RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

True. And those same freedoms allow others to call it racist, as it is.

I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I agree with you that there have been way to many calls of faux-racism from the left. But, the faux-racism calls do effectively marginalize the impact of the fight against true racism. This is such a case.

They reap the consequences of not being believed on one of the few times when they actually have it right.

I agree with you on all points. Very well stated.
I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I agree with you that there have been way to many calls of faux-racism from the left. But, the faux-racism calls do effectively marginalize the impact of the fight against true racism. This is such a case.

They reap the consequences of not being believed on one of the few times when they actually have it right.

wow, introspection. you need it.
Moron. I'm on your side (except for your being a racist). What a laughable idiot you are.
It'a free country they had the choice of doing either.
Of course it's a free country.
But I wanted to know your opinion of it. Please answer.
Should they or should they not have?

I gave you my opinion. Do you honestly think the RNC was responsible for putting it there in the first place? I don't.
No you didn't. "it's a free country" is not an opinion on whether YOU think they made the correct choice in removing the image.

Not once has it been said or even inferred by me or anyone here the RNC was responsible for putting it there. Burn your weasely strawmen.
I agree with you that there have been way to many calls of faux-racism from the left. But, the faux-racism calls do effectively marginalize the impact of the fight against true racism. This is such a case.

They reap the consequences of not being believed on one of the few times when they actually have it right.

wow, introspection. you need it.
Moron. I'm on your side (except for your being a racist). What a laughable idiot you are.

that is why you run around and cry faux racism, then turn around and decry the calling out of faux racism. no you are definitely not on my side.
wow, introspection. you need it.
Moron. I'm on your side (except for your being a racist). What a laughable idiot you are.

that is why you run around and cry faux racism, then turn around and decry the calling out of faux racism. no you are definitely not on my side.

True. And those same freedoms allow others to call it racist, as it is.

I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I agree with you that there have been way to many calls of faux-racism from the left. But, the faux-racism calls do effectively marginalize the impact of the fight against true racism. This is such a case.

They reap the consequences of not being believed on one of the few times when they actually have it right.

So....you are saying that because some people are overly sensitive and call racism where there is none, pictures like in the OP will not be seen for the racism that they are. In other words, it's the Left's fault.
Holy shit!

The picture with the caption is racist.

Anyone that can spend so much thread time defending it are assholes.
It'a free country they had the choice of doing either.
True. And those same freedoms allow others to call it racist, as it is.

I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I suspect I won't be getting an answer to my question.

Just like earlier, mani never saw a reply to you from this gem:

Wow. I can't believe this thing is still going.

The idea that endorsing governmental authority to racially discriminate is somehow not racism is perhaps the dumbest, most delusional and quite frankly fucking retarded thing I've ever heard spouted here. And trust me, that's saying something.

Ironically, affirmative action is also an example of this, yet I bet you a gazillion dollars that Lonestar et al, sure DO consider that racism.
I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I agree with you that there have been way to many calls of faux-racism from the left. But, the faux-racism calls do effectively marginalize the impact of the fight against true racism. This is such a case.

They reap the consequences of not being believed on one of the few times when they actually have it right.

So....you are saying that because some people are overly sensitive and call racism where there is none, pictures like in the OP will not be seen for the racism that they are. In other words, it's the Left's fault.
I guess it's not so much your laziness about reading. My mistake. It's your lack of actually comprehending what you read. How sad for you.
So if one of you yahoos posts a racist pic on here... and it is not caught immediately.. that makes the owners of the board racists... or if someone posts something on your FB wall, and you do not catch it, it makes you a racist


typical left wing bullshit

facebook has a feature where you can have approval of pictures before allowing them to post on your space so either the Republican running this myspace page either agreed with the pictures or is dumber than a bag of rocks for not enabling the approve posts before they are posted to your page feature.
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Of course it's a free country.
But I wanted to know your opinion of it. Please answer.
Should they or should they not have?

I gave you my opinion. Do you honestly think the RNC was responsible for putting it there in the first place? I don't.
No you didn't. "it's a free country" is not an opinion on whether YOU think they made the correct choice in removing the image.

Not once has it been said or even inferred by me or anyone here the RNC was responsible for putting it there. Burn your weasely strawmen.

I don't remember anyone saying the RNC put it there. In fact, I agreed with a poster that there is a 50% chance it was put there by someone trying to make the RNC look bad.

HOWEVER, they sure took their sweet time taking it down...don't they have a regular crew of weasels to report stuff like this to the Mods like the H-Hole does?
I gave you my opinion. Do you honestly think the RNC was responsible for putting it there in the first place? I don't.
No you didn't. "it's a free country" is not an opinion on whether YOU think they made the correct choice in removing the image.

Not once has it been said or even inferred by me or anyone here the RNC was responsible for putting it there. Burn your weasely strawmen.

I don't remember anyone saying the RNC put it there. In fact, I agreed with a poster that there is a 50% chance it was put there by someone trying to make the RNC look bad.

