RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Why is he a racist? There must be some reason.
He said that blacks have big dicks. I'm surprised he didn't say they also have rhythm.

hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

like when some white dude is against miscegenation because he thinks the black dudes are better equipped and are stealing all the white women and he stands in the prairie with his needle-dick, alone all by himself?

black men are not the problem, wolves are taking all our women.

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.
You post 3 black christian links to support your case and you are going to call someone ignorant??

Talk about calling the kettle black here!!

Your the ignorant homophobe that can't support a single idea with a single supportable fact.. Show us a general poll among blacks, all blacks and not a group of them hostile to gays due to religion, that says most blacks do not condone gay marriage..

They had to fight a simular fight when it came to interacial marriage a few decades ago.. Having said that.. It would be safe to say, they would support gay marriage as they fought the same battle against the same brainless christian people..

As for Prop 8?? Well.. Depends on who you listen to.. It has been in the news that many democratic districts were never counted and ballots were purposely lost.. Reminds me of the Bush elections.. So did prop 8 win or did America's Taliban cheat to get their religious law passed?

Yes I'm calling you ignorant and from the looks of it , you're apt to stay that way. Those three links support my argument that blacks are opposed to calling gay rights a civil rights issue, dumbass! And you're intolerance of Christians is telling. You're quick to judge me as a homophobe but you're an even bigger bigot. And now you're equating fellow Americans as "taliban", typical leftwing loon, marginalize those you can't beat.

Fact is Most of California's blacks backed the gay marriage ban.

And Sometimes Tea: Gay Marriage and the African-American Community

Black Americans form the most consistently progressive voting bloc in the country. Yet, we are the racial group most likely to oppose gay rights legislation, civil unions and homosexuality.
(Most) Black Folks Oppose Civil Unions and Gay Rights - BV Black Spin

Still looking for the statistics to prove your point rather than editorials by a FEW homophobic people.

But, I suppose we should be grateful to have you around to tell us what MOST Black People think. You must have an In.

I've proven my point several times over and you've proven to be a bigot. You're concession is duly noted.
As I said, you can stay ignorant, that's your right. The fact is that most blacks do not see gay rights as a civil rights issue. And another fact is a person who chooses to stay within the confines of his or her own race, in respect to marriage or procreation, are not racist for that choice. Oh and I have realized one more fact, you are a bigot!

You're ilk believes that anyone against gay marriage must be a homophobe and anyone that chooses to stay within their own race in choosing a life partner must be a racist. You're entitled to your beliefs and I shouldn't be calling you an idiot because of them, but I will make an exception in your case, because not only are you a bigot but your an idiot as well.

Either you're a racist homophobe or an idiot. Either way, things don't look good for you. And you're entitled to your beliefs, and I'm entitled to take a look at your beliefs and mock you for them.
He said that blacks have big dicks. I'm surprised he didn't say they also have rhythm.

hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

like when some white dude is against miscegenation because he thinks the black dudes are better equipped and are stealing all the white women and he stands in the prairie with his needle-dick, alone all by himself?

black men are not the problem, wolves are taking all our women.

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

It's pure liberal hypocrisy, they're quick to call conservatives racist while employing racial stereotypes, which in my opinion makes them more of a racist than those they accuse.
I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

Well I'm not being racist in this thread Modo. So why don't you answer my question, do you think the picture in OP is racist? Yes or no will suffice.
It's pure liberal hypocrisy, they're quick to call conservatives racist while employing racial stereotypes, which in my opinion makes them more of a racist than those they accuse.

Says the man who found nothing wrong about repealing a law that made it no longer a crime to be an interracial couple and married. That and you found nothing wrong with calling the mixing of races a crime.

So either you're a racist or ignorant while sprouting off on things you don't know about.

Which is it?
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I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

Well I'm not being racist in this thread Modo. So why don't you answer my question, do you think the picture in OP is racist? Yes or no will suffice.
You asked me a question? Where?

Regardless, what part of the bolded part confuses you? But, since you ARE confused, yes.
You asked me a question? Where?

Regardless, what part of the bolded part confuses you? But, since you ARE confused, yes.

Except the picture is probably the least racist thing in that whole thing. The caption under it is worse. I was just wondering whether you thought that was racist too.
You asked me a question? Where?

Regardless, what part of the bolded part confuses you? But, since you ARE confused, yes.

