RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Of course it's a free country.
But I wanted to know your opinion of it. Please answer.
Should they or should they not have?

I gave you my opinion. Do you honestly think the RNC was responsible for putting it there in the first place? I don't.
No you didn't. "it's a free country" is not an opinion on whether YOU think they made the correct choice in removing the image.

Not once has it been said or even inferred by me or anyone here the RNC was responsible for putting it there. Burn your weasely strawmen.

RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Yea I think it's been inferred.

I've already told you I had no opinion on their actions one way or the other. They are free to post it and they're free to remove it. Personally I wouldn't have put it up in the first place.
True. And those same freedoms allow others to call it racist, as it is.

I would agree that people are free to call whatever they please racist, those on the left seem to do that quite often. The fact remains that the majority of people choose to engage in relationships within their own race which suggest that they don't believe in miscegenation. And to call them racist for their beliefs is beyond the pale.
I suspect I won't be getting an answer to my question.

Just like earlier, mani never saw a reply to you from this gem:

Wow. I can't believe this thing is still going.

The idea that endorsing governmental authority to racially discriminate is somehow not racism is perhaps the dumbest, most delusional and quite frankly fucking retarded thing I've ever heard spouted here. And trust me, that's saying something.

Ironically, affirmative action is also an example of this, yet I bet you a gazillion dollars that Lonestar et al, sure DO consider that racism.

If you're addressing me, what question did I fail to answer? And as for Manifold, I didn't see the need to respond to anything that was stated.
why are there arguments against whether or not fried chicken is racist?! the text under it is what is the racist part.
Bottom line is, I don't see the image alone as racist, repealing Loving v Virginia isn't the issue, miscegenation is and that's debatable on whether it's racist or not. I believe if people like L.K.Eder wishes to be a racist then they have every right to be that way. I believe you can hate or love anyone or group you choose for whatever reason you choose, political correctness be damned. Fact is whites and blacks rarely engage in interracial marriages, instead they choose to stay within their own race and to call all those people racist is just plain dumb.
Boy the Hopey Changey Loons are treating this non-story like the Muslims Loons did with that Danish cartoon thing. When are they going to figure out that Race-Baiting is just so tired & stale at this point. This non-story just isn't gaining any traction for the Hopey Changey Loons and i sense a bit of desperation on their part at this point. Kind of sad and pathetic no?
... miscegenation is and that's debatable on whether it's racist or not. ...

Mani said it best, and I fully agree:

"The idea that endorsing governmental authority to racially discriminate is somehow not racism is perhaps the dumbest, most delusional and quite frankly fucking retarded thing I've ever heard spouted here. And trust me, that's saying something"
Why don't you hysterical Hopey Changey Loons just issue a Fatwa like the Muslim Loons did with those Danish cartoon guys? Seriously,this a non-story no matter how much tired Race-Baiting you keep spewing.
Boy the Hopey Changey Loons are treating this non-story like the Muslims Loons did with that Danish cartoon thing. When are they going to figure out that Race-Baiting is just so tired & stale at this point. This non-story just isn't gaining any traction for the Hopey Changey Loons and i sense a bit of desperation on their part at this point. Kind of sad and pathetic no?

Or like the Move-On thing.
Why don't you hysterical Hopey Changey Loons just issue a Fatwa like the Muslim Loons did with those Danish cartoon guys? Seriously,this a non-story no matter how much tired Race-Baiting you keep spewing.

Or like the Republicans did on the Move-On thing.

But, why would we want to behave like far right religious loonies do?
What exactly did MoveOn's vile rhetoric 'Betrayus' have to do with religion?
Why don't you hysterical Hopey Changey Loons just issue a Fatwa like the Muslim Loons did with those Danish cartoon guys? Seriously,this a non-story no matter how much tired Race-Baiting you keep spewing.

Or like the Republicans did on the Move-On thing.

But, why would we want to behave like far right religious loonies do?
What exactly did MoveOn's vile rhetoric 'Betrayus' have to do with religion?

Good Lord! Do try to keep up! I am referring to the Danish cartoon thing.
So why don't you Hopey Changey Loons just issue your Fatwa and get it over with? All this Race-Baiting whining is just soo boooring at this point. Geez!
Or like the Republicans did on the Move-On thing.

But, why would we want to behave like far right religious loonies do?
What exactly did MoveOn's vile rhetoric 'Betrayus' have to do with religion?

Good Lord! Do try to keep up! I am referring to the Danish cartoon thing.
Let's see, you mention the MoveOn thing, and most of us think of the vile Betrayus rhetoric. Your short term memory issues must be quite the handicap in real life, too. Perhaps that is the reason for your lack of character.
Bottom line is, I don't see the image alone as racist, repealing Loving v Virginia isn't the issue, miscegenation is and that's debatable on whether it's racist or not. I believe if people like L.K.Eder wishes to be a racist then they have every right to be that way. I believe you can hate or love anyone or group you choose for whatever reason you choose, political correctness be damned. Fact is whites and blacks rarely engage in interracial marriages, instead they choose to stay within their own race and to call all those people racist is just plain dumb.

don't worry, whatever happens i will support your endeavor of posting mind numbingly stupid things and thereby exposing your shortcomings in logic, knowledge, consistency and basic body hygiene. it entertains me.
What exactly did MoveOn's vile rhetoric 'Betrayus' have to do with religion?

Good Lord! Do try to keep up! I am referring to the Danish cartoon thing.
Let's see, you mention the MoveOn thing, and most of us think of the vile Betrayus rhetoric. Your short term memory issues must be quite the handicap in real life, too. Perhaps that is the reason for your lack of character.

ah, once again you cannot follow but cannot refrain from displaying it. sweet. insults come in handy then, hahaha

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