Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

WOW you aren't born gay that's for sure.

So if Rob Portman's son was not born gay, are you suggesting that Rob Portman taught his son to be gay? Or you're going with the falsehood that his son is just a sexual deviant who made a conscious decision to like other guys rather than women?

His son is a sexual deviant that choose to be a dick sucker.

When did you choose to not be gay?

Did you choose whether or not you like carrots? Where is the carrot gene?
Revisionist history. Americans never kidnapped any slaves. The africans kidnapped were taken by africans as a result of tribal warfare ans sold to ARAB slave traders.

The left is dependent on ignorance.

Katz, really?

Regardless of how the Africans were initially "kidnapped", the White Americans shipped them over to the United States in 130 degree slave ships (1 of 3 perished), the White Americans auctioned them off (splitting apart families), the White Americans forced them to work on their plantations for no pay, the White Americans whipped and raped them, ect, ect.

Or am I mistaken, was it the Africans that ran the plantations and commerce in the US in 1850 and forced other Africans (in America) to work slave labor?

Be courageous and explain yourself.

Surely the slaves were forced to work for no pay. Many people worked for no pay. The average slave received the same as the average apprentice. Mostly white, the apprentice was sold into apprenticeship by his family where he or she worked for absolutely nothing beyond room and board (like the slave). If the master felt generous, the apprentice might get a few coppers now and then. The white indentured servant worked for no pay. Sometimes the indentured servant received freedom when he or she worked off the indenture. Most of the time the indentured servant had the costs of upkeep added to the indenture and they were never able to work it off.

As far as splitting apart families, that was done but no more or less than was done to other families at the time. Certainly no worse than what happened to whites who were captured off American city streets by gangs of pressmen where they were sold to man the ships.

Slavery is a stain on humanity, but it was undoubtably a very necessary stain since there isn't a person on earth today that could not trace ancestry back to some kind of slavery at some time. Were black slaves any worse off than the British slaves of the Romans? Not nearly. Were black slaves better treated or worse treated than the Jewish or Greek slaves of the Egyptians or Romans.

Slavery was an evil, but a necessary evil. It's how the world got built. Now if you say that the slaves should have had jobs and been wage earners that's imposing a current obligation today on a people of long ago that simply had no such concept of fair wages or safe working conditions.

boooring. you got a link to back that up asswipe?
Slaves had it good, dontcha know. They were treated well by their masters, and were ever so grateful to be slaves. Everybody knows that! They had three square meals a day, Sundays off to go to church, and were not forced to learn how to read or anything like us white folk were.

Yup, life was good as a slave. Black people should be thanking us.

And by the way...TAXES ARE SLAVERY!!!! :evil::evil::evil:
Which does nothing but show us we have one more self serving hypocrite in elected office who places their own personal feeling above the will of the people who they supposedly represent. No big deal, hell has plenty of room for this fool and his son.

Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.

I got your bitch boy. I can read, and if you could also you'd know what I know. That it's the word of God that says they'll go to hell. It's not me calling the shots, it's the Lord telling you the facts boy. As for you the rest of your bs, I can understand you, not having any concept of what duty, loyalty and honor actaully means, not making an issue of him placing his personal feelings above the will of the people that actually elected him to represent their views. Like so many other Americans duty, honor and loyalty are foreign concepts to you so I can see why you admire him for his lack of honor, failure to do his duty and his disloyalty to his constituents. Run along now boy, the grown up are talking.
There it is......the "homosexuals = pedophiles" argument.

Please. There are far more heterosexuals that are pedophiles than gays. There are far more heterosexual deviants of all kinds (rapists, murderers, sadists, etc...) than there are deviant gays. Don't get me started.

This isn't a contest. Gays want to avoid the truth. Men who pray on underage boys are sick freaks but they're still gay. Great typo ... Belongs in the pope thread! Gays simply want to push away the stigma.

Truth is there are reasons unnatural sex should be discouraged. One reason isn't the cause. It's the unintended consequences that arise. Some Gays have long relationships but when they lose their partners it's sometimes difficult to find another because you're older, not into dating, not willing to put up with some of the nut-jobs you need to associate with just to get laid.

My sister used to be an athlete. Now she's an overweight, white haired grandma type with no children that drinks too much. Her life partner died so she's an alcoholic which led to a stroke at 50. Her life sucks and she doesn't associate with the family anymore.

The rest of your post is silly. Pedophiles are not gay. Gays are not pedophiles. The end.

Not sure what your sister has to do with this. She made her choice ...
Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.

Absolutely right. But, R politicians are learning not to follow their own moral compass. Look what happened to Chris Christy - all because he dared to do his job, to serve those who voted for him.

Neither the GObP/R nor the rw voter will ever forgive him for not sticking his nose up the butt of the Party Line.

