RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

I expect more of this crap as Obama poll numbers keep going down because I can't figure out how a man eating chicken is racist. I know its a racial stereotype and all but are all picture of him eating chicken racist because I'm trying to figure out how we distinguish between pictures of him eating chicken are racist and which ones are not.

Isn't it fascinating how they keep going on about the picture...as if the words weren't there at all.

I brought up the other threads topic because in that other thread you were clutching your pearls at a woman being called a K Street whore and making the (il)logical leap that since that's ok then so should "K Street ******" yet here you are calling lesbians "the butch."

If you don't like getting called out on your inconsistencies then stop being inconsistent.
There is nothing inconsistent about my interest in women's rights. The irony is a your defending the use of 'whore' toward a woman then pretending any interest in women's rights in this thread.

And, obviously the concept of threads is actually too complex for you. How sad.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Riiiiiight..... :rolleyes:
Cognitive dissonance is a terrible affliction.
Yup, I think you are right. Those who haven't an ounce of integrity, character, or even brains, regardless of whatever else they are and who are too stupid to even realize it yet go on and on and on, get my unqualified disdain.

We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.

And so promptly too.
There is nothing inconsistent about my interest in women's rights. The irony is a your defending the use of 'whore' toward a woman then pretending any interest in women's rights in this thread.

And, obviously the concept of threads is actually too complex for you. How sad.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Riiiiiight..... :rolleyes:
Cognitive dissonance is a terrible affliction.
LOL. Passive-aggressiveness is for cowards. No surprise on your front. You have no redeeming character qualities nor any intellectual talent (and the latter is quite the understatement).
It would not surprise me if a democrat made that and put it on the rnc website

who is the racist then?
Over 300 posts, and besides being mentioned in the OP that yes, it could have been a troll, and only a few dozen times here by others on top of that...

You think maybe that might have already been mentioned?

Now to the question asked up front and throughout: Why did the DNC mod of that site keep the image up for nearly a week?

(Oh yeah, it's in the title too.)
It's a Democratic mod? I think you have your answer, then.

A Democratic Mod on the RNC Facebook page.


You've outdone yourself on that one. Even the Russian judge gives you a 10.0.
We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.

And so promptly too.

She's on a mission....aiming for her next rep point to make it to 4000 posts, up up and away!

Nearly 80 posts per day, every day for almost 2 months.

Is there a better definition of No Life? lol.

When you live inside the bubble, the bubble is all you see.
We already know you're a self loather, Si, no need to point out the obvious.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.

And so promptly too.
I realize that you fancy yourself as having a dick to swing, but one would think you would actually have a set of balls to go with that. Cowards avoid direct confrontation, though.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.

And so promptly too.

She's on a mission....aiming for her next rep point to make it to 4000 posts, up up and away!

Nearly 80 posts per day, every day for almost 2 months.


Is there a better definition of No Life? lol.

When you live inside the bubble, the bubble is all you see.
It's quite obvious. Her insult-littered posts, with little other content besides her own obvious projections speak for themselves. That and her rampant cognitive dissonance when she does manage a rare non-insulting cogent thought.

She seems completely unaware of how much about herself she reveals with each post.

And so promptly too.
I realize that you fancy yourself as having a dick to swing, but one would think you would actually have a set of balls to go with that. Cowards avoid direct confrontation, though.

My gods, you ARE hitting on me!

Red Light! Inappropriate. Please take your desire elsewhere.

Not. Interested,:doubt:
LMAO! The non-thinkers are into congratulating themselves in their own non-thinking and insanity.

LMAO! The non-thinkers are into congratulating themselves in their own non-thinking and insanity.


Well, if popcorn is all you eat when you are celebrating...I think I see part of your intellectual deficiency problem...poor nutrition.

BTW...stay away from that lead paint too.
LMAO! The non-thinkers are into congratulating themselves in their own non-thinking and insanity.


Well, if popcorn is all you eat when you are celebrating...I think I see part of your intellectual deficiency problem...poor nutrition.

BTW...stay away from that lead paint too.
Well, that's quite sad in it's complete lack cleverness. You can piss a lot higher than that.

But, I'll go back to watching your and the other non-thinkers' show. :popcorn:
LMAO! The non-thinkers are into congratulating themselves in their own non-thinking and insanity.


Well, if popcorn is all you eat when you are celebrating...I think I see part of your intellectual deficiency problem...poor nutrition.

BTW...stay away from that lead paint too.
Well, that's quite sad in it's complete lack cleverness. You can piss a lot higher than that.

But, I'll go back to watching your and the other non-thinkers' show. :popcorn:

And "celebrate", right? :eusa_whistle:
thanks for the kind welcome a few pages back, paperview!

and to those who are still trying to maintain that that picture/caption is not racist, and doing so by trying to engage in some sort of pointless internet pissing contest, well, you're still wrong. period. if you'd actually bother to dust off your reading comprehension skills, and calm down long enough to take more than a passing interest in this place I affectionately like to call "reality", you'd see that there really isn't even any gray area on this one. it's racist, and if you don't see that, you're either ignorant, or dumb. now, I don't know about you, but I'd rather be dumb any day, because if you're dumb, at least you've got an excuse.

and I'll leave it there, in case you want to toss some super-useful insults my way as well.
Wow, this is really racist! Was this on the site?

What was on the site was the referance to a miscagenation decision. It was obviously racist, and created an atmosphere that indicated that the picture above it was indeed racist.

The fact that you defend this is indictutive of your own bigoted frame of mind.
What are your thoughts on the miscegenation content Mad (cough) Scientist?

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