RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

I'm sure there's nothing inconsistent about your women's rights views just inconsistency in what groups it's ok to use slurs against.
Yup, I think you are right. Those who haven't an ounce of integrity, character, or even brains, regardless of whatever else they are and who are too stupid to even realize it yet go on and on and on, get my unqualified disdain.

We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.
I expect more of this crap as Obama poll numbers keep going down because I can't figure out how a man eating chicken is racist. I know its a racial stereotype and all but are all picture of him eating chicken racist because I'm trying to figure out how we distinguish between pictures of him eating chicken are racist and which ones are not.
Yup, I think you are right. Those who haven't an ounce of integrity, character, or even brains, regardless of whatever else they are and who are too stupid to even realize it yet go on and on and on, get my unqualified disdain.

We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.
Ah, the institution has let you onto their terminal again. Your instability used to be disturbing, but now I have no qualms highlighting it.

By the way, when are you going to actually keep your word an keep me on ignore? You've announced it at least three times. Do try to at least keep your word. But, I understand that your obsessions are controlling you. Quite fascinating to watch, really.
I expect more of this crap as Obama poll numbers keep going down because I can't figure out how a man eating chicken is racist. I know its a racial stereotype and all but are all picture of him eating chicken racist because I'm trying to figure out how we distinguish between pictures of him eating chicken are racist and which ones are not.

Read the caption under the pic and get back to us. Mmmmkay?
I expect more of this crap as Obama poll numbers keep going down because I can't figure out how a man eating chicken is racist. I know its a racial stereotype and all but are all picture of him eating chicken racist because I'm trying to figure out how we distinguish between pictures of him eating chicken are racist and which ones are not.
This post was trucked over by the the voluminous posts.

It was a good one. See if this might help
(and kudos & welcome to our new member guitfnky) :::

you have to ask yourself, how is it that a person could look at that picture/caption and NOT think it is racist. it's actually pretty simple. here's how:

1) look at the picture (this is the easiest part).
2) read the caption (this at least requires some degree of literacy).
3) see a big word, and ignore it (in this particular case, the caption then magically changes to "Is a crime against American values - Repeal Loving v. Virginia").
3½) see a reference to a Supreme Court case you know nothing about. Ignore this as well.
4) after revising the caption in your mind in step 3-3½ (thus warping reality to your fiercely determined will), you truthfully state that there is nothing racist about this picture/caption.

to be fair, that's not the way most reasonable people would tackle this question, so I'll demonstrate how that works here as well:

1) look at the picture (this is the easiest part).
2) read the caption (this at least requires some degree of literacy).
3) see a big word, and realize that you don't understand what it means (miscegenation is the mixing of racial groups - NOTE: this general definition took less than 10 seconds to find using a quick Google search).
3½) incorporate the meaning of the previously mentioned "big word" into the rest of the caption to gain an understanding of what is being said (in this particular case, the caption then magically changes to "The mixing of racial groups is a crime against American values - Repeal Loving v. Virginia").
3¾) *OPTIONAL STEP* at this point, you already have enough information to make a valid determination as to the racial intent of the picture, so you can move on to step 4 if you like. if you prefer to be really thorough though, you could look up the Loving v. Virginia case as well (where you would find that this is the case that ended all race-based marriage restrictions in this country)
4) after revising the caption in your mind in step 3-3¾ (thus coming to an understanding of the reality of the matter), you truthfully come to the conclusion that this picture, and it's corresponding caption are, in fact, reallyfuckingracist.
It would not surprise me if a democrat made that and put it on the rnc website

who is the racist then?
I'm responding to Article15, you fuckwit.

Who, by the way has been creaming you. Your posts are seen when quoted.
I do so love to watch arrogant, condescending, vapid insult trolls get a good public hammering.

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I'm responding to Article15, you fuckwit.

Who, by the way has been creaming you. I do love to watch arrogant, condescending, vapid insult trolls get a good public hammering.

I see you have yet to keep your word. Put me on ignore or not; it matters not to me. However, your showing off your lack of integrity is fascinating to watch. You have no redeeming qualities at all and you have no shame in demonstrating that. :cuckoo:
Why the hell has this thread been going on for 25 pages?

Was the picture itself a bit racist? Yes.

Was the caption under the picture racist? Definitely.

Does the caption make the picture definitely racist? Yes

There you go, thread /over/.

