Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Every time I post that, people find it so unbelievable that they ask for links....which I then provide:

You assume too much

I ask because I was interested in the percentages. It still in no way takes away the fact that men who molest boys are indeed homosexuals, per the definition I provided.

And men who molest girls are indeed heterosexual then. 1 in 4 girls molested by those heterosexual men.

So, the remaining 3 are hit on by lesbos?
I would absolutely not have rejected or disinherited a child of mine that was homosexual. After all, there are some parents worse off. Their children don't have the capacity to love at all. I just would not accept this as normal behavior. I would recognize that for whatever reason, my child has an abnormality and not demand accommodation for that abnormality, nor would I give it.
Katz, really?

Regardless of how the Africans were initially "kidnapped", the White Americans shipped them over to the United States in 130 degree slave ships (1 of 3 perished), the White Americans auctioned them off (splitting apart families), the White Americans forced them to work on their plantations for no pay, the White Americans whipped and raped them, ect, ect.

Or am I mistaken, was it the Africans that ran the plantations and commerce in the US in 1850 and forced other Africans (in America) to work slave labor?

Be courageous and explain yourself.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War

The first slave owner in what became the United States was John Rolfe of Jamestown. Now you say he was a black man??????? Since when?

Actually, he wasn't black, he just had a deep sun tan.
Homosexual men are no more likely to be child predators than heterosexual men. They are more likely to understand and sympathize with homosexual men who ARE child predators. How do you think pedophilia made the change from mental illness to sexual orientation? The same way homosexuality changed from mental illness to sexual orientation. With massive applications of understanding and sympathy for their obvious plight.

mental disorder | BehaveNet
Pedophilia | BehaveNet

Pedophilia is still classified as a mental disorder (DSM-IV-TR).


Your information is somewhat dated.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life, but now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

Is Pedophilia Just Another ?Sexual Orientation?? - By Wesley J. Smith - The Corner - National Review Online

The normalization of pedophilia.
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

Slippery slope indeed.

You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.

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mental disorder | BehaveNet
Pedophilia | BehaveNet

Pedophilia is still classified as a mental disorder (DSM-IV-TR).


Your information is somewhat dated.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life, but now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

Is Pedophilia Just Another ?Sexual Orientation?? - By Wesley J. Smith - The Corner - National Review Online

The normalization of pedophilia.
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

Slippery slope indeed.

You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.


Pedophilia is in exactly the same place homosexuality was in just before it was changed from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

Any sexual depravity can correctly be called a sexual orientation. There's no end to it. Except that asexuality will likely be considered a mental disorder forever.
Your information is somewhat dated.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life, but now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

Is Pedophilia Just Another ?Sexual Orientation?? - By Wesley J. Smith - The Corner - National Review Online

The normalization of pedophilia.
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

Slippery slope indeed.

You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.


Pedophilia is in exactly the same place homosexuality was in just before it was changed from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

Any sexual depravity can correctly be called a sexual orientation. There's no end to it. Except that asexuality will likely be considered a mental disorder forever.

However, pedophilia will never become legal because of consent. We are all aware of your tired old pedophilia argument not to mention your mental disorder.
I would have disinherited the little bitch

Your information is somewhat dated.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life, but now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

Is Pedophilia Just Another ?Sexual Orientation?? - By Wesley J. Smith - The Corner - National Review Online

The normalization of pedophilia.
Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls "the sexual liberation discourse", which has existed since the 1970s. "There are a lot of people," she says, "who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we're wrong about paedophilia."

Slippery slope indeed.

You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.


Pedophilia is in exactly the same place homosexuality was in just before it was changed from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

Any sexual depravity can correctly be called a sexual orientation. There's no end to it. Except that asexuality will likely be considered a mental disorder forever.

Pedophilia consists of an adult (with a mature mind) taking advantage of and raping a child (with an underdeveloped mind). This is why we as a society deem this act to be completely unacceptable and subject to the strictest punishments. It's rape, and it takes a very specific dangerous type of person (one who has no regards for the other individual) to conduct this sort of act.

There is no element of "rape" involved when two consenting adults engage in sexual activity (gay or straight). So to essentially rank rapists on par with non-rapists is (in it of itself) completely incorrect, slanderous, and simply wrong.

Your unfounded inflammatory comments (again) are extremely backwards, and makes you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Time you got up to speed with the current day's thought process...

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You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.


Pedophilia is in exactly the same place homosexuality was in just before it was changed from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

Any sexual depravity can correctly be called a sexual orientation. There's no end to it. Except that asexuality will likely be considered a mental disorder forever.

Pedophilia consists of an adult (with a mature mind) taking advantage of and raping a child (with an underdeveloped mind). This is why we as a society deem this act to be completely unacceptable and subject to the strictest punishments. It's rape; one human taking control of another and then forcefully violating him/her against their will or better judgement.

There is no element of "rape" involved when two consenting adults engage in sexual activity (gay or straight).

To rank homosexuality in the same category as child rape is (again) extremely backwards, and makes you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Time you got up to speed with the current day's thought process...


The Catholic Hierarchy has a problem with this OBVIOUS distinction too.
I dont get it. Gay marriage is a policy issue. You are either for it or against it based on your view of whether it is good policy or not. That you have a son who likes to take it up the ass really should have no bearing on whether you think one policy or another is correct. It doesnt suddenly change the equation. Only Democrats think like that.

