to ankle-bite and give your stale mustard to every thread to reach 10.000 posts in record time?

i could have also said that blacks cannot swim, but that would not have conveyed the message i wanted to get across the brainiac lonestar logic, which he missed of course, and you too, too bad.

but i am responsible for not spelling it all out so that even the most retarded readers could understand, i will take that risk. being called a racist by wimps like lonestar logic is too funny.

i wonder why no one accused me of hating wolves. most probably lonestar logic would like to shoot them from a helicopter, they after all take all our women. the wolves not the helicopters, i am not prejudiced against helicopters, some of my friends own helicopters.
No, I have no issues calling you a racist directly.

You are a racist.
Read the thread. Post no. 68. Maybe the poster should have said blacks dance well, too? :rolleyes:

you want to call me racist to my anonymous e-face, or do you just like to ankle-bite and give your stale mustard to every thread to reach 10.000 posts in record time?

i could have also said that blacks cannot swim, but that would not have conveyed the message i wanted to get across the brainiac lonestar logic, which he missed of course, and you too, too bad.

but i am responsible for not spelling it all out so that even the most retarded readers could understand, i will take that risk. being called a racist by wimps like lonestar logic is too funny.

i wonder why no one accused me of hating wolves. most probably lonestar logic would like to shoot them from a helicopter, they after all take all our women. the wolves not the helicopters, i am not prejudiced against helicopters, some of my friends own helicopters.
No, I have no issues calling you a racist directly.

You are a racist.

Why is he a racist? There must be some reason.
you want to call me racist to my anonymous e-face, or do you just like to ankle-bite and give your stale mustard to every thread to reach 10.000 posts in record time?

i could have also said that blacks cannot swim, but that would not have conveyed the message i wanted to get across the brainiac lonestar logic, which he missed of course, and you too, too bad.

but i am responsible for not spelling it all out so that even the most retarded readers could understand, i will take that risk. being called a racist by wimps like lonestar logic is too funny.

i wonder why no one accused me of hating wolves. most probably lonestar logic would like to shoot them from a helicopter, they after all take all our women. the wolves not the helicopters, i am not prejudiced against helicopters, some of my friends own helicopters.
No, I have no issues calling you a racist directly.

You are a racist.

Why is he a racist? There must be some reason.
He said that blacks have big dicks. I'm surprised he didn't say they also have rhythm.
By Daniel Tencer
Monday, October 26th, 2009 -- 11:15 am
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Perhaps no one noticed. Perhaps no one cared. But hours after a liberal news forum brought attention to a series of days old controversial photos on the Republican National Committee's Facebook page, the photos were finally taken down.

Among them was a picture of President Barack Obama eating fried chicken, subtitled with a call to prohibit interracial marriage. The photo's caption read: "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia."

Miscegenation refers to the "marriage or cohabitation between a man and woman of different races." Loving v. Virginia was a landmark Supreme Court case that, in 1967, struck down all of the US's laws against interracial marriage.

This is the photo as it appeared on the GOP's Facebook profile on Monday:


RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week | Raw Story

Now perhaps it was a troll who posted it, perhaps not. But it was left there for 5 days.

If the RNC can't manage a little thing like their own social networking site, how can they be trusted to manage a country?


Care to explain how that picture is racist?

Typical comment from a dumb Texan. When are you guys going to form your own country and get lost????


First link is a story about a black CHRISTIAN putting up a billboard...even the Black reporter seems sceptical as to the legitimacy of the argument.

Second link is an editorical by a black CHRISTIAN against gay marriage.

Third link is a blog by a black CHRISTIAN against gay marriage.

Now....nowhere in these three links does it say that MOST black Americans feel this way. And what do these three links have in common. Hint: It is not the word "black" and it is not the word "CHRISTIAN".

Hey stay ignorant for all I care.

You post 3 black christian links to support your case and you are going to call someone ignorant??

Talk about calling the kettle black here!!

Your the ignorant homophobe that can't support a single idea with a single supportable fact.. Show us a general poll among blacks, all blacks and not a group of them hostile to gays due to religion, that says most blacks do not condone gay marriage..

They had to fight a simular fight when it came to interacial marriage a few decades ago.. Having said that.. It would be safe to say, they would support gay marriage as they fought the same battle against the same brainless christian people..

As for Prop 8?? Well.. Depends on who you listen to.. It has been in the news that many democratic districts were never counted and ballots were purposely lost.. Reminds me of the Bush elections.. So did prop 8 win or did America's Taliban cheat to get their religious law passed?
By Daniel Tencer
Monday, October 26th, 2009 -- 11:15 am
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Perhaps no one noticed. Perhaps no one cared. But hours after a liberal news forum brought attention to a series of days old controversial photos on the Republican National Committee's Facebook page, the photos were finally taken down.

Among them was a picture of President Barack Obama eating fried chicken, subtitled with a call to prohibit interracial marriage. The photo's caption read: "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia."

Miscegenation refers to the "marriage or cohabitation between a man and woman of different races." Loving v. Virginia was a landmark Supreme Court case that, in 1967, struck down all of the US's laws against interracial marriage.

This is the photo as it appeared on the GOP's Facebook profile on Monday:


RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week | Raw Story

Now perhaps it was a troll who posted it, perhaps not. But it was left there for 5 days.

If the RNC can't manage a little thing like their own social networking site, how can they be trusted to manage a country?


Care to explain how that picture is racist?

Typical comment from a dumb Texan. When are you guys going to form your own country and get lost????
When you're ready to pay seven bucks a gallon for gas.
Care to explain how that picture is racist?

Typical comment from a dumb Texan. When are you guys going to form your own country and get lost????
When you're ready to pay seven bucks a gallon for gas.

Who says you would be able to keep the wells and refineries?? Many of them were built with government money.. You would pay $7 dollars or more.. You wouldn't keep your military bases either.. No federal funding for any programs in your state.. You people would be less than a 3rd world country over night.. No resources, no money, no military, no food, no nothing.. Well.. That isn't totally true.. You all would have a crap ton of churches to pray in and maybe if you have enough faith, god will feed you.. But I wouldn't count on it..
I think the real question here is why can't Obama bite into Iran the way he is sucking that bone?
Man ... at one point while reading this thread I actually started to feel bad for lonestar.

Some people need to learn how to admit when they are wrong and walk away.

A simple, "Oh, man that's what the caption meant? I didn't know that's what miscegenation means and what that court ruling was for. My bad. That's some racist shit but I still don't see what the big deal is about him eating chicken," would have sufficed.
And there you have it folks...

Yep.. it's plain as day... liberals see racism where it doesn't exist.

From Merriam Webster dictionary:
Main Entry: mis·ce·ge·na·tion
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)mi-ˌse-jə-ˈnā-shən, ˌmi-si-jə-ˈnā-\
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from Latin miscēre to mix + genus race — more at mix, kin
Date: 1863

: a mixture of races; especially : marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race

— mis·ce·ge·na·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective

You learned a new word today, sweetie! :razz:

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