HOWEVER, they sure took their sweet time taking it down...don't they have a regular crew of weasels to report stuff like this to the Mods like the H-Hole does?

crew of weasels would be an excellent name for a band.
How is it a Black man eating Fried Chicken racists?

Well, this concept of racism must be tied to propaganda that racists use to seperate blacks from whites. In the case that a Black, or African America(Should it not be "North West African-American"?? anyway) is eating food that can be "greasy" or "wet" (like in the case of melons, such as Watermelon or Canteloupe) is to cal attention to the lips of Negroids.

Why is this important? One of the more distinguishable features between Negroids and Caucasioans are their physical charteristics such as their lips. Negroids normally have more flushed or "large" lips why Caucasians are normally more mild.

The picture is to call attention to the lips when it features a full bloodied negroid. In the case for Obama, the pic does not show the normally flushed lips featured in KKK or other racists propaganda. Obama's lips are not as pronounced. Thus we have a case were the propagandists that created the poster does not know the full reason why "Blacks eating Chicken" is used to seperate the population.

On the other hand, the concept that he is of mixed heritage, and normally called "Black" by American standards, the referrence to abolition of miscegenation for the sake of "American family values" (concepts of nationalism are the greatest propaganda tools for fascists and racists. Neither necessarily the same), repeal of Loving vs Virginia(the case that allowed mixed marriages) does indicate an attempt to cause rips in the identification of the president with the majority of American voters.

The technique being used is common to fascists seeking power and racists. Calling it either or can therefore be substantiated. It is a racists pic. It is Fascist propaganda. You should be ashamed, if you are not a budding member of some Neo-nazi organtization, not to recognize at least what I just posted.

Thank you
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Actually, Barry makes a perfect poster boy for what happens with mixed race kids. Father leaves before he is 2, raised by Mother who tries another race and finally gives the kid to her parents to raise. The kid is given all of the trappings of a wealthy little white boy and grows up to be an angry adult that only identifies with his father's race, all while throwing the woman (that was kind enough to provide his ungrateful ass a life)under the bus as soon as it was politically handy. Now uses the race of father he never knew to become the historic first "black" President in history.

What is the result if you are the white woman.......... stuck with a goofy kid that doesn't fit in anywhere, holds his mother and grandparents responsible for no relationship with his deadbeat dad, grows up with a giant chip on his shoulder that makes him hate half of who he is, gets immersed in drugs, becomes an anarchist and then makes deals with numerous devils to get into college, the state senate and finally the Presidency. He is now in a position to fuck up the country and people he hates........... all because his white mama fucked a stinking African.:lol::razz::lol::lol::lol:

It was a tough one, what with so many choices...but I nominate the above for the Most Revealing Post of the Day Award.

Congratulations sitty.

Methinks that Sitarro is not fond of halfricans.

What is it that I said that makes you"think" that? I don't have a problem with anyone in general, I judge individuals on an individual basis. I work directly with a very diverse group of people, mostly people completely different looking from myself, the color of someone's skin has nothing to do with their character. I know a guy from Pakistan, whose parents were missionaries from India......... both were killed by Pakistanis........ this guy has no hate what so ever, that I can see, in his heart as conflicted as he is. I know black men who were born in the ghetto, had everything against them becoming successful but didn't allow themselves to blame anyone or anything, they worked hard, educated themselves and are now doing well with their lives. They don't see color, they see character and have very little time to waste on those without any. These guys just happen to be conservative in their political views, they too dislike what they see when they look at the circus that is Barrack Hussein Obama, they don't like the total lack of character they see.

I have had plenty of very open conversations with the people I work with, I discuss with them the type of people that I see here on this board, they almost universally say that they dislike the pathetic white guilt clowns that walk around on egg shells accusing everyone else of racism. They really aren't interested in your "help", they pity your lack of balls. Most don't want your lack of understanding of who they are, they think you are all a joke.
How is it a Black man eating Fried Chicken racists?

Well, this concept of racism must be tied to propaganda that racists use to seperate blacks from whites. In the case that a Black, or African America(Should it not be "North West African-American"?? anyway) is eating food that can be "greasy" or "wet" (like in the case of melons, such as Watermelon or Canteloupe) is to cal attention to the lips of Negroids.

Why is this important? One of the more distinguishable features between Negroids and Caucasioans are their physical charteristics such as their lips. Negroids normally have more flushed or "large" lips why Caucasians are normally more mild.

The picture is to call attention to the lips when it features a full bloodied negroid. In the case for Obama, the pic does not show the normally flushed lips featured in KKK or other racists propaganda. Obama's lips are not as pronounced. Thus we have a case were the propagandists that created the poster does not know the full reason why "Blacks eating Chicken" is used to seperate the population.

