Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Oh come on. Are you telling me that it was less acceptable for a man to flirt and womanize women in the office-place (for example) in 1953 vs now?

It was never acceptable. It might have been ignored, especially if it was the boss, but no one would go up to a man who was cheating on his wife and say "You dog you!" A man who was looking for a job would be asked if he was married and preference in hiring and promotion would be given to married men. Married men with children, married men without children would be flatly asked if they intended to start a family. Like it or not, men who were disloyal to their wives were understood to be disloyal, and disloyal to the company too.

Yes, but even you admit that in the 1950's that sort of thing was more likely to be "ignored" and "accepted". Women were treated much differently back in those days. Heck, would have even been considered Taboo to feature a single career female as the star of a TV show (whereas it would be much more acceptable if it were a male).

My point is largely centered around sexism and fairness. We have progressed in these categories since 1950, in my opinion.

Do you agree?

There were very few single career women and women who did have careers were spinsters. Not that even being considered a spinster would help. Women of child bearing age found it difficult if not impossible to even get a job.

Your point is largely centered around sexism and fairness, but that doesn't change anything. In the name of fairness and sexism we are incrementally accepting a little more depravity each time we are "fair".
Really weak, bigreb. You got all tough guy over a coming civil war and what a badass you are going to be when they come for your guns.

And the only support you have for this completely bogus federal gun confiscation scenario is a woman at a mental hospital having her guns taken away from her. :lol:
Every time I post that, people find it so unbelievable that they ask for links....which I then provide:

You assume too much

I ask because I was interested in the percentages. It still in no way takes away the fact that men who molest boys are indeed homosexuals, per the definition I provided.

And men who molest girls are indeed heterosexual then. 1 in 4 girls molested by those heterosexual men.

That figure sounds completely made up. In fact it is completely made up.
Look pal I don't give a fuck what you say your in. The federal government has been warned by many civilian law enforcement what will happen. You are one that might be in the military their are many more that are not like you who will fight against you.

Boy oh boy, talk about mixed feelings.

While the comedic value of people like this is essentially off the charts, it's sad to see how badly they've been duped by their radio masters. Now they're all off in the woods playing Rambo and waiting for the big war.

Imagine going through life like that.


Comical value is from those like you.
Why did the feds order all those new toys and ammo?
They would never have ordered as much as they did without planing for something major.
One of two things we're going to be invaded or a civil war.

Maybe it's those little-green-men ReRon Reagan used to talk-about!!!


[ame=]Mars Attacks: We Come In Peace - YouTube[/ame]

Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.
Ah. So they are not coming for everyone's guns. Just the mentally unstable.

I'm sure you mean the civil war was all about the government coming for mentally unstable people's guns, right?

You are the textbook example of "disingenuous".

No they came for the husbands guns not his wife's guns.

The guns were bought by the mentally unstable person, not the husband.

They were his firearms

Full Text of S. 374: Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013 -
This is federal.
Just disregard this because it's in the wrong thread.
:rofl: more toughie talk from lil'rebnyc1775 :lol:

loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns. The only voices who are saying someone is coming for your guns are the ones on the syndicated Idiot Network and the ones in your head.

So if a politician makes a tough guy stand about what he is going to do when they come for your guns, he's basically scooping up the Gullible Rube vote. It's free money lying in the street to those guys.


"NOPE!!! We're awake, again!!"
Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

mental disorder | BehaveNet
Pedophilia | BehaveNet

Pedophilia is still classified as a mental disorder (DSM-IV-TR).

loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns. The only voices who are saying someone is coming for your guns are the ones on the syndicated Idiot Network and the ones in your head.

So if a politician makes a tough guy stand about what he is going to do when they come for your guns, he's basically scooping up the Gullible Rube vote. It's free money lying in the street to those guys.
No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns.
What do you think universal registration is about?
You haven't been watching the news have you?

Still no examples???!!!


It's 'bout time you Ask Your Doctor(s).

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Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

Excuse my boldness, but you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Fortunately, your kind is currently disappearing into the oblivion of retirement, and out of Public office, ect, slowly but surely. If I had to guess I'd say you're somewhere in the 40-60 range agewise.