Except the picture is probably the least racist thing in that whole thing. The caption under it is worse. I was just wondering whether you thought that was racist too.
Well, you asked about the picture and I was referring to the image. The whole image is.

Now, how could that POSSIBLY excuse others' racism?
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He said that blacks have big dicks. I'm surprised he didn't say they also have rhythm.

hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

like when some white dude is against miscegenation because he thinks the black dudes are better equipped and are stealing all the white women and he stands in the prairie with his needle-dick, alone all by himself?

black men are not the problem, wolves are taking all our women.

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

keep wondering, you clueless phony bitch. oh, i am writing this with the correct amount of emotion, hahaha.
hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

keep wondering, you clueless phony bitch. oh, i am writing this with the correct amount of emotion, hahaha.
Irrespective of what you think of me, you are still a racist and a pathetic one at that.
hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

It's pure liberal hypocrisy, they're quick to call conservatives racist while employing racial stereotypes, which in my opinion makes them more of a racist than those they accuse.

you mean a racial stereotype like a black man eating fried chicken? huh?

hey, maybe you are on to something. follow that bread crumb trail
I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

keep wondering, you clueless phony bitch. oh, i am writing this with the correct amount of emotion, hahaha.
Irrespective of what you think of me, you are still a racist and a pathetic one at that.

i will take your criticism to heart and will aspire to be a better not so pathetic racist in your opinion. but i will not become a republican or a neo con. that is where i draw the line.
This thread is a perfect example of how the joy of hammering someone's ass in debate can be greatly tempered when they are in fact too damn retarded to even realize they've been hammered.

I think it's time to move on.
I have to wonder what kind of rationale allows one to think that just because a picture is racist means it's OK to be racist, too. Then I remember that I'm dealing with morons whenever that happens.

Well I'm not being racist in this thread Modo. So why don't you answer my question, do you think the picture in OP is racist? Yes or no will suffice.
You asked me a question? Where?

Regardless, what part of the bolded part confuses you? But, since you ARE confused, yes.

Is the picture/caption racist? A simple question, no?
As I said, you can stay ignorant, that's your right. The fact is that most blacks do not see gay rights as a civil rights issue. And another fact is a person who chooses to stay within the confines of his or her own race, in respect to marriage or procreation, are not racist for that choice. Oh and I have realized one more fact, you are a bigot!

You're ilk believes that anyone against gay marriage must be a homophobe and anyone that chooses to stay within their own race in choosing a life partner must be a racist. You're entitled to your beliefs and I shouldn't be calling you an idiot because of them, but I will make an exception in your case, because not only are you a bigot but your an idiot as well.

Either you're a racist homophobe or an idiot. Either way, things don't look good for you. And you're entitled to your beliefs, and I'm entitled to take a look at your beliefs and mock you for them.

And that would make you a bigot. Oh and being called a racist and a homophobe is like water off a duck's back, you stupid fucks use those labels so often that they've lost all the effectiveness that they once had. When you fucks can't win an argument on it's own merits you resort to you're a "homophobe" or you're a "racist", fact is interracial marriages remain rare among white and black Americans, so using you're logic they are all racist and another fact is that most Americans are against homosexual marriage so again using your logic most Americans are homophobic.

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

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As I said, you can stay ignorant, that's your right. The fact is that most blacks do not see gay rights as a civil rights issue. And another fact is a person who chooses to stay within the confines of his or her own race, in respect to marriage or procreation, are not racist for that choice. Oh and I have realized one more fact, you are a bigot!

You're ilk believes that anyone against gay marriage must be a homophobe and anyone that chooses to stay within their own race in choosing a life partner must be a racist. You're entitled to your beliefs and I shouldn't be calling you an idiot because of them, but I will make an exception in your case, because not only are you a bigot but your an idiot as well.

Either you're a racist homophobe or an idiot. Either way, things don't look good for you. And you're entitled to your beliefs, and I'm entitled to take a look at your beliefs and mock you for them.

And that would make you a bigot. Oh and being called a racist and a homophobe is like water off a duck's back, you stupid fucks use those labels so often that they've lost all the effectiveness that they once had. When you fucks can't win an argument on it's own merits you resort to you're a "homophobe" or you're a "racist", fact is interracial marriages remain rare among white and black Americans, so using you're logic they are all racist and another fact is that most Americans are against homosexual marriage so again using your logic most Americans are homophobic.

Majority of Americans Continue to Oppose Gay Marriage

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another bread crumb, you are getting closer.

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