On the other hand, the concept that he is of mixed heritage, and normally called "Black" by American standards, the referrence to abolition of miscegenation for the sake of "American family values" (concepts of nationalism are the greatest propaganda tools for fascists and racists. Neither necessarily the same), repeal of Loving vs Virginia(the case that allowed mixed marriages) does indicate an attempt to cause rips in the identification of the president with the majority of American voters.

The technique being used is common to fascists seeking power and racists. Calling it either or can therefore be substantiated. It is a racists pic. It is Fascist propaganda. You should be ashamed, if you are not a budding member of some Neo-nazi organtization, not to recognize at least what I just posted.

Thank you
I continue to be amazed that someone would be so intentionally blind to the writing under the picture....why? Because they want to pretend they don't see it, that's why.
It was a tough one, what with so many choices...but I nominate the above for the Most Revealing Post of the Day Award.

Congratulations sitty.

Methinks that Sitarro is not fond of halfricans.

What is it that I said that makes you"think" that? I don't have a problem with anyone in general, I judge individuals on an individual basis. I work directly with a very diverse group of people, mostly people completely different looking from myself, the color of someone's skin has nothing to do with their character. I know a guy from Pakistan, whose parents were missionaries from India......... both were killed by Pakistanis........ this guy has no hate what so ever, that I can see, in his heart as conflicted as he is. I know black men who were born in the ghetto, had everything against them becoming successful but didn't allow themselves to blame anyone or anything, they worked hard, educated themselves and are now doing well with their lives. They don't see color, they see character and have very little time to waste on those without any. These guys just happen to be conservative in their political views, they too dislike what they see when they look at the circus that is Barrack Hussein Obama, they don't like the total lack of character they see.

I have had plenty of very open conversations with the people I work with, I discuss with them the type of people that I see here on this board, they almost universally say that they dislike the pathetic white guilt clowns that walk around on egg shells accusing everyone else of racism. They really aren't interested in your "help", they pity your lack of balls. Most don't want your lack of understanding of who they are, they think you are all a joke.

You talk politics and this board at work....of course you do. :eusa_whistle:
Methinks that Sitarro is not fond of halfricans.

What is it that I said that makes you"think" that? I don't have a problem with anyone in general, I judge individuals on an individual basis. I work directly with a very diverse group of people, mostly people completely different looking from myself, the color of someone's skin has nothing to do with their character. I know a guy from Pakistan, whose parents were missionaries from India......... both were killed by Pakistanis........ this guy has no hate what so ever, that I can see, in his heart as conflicted as he is. I know black men who were born in the ghetto, had everything against them becoming successful but didn't allow themselves to blame anyone or anything, they worked hard, educated themselves and are now doing well with their lives. They don't see color, they see character and have very little time to waste on those without any. These guys just happen to be conservative in their political views, they too dislike what they see when they look at the circus that is Barrack Hussein Obama, they don't like the total lack of character they see.

I have had plenty of very open conversations with the people I work with, I discuss with them the type of people that I see here on this board, they almost universally say that they dislike the pathetic white guilt clowns that walk around on egg shells accusing everyone else of racism. They really aren't interested in your "help", they pity your lack of balls. Most don't want your lack of understanding of who they are, they think you are all a joke.

You talk politics and this board at work....of course you do. :eusa_whistle:

You don't? I'm also not afraid to discuss the politics of race with the people at work, I'm sure you have never discussed anything with a black person, probably don't know any. I guarantee that they laugh at your white ass behind your back.
What is it that I said that makes you"think" that? I don't have a problem with anyone in general, I judge individuals on an individual basis. I work directly with a very diverse group of people, mostly people completely different looking from myself, the color of someone's skin has nothing to do with their character. I know a guy from Pakistan, whose parents were missionaries from India......... both were killed by Pakistanis........ this guy has no hate what so ever, that I can see, in his heart as conflicted as he is. I know black men who were born in the ghetto, had everything against them becoming successful but didn't allow themselves to blame anyone or anything, they worked hard, educated themselves and are now doing well with their lives. They don't see color, they see character and have very little time to waste on those without any. These guys just happen to be conservative in their political views, they too dislike what they see when they look at the circus that is Barrack Hussein Obama, they don't like the total lack of character they see.

I have had plenty of very open conversations with the people I work with, I discuss with them the type of people that I see here on this board, they almost universally say that they dislike the pathetic white guilt clowns that walk around on egg shells accusing everyone else of racism. They really aren't interested in your "help", they pity your lack of balls. Most don't want your lack of understanding of who they are, they think you are all a joke.

You talk politics and this board at work....of course you do. :eusa_whistle:

You don't?

No I don't. It's inappropriate in the workspace...especially since I am in a position of authority.

I'm also not afraid to discuss the politics of race with the people at work,

It's not a question of afraid, it's a question of appropriateness.

I'm sure you have never discussed anything with a black person, probably don't know any. I guarantee that they laugh at your white ass behind your back.

You too? The second person on this thread who says that I don't know any black people. When you get some time...read this post:


I don't really like having to repeat myself.
How does every black joke start?

With a sweeping look around and over both shoulders. :)

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