RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

The money is going to secure the swing state elections.... no cheating this time demtards....
Dude, they are finding fraud everywhere they look. The silencers continue to make efforts to silence those, the disbarment hearing for the DOJ Jeff Clark opened up pandora's box. Can you say oops?

One party wants to take away your rights, spend your money and spread a pack of lies.
One party wants to give you your rights, spend your money and spread a pack of lies.
One PARTY wants to close the open borders, lock up and deport.
One party wants to throw down the barriers and import all the future taxpayers they can get.
Some Citizens vote for the party of rights.
The Others vote for the party that has already stolen yours from you.
Most likely its probable Super Packs are the reasons.

You know there is an obvious legal way to do it all. But of course, our politicians are Lawyers. haha

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For the junior league boo hooers here.
When a statement is made, provide your very own counter view.
Dont foot stomp “prove it” or ask a bunch of juvenile “who what when where why how “ which means you are need of assistance. Thinker are not here to assist but rather to provide fact, experiences and opinion so rather than being weaklings needing help, develop you own discussion furthering response. Dont think you are able to actually .
That might be how things work in cult fantasyland.

But I reality and in the United States, it's up to the person making the claim to provide overwhelming evidence.

Nobody has to lift a finger to prove you wrong. Just as nobody has to lift a finger to prove unicorns dont exist.

You have not one shred of evidence. And you know it.
So your limited mind thinks the solution to that is to tell yourself it's up to everyone to prove you wrong.

Very childish.
That might be how things work in cult fantasyland.

But I reality and in the United States, it's up to the person making the claim to provide overwhelming evidence.

Nobody has to lift a finger to prove you wrong. Just as nobody has to lift a finger to prove unicorns dont exist.

You have not one shred of evidence. And you know it.
So your limited mind thinks the solution to that is to tell yourself it's up to everyone to prove you wrong.

Very childish.
Actually it’s up to the courts
Not in abandonment of reality and implementation of wishes and feelings land
Weather, it’s like finding a judge that says trump is guilty before the trial starts and that dude resides over the trial!!! Can’t make it up
Well, earnest poster Redfish, and Hawk, do this: Show the forum your deadsolidperfect proof about Biden's less than"70 million votes".

And do this too: show us your deadsolidperfect proof the election was rigged for Biden.

Lest folks think such sentiments are merely Whiny Sore Loserisms.

Or, alternatively, rather than gnash-your-teeth, hissyfit and weep on American social media.....do this:

  • Take your deadsolidperfect proof of the 'rigging' to your local FBI office (link to their nationwide offices below*). It is the patriotic responsible citizen obligation to do so. Patriots would promtply do so, posthaste.

  • And, if you would posters Redfish and Hawk, after your meetings with your local FBI office, please come back to the forum and describe how the meeting went, and the nature of your evidence.

Thanks, in advance.


Truthfully, I'm quite cool with it. Let the Trump family employ those coffers promptly and thoroughly. We can trust them to be prudent and responsible.
After all, they've earned it, given the abuse they've endured by all the media....Rightfield, Leftfield, and Independent.
They need full compensation and whatever pool of funds is in RNC accounts.....well, that is an appropriate source to give them compensation.

PS.....and withdraw some of the RNC funds for Rudy G., Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Alex Jones, too. After all, they were all on that J6 Podium at the Ellipse. They need compensation for the criticism they've garnered. IMO

Guess who's going to launder $5 million to pay Eric's fine?
Too bad you have zero proof of any such theft.

That you’ve thrown a four year long temper tantrum makes you sound unhinged.
Too bad it's been proven multiple times. Higher courts ruling the rules changes put in by Blue States were ILLEGAL. The drop boxes were ruled to be ILLEGAL. Mail in ballots that had NO folds on them. Ballots being rushed in after the end of the legal time frame in coolers and suitcases. Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times. Not ONE person signing a deposition stating fraud occured has been arrested or charged with filing a false affidavit. That you deny reality shows how unhinged you people truly are.
It appears the Trump controlled RNC has gone whole hog on the 2020 election fraud myth. I wonder how this affects the long term viability of the Republican Party.
I'd prolly worry more about your DNC if Biden and Harris is the best you can do.
There won't be anything left to distribute after paying all of his legal bills. The Trump campaign doesn't even have any swing state field offices open yet and Biden has dozens of them. The Republican Party is going to get annihilated in November, but apparently that's what's going to have to happen to get the rank and file to free themselves from Cult 45.
November is going to be very unkind to you.
Lara Trump must be very ambitious to marry one of the Trump boys. They are dumb and creepy.
Yes! The extremely successful Trump boys are dumb and creepy and the crackhead child molester that banged his dead brothers wife is not.
There is no video evidence Redfish...

2000 Mules was debunked...

Georgia Fulton County mysterious ballots from nowhere pulled out from under folding table was debunked....

Dominion voting systems fraud was debunked...

Mr. Pillow guy claimed fraud....was debunked.

Shea Moss and Ruby Freeman Georgia election worker fraud...was debunked.

Chinese bamboo paper fake ballots...was debunked.

Absentee ballots mass mailed to every registered voter in the swing states without a request for one, was debunked.

Vote counting stopped on election night in the swing states to stuff votes for Biden was debunked.

Those are just the conspiracies Trumpers claimed that have been debunked that I can remember off the top of my head....
What a pile of shit. Not a surprise considering it's coming from you. Known to post nothing but debunked bullshit. That list was all proven you liar. But you being the uninformed sheep you are you just continue to bleat your nonsense.
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Too bad it's been proven multiple times. Higher courts ruling the rules changes put in by Blue States were ILLEGAL. The drop boxes were ruled to be ILLEGAL. Mail in ballots that had NO folds on them. Ballots being rushed in after the end of the legal time frame in coolers and suitcases. Ballots pulled out from under a table and run through multiple times. Not ONE person signing a deposition stating fraud occured has been arrested or charged with filing a false affidavit. That you deny reality shows how unhinged you people truly are.
Toner vs ink

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