Really? How condescending and insulting to gay forum members here. Is that your experience, taking it up the ass? Because that does not define gayness, homosexuality or one's sexual orientation. Many women and so-called "straight men" "take it up the ass", so that can't be "it". And you have no clue as to how Democrats "think".

Dude.....please stop.

You're cracking me up. Lol.

If you're a dude and you take a "penis" up the ass you're Gay or a victim.

Dude? What are you, some hippy from the 60's??? I was gay at 5 years of age. And I don't need you or anyone to define me. You're obviously "a victim". Don't crack.
You didn't represent that there were some that talked about it, you made the claim that it had been changed. That is incorrect, the DSM-IV-TR (the most current diagnostics manual) still classifies pedophilia as a mental disorder.


Pedophilia is in exactly the same place homosexuality was in just before it was changed from a mental illness to a sexual orientation.

Any sexual depravity can correctly be called a sexual orientation. There's no end to it. Except that asexuality will likely be considered a mental disorder forever.

However, pedophilia will never become legal because of consent. We are all aware of your tired old pedophilia argument not to mention your mental disorder.

Of course it will become legal. The age of consent is entirely arbitrary anyway. In some cultures it's 12. Just lower the legal age of consent. In countries that have legalized beastiality the animal must exhibit consent behavior. Has the child consented or not?
I believe God does judge nations that are morally bankrupt. Sodom was morally bankrupt and we see it was judged by fire. I believe God would have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah if he didn't judge America. Don't you? Lets look at what will bring judgment on a nation.. murder of 50 million babies ( abortion! check! ) openly celebrating homosexuality which is an abomination to God ( check! ) building altars to baal - Mosques included on land that was dedicated to God Almighty ( America! Check! ) Interfering with Israels right to defend herself - dividing up her land ( big judgment coming for that one ) siding with her enemies ( arab oil is not an excuse - neither is intimidation, folks ) these are the very things that have brought the judgment of God and with it? Obama. I don't believe America will have another president after Obama - what you see is it.. our nation was blessed tremendously because we were a nation who served God, knew the bible, attended church, we acknowledged God in everything we did but now? Now we have a judgment that is going to be so severe your very hair will turn white over it. I don't expect it will be very long before our enemies attack us from without and within - judgment of God is at the door now. There is no denying it. Even unbelievers know something is up.

So here is the good news... Under a nuclear attack those who belong fully to the LORD have nothing to worry about. The bad news is...... The rest of you have alot to worry about. Then there is the Good News that Jesus saves... whosoever will can come to Him and he will receive them - Psalm 91 will become theirs in an instant! Then there is the bad news...... that some of you are STILL going to reject him. If I were an unbeliever I'd buy a bible and read it from cover to cover with the prayer that God would reveal His Son to me and save me. That is what I'd do. - Jeremiah

Morally bankrupt?

Again, are you going to sit here and tell me that we are less moral now vs 1850 when (as I mentioned before) millions and millions of African Americans were being kidnapped (by Americans) and shipped in 130 degree slave ships across the Atlantic to work slave labor for life? Imagine someone coming into your home, breaking up your entire family (never to be seen again) and shipping you off to a completely foreign country to work slave labor for life. Oh yea, and you’ll probably get raped a few times a month too.

Explain to me – please – how our society was less morally “bankrupt” back then as compared to now…

Revisionist history. Americans never kidnapped any slaves. The africans kidnapped were taken by africans as a result of tribal warfare ans sold to ARAB slave traders.

The left is dependent on ignorance.

Right. And whites are completely innocent. Guns were held to their heads to forcibly take slaves to do slave labor in America...and forcibly rape, murder and torture the Africans. Talk about revisionist history. Delusional.
WOW you aren't born gay that's for sure.

So if Rob Portman's son was not born gay, are you suggesting that Rob Portman taught his son to be gay? Or you're going with the falsehood that his son is just a sexual deviant who made a conscious decision to like other guys rather than women?

His son is a sexual deviant that choose to be a dick sucker.

Please. Like you haven't sucked a dick, literally and figuratively.
Please. There are far more heterosexuals that are pedophiles than gays. There are far more heterosexual deviants of all kinds (rapists, murderers, sadists, etc...) than there are deviant gays. Don't get me started.

If a man molests young boys, he's not a heterosexual.

Yeah....that's more......


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers

Really? That's what some claim.
It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

It doesn't matter who his father is, liberal or conservative. It doesn't change the fact that being gay is his personal choice and it is due to sexual perversion.

Bottom line is, no one cares that his son is gay. So why does he now have to try to get everyone else to support "gay marriage". His son's actions don't change the fact that most people view a real marriage as being between a man and a woman.

Fortunately, that point of view is in flux.
So if Rob Portman's son was not born gay, are you suggesting that Rob Portman taught his son to be gay? Or you're going with the falsehood that his son is just a sexual deviant who made a conscious decision to like other guys rather than women?

His son is a sexual deviant that choose to be a dick sucker.

Please. Like you haven't sucked a dick, literally and figuratively.

Projecting I see.

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