RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

its not a myth, the 2020 election fraud is a fact that is well documented with video evidence. Biden did not win that election, he did not get over 70 million votes campaigning from his basement.

No proof. No evidence. No nothing. No video proof a fucking thing. 60+lawsuits alleging Electon Fraud, 60+lawsuits tossed for lack of evidence. You are a piss poor liar.

2020 was stolen by a cabal of globalist

"2020 was stolen by a cabal of globalist"
"cabal of globalist" ???

OK, then name names.
And tell the forum how you know.
Your sourcing? Your vetting?

Saddle up, mon ami.
Demonstrate to the forum you have gravitas.
Lara Trump must be very ambitious to marry one of the Trump boys. They are dumb and creepy.
I find that an interesting comment.

Question, how do you feel about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son?
"cabal of globalist" ???

OK, then name names.
And tell the forum how you know.
Your sourcing? Your vetting?

Saddle up, mon ami.
Demonstrate to the forum you have gravitas.
Democrats are evil people and evil people brag about their evil deeds.

Americans know what happened in 2020.

The average Democrat voter doesn't know it voted. It's vote was harvested and filled out by WEF operatives.

Democrats = WEF

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