RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

"Higher courts ruling the rules changes put in by Blue States were ILLEGAL. The drop boxes were ruled to be ILLEGAL. Mail in ballots that had NO folds on them. Ballots being rushed in after the end of the legal time frame in coolers and suitcases. Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times."

OK, let's go there.....just for fun and with low expectations. We have done this before with the poster Lantern. Still, let's do it for the exercise.

Poster Lantern makes the following allegations:

  • "Higher courts ruling the rules changes by Blue States were ILLEGAL"
Which 'higher courts"? Which states? Which rules? And if true that rules were illegally changed.....who changed 'em? And to what effect? Meaning, did these 'changes' make a difference? How do you know? What is your sourcing?

  • "Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times."
Show us. Which precinct? To what effect? How do you know. Show us your vetting.

  • "Mail-in ballots that had NO folds on them".
Which precincts? How many of them? Did it make a difference in the election of that precinct or that State? How do you know? What is your sourcing?

  • "Ballots being rushed in after the end of legal time.....in coolers in suitcases."
Which states? Which precincts? Did these 'rushed in ballots' make any difference in the election in that precinct? How do you know? Your sourcing?

OK, poster Lantern.....you made the allegations on this forum, this thread. You've been queried as to what the effects of this 'illegal' activity is alleged to be. And, of course, the forum wants to have some confidence that you know what you are talking about, that you have gravitas.

So, batter up, Lantern.
"Guess who's going to launder $5 million to pay Eric's fine?"

That's an interesting observation, Clipper.
The $5mil coming from some Deep Pockets who runs it through the RNC so as not to trigger a 'taxable event' for Eric. Classified at the RNC as re-imbursement of travel and promotion expenses.

That's an interesting suggestion.

OK, let's go there.....just for fun and with low expectations. We have done this before with the poster Lantern. Still, let's do it for the exercise.

Poster Lantern makes the following allegations:

  • "Higher courts ruling the rules changes by Blue States were ILLEGAL"
Which 'higher courts"? Which states? Which rules? And if true that rules were illegally changed.....who changed 'em? And to what effect? Meaning, did these 'changes' make a difference? How do you know? What is your sourcing?

  • "Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times."
Show us. Which precinct? To what effect? How do you know. Show us your vetting.

  • "Mail-in ballots that had NO folds on them".
Which precincts? How many of them? Did it make a difference in the election of that precinct or that State? How do you know? What is your sourcing?

  • "Ballots being rushed in after the end of legal time.....in coolers in suitcases."
Which states? Which precincts? Did these 'rushed in ballots' make any difference in the election in that precinct? How do you know? Your sourcing?

OK, poster Lantern.....you made the allegations on this forum, this thread. You've been queried as to what the effects of this 'illegal' activity is alleged to be. And, of course, the forum wants to have some confidence that you know what you are talking about, that you have gravitas.

So, batter up, Lantern.
He doesn't know the difference between smoke blown up his ass by Trump & a hole in the ground.
That's an interesting observation, Clipper.
The $5mil coming from some Deep Pockets who runs it through the RNC so as not to trigger a 'taxable event' for Eric. Classified at the RNC as re-imbursement of travel and promotion expenses.

That's an interesting suggestion.
That's how they roll. We're talking about an outfit that is barred for life in being involved with ANY charity organisations.
What’s the surprise? The whole Trump family and their extended families (talking to you Kushner) are just Irish travelers on steroids. A family of grifters will grift.
The Trump Crime Family knows exactly how to grift their flock.


everything is always in the Bizarro World of demofks until time passes and evidence supported us!!!!!! Just remember the vaccine lies, narrated as conspiracy theories until it wasn't, Ivermectin as well, now endorsed by the CDC, oh and the one where if you got the jab you wouldn't get wuhan again? hahaahahahahhaha I'd say your outlets spread the majority of conspiracy data. Disinformation queens and kings.
It must suck to be you. In the real world not a shred of evidence has been presented, and major players have tolled against Trump.
Too bad it's been proven multiple times.
Were any decisions overturned or votes thrown out in the 2020 election?
Higher courts ruling the rules changes put in by Blue States were ILLEGAL.
Really? Any decisions overturned or votes thrown out in the 2020 election?
The drop boxes were ruled to be ILLEGAL.
We still have drop boxes.... So you’re all wet.
Mail in ballots that had NO folds on them.
LOL.... nonsense.
Ballots being rushed in after the end of the legal time frame in coolers and suitcases.
Oh boy...here we go with the cockamamie conspiracy theories.
Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times.
Yawn... get some rest sonny.
Not ONE person signing a deposition stating fraud occured has been arrested or charged with filing a false affidavit.
If any of the cases ever got into court and they were submitted into evidence, then they would be eligible for perjury. Using words that you don’t know the meaning of is making you look dumber than usual.
That you deny reality shows how unhinged you people truly are.
306>232. Reality. Do you deny it?
It must suck to be you. In the real world not a shred of evidence has been presented, and major players have tolled against Trump.
Dude, look, I don’t follow your phony, the facts are the facts. We don’t need anything from you
What a pile of shit. Not a surprise considering it's coming from you. Known to post nothing but debunked bullshit. That list was all proven you liar. But you being the uninformed sheep you are you just continue to bleat your nonsense.
That list WAS ALL DEBUNKED silly one!

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