P.S: Anyone who agrees with that caption is a racist. And no matter how much you cry about such a thing will change it Lonestar.
It would not surprise me if a democrat made that and put it on the rnc website

who is the racist then?
Over 300 posts, and besides being mentioned in the OP that yes, it could have been a troll, and only a few dozen times here by others on top of that...

You think maybe that might have already been mentioned?

Now to the question asked up front and throughout: Why did the RNC mod of that site keep the image up for nearly a week?

(Oh yeah, it's in the title too.)
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It would not surprise me if a democrat made that and put it on the rnc website

who is the racist then?
Over 300 posts, and besides being mentioned in the OP that yes, it could have been a troll, and only a few dozen times here by others on top of that...

You think maybe that might have already been mentioned?

Now to the question asked up front and throughout: Why did the DNC mod of that site keep the image up for nearly a week?

(Oh yeah, it's in the title too.)
It's a Democratic mod? I think you have your answer, then.
Again... and it makes the RNC racist how??? And have you looked up the number of 'RNC' FB pages?? Care to make a guess as to whether the page is really 'run' by the RNC?

You fuckers are pathetic
When this is proven to you this was the actual, official RNC Facebook page, will you apologize?

You ignorant fuck

1) I have nothing to apologize for
2) I linked to the actual RNC page that has no fan photo section
3) There are a lot of spoof pages
4) Page owners who have open content by 'friends' are not inherently in support of all things posted on their 'wall'
5) If not immediately caught by an 'administrator', such posts do not mean that the RNC is accepting of racist comments or any other similar claim by you wingnuts

Grow the fuck up

**Edit** and additionally... funny that 'major' news outlets are not picking up on such a 'hammering' story... and even the 'Newsweek' article calls it a 'fan site'....

Oh my, Dave just got his ass kicked. Responded just like an 8 year old.

si modo thinks she is the front runner in the race because she sees no one in front of her, but the real reason is all other racers are about to lap her for the 2nd 3rd or 5th time.


A very apt image, my friend.
It's amazing to watch the remarkable combination of stupidity and mental instability Eder, the butch, and paperweight demonstrate.

Ah...here we go. Care to explain what my sexual orientation has to do with any of this? Hitting on me?

No thanks.
I'm quite sure that you are an embarrassment to most Germans.

ja ja, but they don't see me post here. here you take the embarrassment to a whole new level, which is quite the feat considering the hunting grounds here. you offer the perfect melange of pompous self-righteousness, feigned aloofness, phony outrage, projection, concern trolling, lack of knowledge all topped with a vain, pissy attitude that makes you a perfect target for an internet jerk like me.
I understand. That is your speed as well as the speed of the butch and paperweight. I never knew folks who have not an ounce of integrity really do walk the planet.

I take it you don't have a mirror in your house then.
ja ja, but they don't see me post here. here you take the embarrassment to a whole new level, which is quite the feat considering the hunting grounds here. you offer the perfect melange of pompous self-righteousness, feigned aloofness, phony outrage, projection, concern trolling, lack of knowledge all topped with a vain, pissy attitude that makes you a perfect target for an internet jerk like me.
I understand. That is your speed as well as the speed of the butch and paperweight. I never knew folks who have not an ounce of integrity really do walk the planet.

I take it you don't have a mirror in your house then.
The 'I'm not, you are' argument is just your speed.
Look, Article15. You brought up another thread's topic here. If you want to discuss it, go to the thread where it is discussed. Otherwise you're just babbling. It's not a complex concept.

I brought up the other threads topic because in that other thread you were clutching your pearls at a woman being called a K Street whore and making the (il)logical leap that since that's ok then so should "K Street ******" yet here you are calling lesbians "the butch."

If you don't like getting called out on your inconsistencies then stop being inconsistent.
There is nothing inconsistent about my interest in women's rights. The irony is a your defending the use of 'whore' toward a woman then pretending any interest in women's rights in this thread.

And, obviously the concept of threads is actually too complex for you. How sad.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Riiiiiight..... :rolleyes:
We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
Are you sure you are not drunk? You're not making much sense, but rarely do you.

he just lapped you again. that was the breeze you felt, that and the point as usual going over your head. but maybe the breeze is constant and that is why you don't feel anything unusual.

It's that persistant wind tunnel effect. ;)

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