I may never be able to convince you to support gay marriage, but I find peace in the fact that my side has the momentum. If you ask all boomers if they approve of gay marriage, and then you ask all 20-30 somethings, you'll hear two very different things...

...and guess who's going to be running the country for the next 30 years.

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Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

Excuse my boldness, but you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Fortunately, your kind is currently disappearing into the oblivion of retirement, and out of Public office, ect, slowly but surely. If I had to guess I'd say you're somewhere in the 40-60 range agewise.
I may never be able to convince you to support gay marriage, but I find peace in the fact that my side will prevail (without a doubt) within the next 10 to 20 years.Again, you can dislike gays for whatever reason (and that's fine), but it's insane to argue that public opinion isn't shifting in favor of gays and gay marriage.

This is a very ageist post. Prejudice is prejudice. How ironic you should be such an age bigot while posting against people who are another kind of bigot. A bigot is a bigot, and you surely are one when it comes to older people. Just because someone is over 40 or over 50 or over 80, it doesn't mean they think like a 'dinosaur' and it is no reason to be jubliant about what you consider as them retiring and/or dying off and thus no longer having any value in our society. Your post is disgusting and full of bigotry.
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You can accept or reject as you see fit. But by every metric, acceptance of homosexuals and support for Same-sex Civil Marriage is on the rise as a function of population. In the early part of the 2000's initiatives/referendums/amendments conducted during general elections passed with margins of victory of (IIRC) 23-76%. By 2008/2009 initiatives in general elections were down to passing where less than a 3% shift in voting results would have changed the outcome (California Prop 8, Maine Question 1). In 2012 Same-sex Civil Marriage questions were on the general election ballot in 4 states and won in all 4 (3 approving SSCM directly and the 4th rejecting an Amendment to bar it).

Not only to the opinion polls show the change, voter reactions in the ballot boxes during general elections also reflect the change in attitudes.


California Prop 8? Did some circuit court judge over rule the majority of the people?
North Carolina Amendment 1 passed with a strong majority.

North Carolina is no better than a third world nation.

C'mon...c'mon.....they've got all the conveniences o' the civilized-world.....

Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

Excuse my boldness, but you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Fortunately, your kind is currently disappearing into the oblivion of retirement, and out of Public office, ect, slowly but surely. If I had to guess I'd say you're somewhere in the 40-60 range agewise.
I may never be able to convince you to support gay marriage, but I find peace in the fact that my side will prevail (without a doubt) within the next 10 to 20 years.Again, you can dislike gays for whatever reason (and that's fine), but it's insane to argue that public opinion isn't shifting in favor of gays and gay marriage.

This is a very ageist post. Prejudice is prejudice. How ironic you should be such an age bigot while posting against people who are another kind of bigot. A bigot is a bigot, and you surely are one when it comes to older people. Just because someone is over 40 or over 50 or over 80, it doesn't mean they think like a 'dinosaur' and it is no reason to be jubliant about what you consider as them retiring and/or dying off and thus no longer having any value in our society. Your post is disgusting and full of bigotry.

Hey, every word I said was true.

It's a fact that when you compare the (1) older generation with the (2) younger generation, it's the younger generation that's generally more accepting of gay marriage, and it's the younger generation that's going to be running the country for the next 30 years. Sorry if that offended you, but it's true. It's a fact of life that we live and die, and that it's going to be the ideas of the younger folks that are going to prevail this time. And in the future, the ideas of their kids will prevail the next time (and it goes on and on)...

And for the record, I said that she "sounds like a dinosaur" specifically for her comments on gays. As gay marriage becomes more and more acceptable, those types of comments are going to be considered archaic, ancient, ect (ie 'made by a dinosaur').

Katz was the one saying that "homosexual men are more likely to be child predators", which I find very offensive to all of the gay individuals in this country who are wonderful human beings and deep contributors to society. That is the sort of "bigot" statement you should be getting upset with.. not me.

You need to take a step back and rethink things...
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Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

mental disorder | BehaveNet
Pedophilia | BehaveNet

Pedophilia is still classified as a mental disorder (DSM-IV-TR).


Your information is somewhat dated.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life, but now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

Is Pedophilia Just Another ?Sexual Orientation?? - By Wesley J. Smith - The Corner - National Review Online

The normalization of pedophilia.
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

Slippery slope indeed.

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