Same thing happened to Gov Charlie Crist in Florida. Its the Party Way or the Highway.
I don't believe that it will hurt the GOP to stand with the will of the people. The matter has been addressed. Most Americans do not believe in same sex marriage and don't want it. Marriage belongs between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Talk about confusion! No better word to describe the mindset of the homosexuals in this country.

I'm just wondering what happens when ALAC ( American Law for American Courtrooms ) gets turned back and Sharia law comes in full swing to the courtrooms. ( part of Obamas promise to MB on what he'd do for muslims in America ) All of you are on record demanding your rights as gays. The penalty for being gay under Sharia Law is death. Some of you are definitely not thinking with your heads here. - Jeremiah

The majority of Ameircans currently support same sex marriage.

While a majority of the citizens of some states may oppose it, nationally this is not the case.

You can't have it both ways.

You can't say that the majority of Americans support it then say that the majority of citizens oppose it.

A March Quinnipiac University poll found 47% support and 43% opposed among all voters.

A March Fox News poll indicated that 46% of Americans both support and oppose same-sex marriage.

Given the margin or error and the fact that in the Quinniac poll for example less than 2000 people were polled it hardly supports the contentioin that same sex marriage is widely accepted.

I think this makes perfect sense.

The GObP/R/rw is against personal liberty and personal responsibility.

OTOH, the most basic tenet of the lib/prog/Dems is exactly that.
Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

And even if it were a choice, one has the right to make that choice, to express himself as an individual, free from interference by the state.
Which does nothing but show us we have one more self serving hypocrite in elected office who places their own personal feeling above the will of the people who they supposedly represent. No big deal, hell has plenty of room for this fool and his son.

Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.

I got your bitch boy. I can read, and if you could also you'd know what I know. That it's the word of God that says they'll go to hell. It's not me calling the shots, it's the Lord telling you the facts boy. As for you the rest of your bs, I can understand you, not having any concept of what duty, loyalty and honor actaully means, not making an issue of him placing his personal feelings above the will of the people that actually elected him to represent their views. Like so many other Americans duty, honor and loyalty are foreign concepts to you so I can see why you admire him for his lack of honor, failure to do his duty and his disloyalty to his constituents. Run along now boy, the grown up are talking.

The Tooth Fairy is a much more reliable source for a humanitarian pov. And, just as "grown up" as your imaginary Sky Fairy.
Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

And even if it were a choice, one has the right to make that choice, to express himself as an individual, free from interference by the state.

This is really the bootom line to this, and other so-called "social issues".

We each have the right to choose who we love, who we marry, when we will reproduce, etc. Its no one's business and we need to get Big Government out of our private lives, out of our bedrooms.

And, the GObP/Repubs/rw voters believe they have the right to pass lots of laws to control every aspect of other people's lives.

We must never stop fighting for the EQUAL rights, as guaranteed in Constitution, for ALL people. NOT just the people the R agrees with.
BTW, even though it takes some courage to take this stand after his son came out, in fact, his son came out to the family a couple of years ago.

What took Portman so long? And, why does it always take the real courage of a family member in order for the cowardly and hypocritical R to decide to finally and suddenly believe in equal rights for ALL Americans?
Excuse my boldness, but you sound like an ancient dinosaur.

Fortunately, your kind is currently disappearing into the oblivion of retirement, and out of Public office, ect, slowly but surely. If I had to guess I'd say you're somewhere in the 40-60 range agewise.
I may never be able to convince you to support gay marriage, but I find peace in the fact that my side will prevail (without a doubt) within the next 10 to 20 years.Again, you can dislike gays for whatever reason (and that's fine), but it's insane to argue that public opinion isn't shifting in favor of gays and gay marriage.

This is a very ageist post. Prejudice is prejudice. How ironic you should be such an age bigot while posting against people who are another kind of bigot. A bigot is a bigot, and you surely are one when it comes to older people. Just because someone is over 40 or over 50 or over 80, it doesn't mean they think like a 'dinosaur' and it is no reason to be jubliant about what you consider as them retiring and/or dying off and thus no longer having any value in our society. Your post is disgusting and full of bigotry.

Hey, every word I said was true.

It's a fact that when you compare the (1) older generation with the (2) younger generation, it's the younger generation that's generally more accepting of gay marriage, and it's the younger generation that's going to be running the country for the next 30 years. Sorry if that offended you, but it's true. It's a fact of life that we live and die, and that it's going to be the ideas of the younger folks that are going to prevail this time. And in the future, the ideas of their kids will prevail the next time (and it goes on and on)...

And for the record, I said that she "sounds like a dinosaur" specifically for her comments on gays. As gay marriage becomes more and more acceptable, those types of comments are going to be considered archaic, ancient, ect (ie 'made by a dinosaur').

Katz was the one saying that "homosexual men are more likely to be child predators", which I find very offensive to all of the gay individuals in this country who are wonderful human beings and deep contributors to society. That is the sort of "bigot" statement you should be getting upset with.. not me.

You need to take a step back and rethink things...

You are the one who needs to rethink things. Your post is ageist, and, yes, bigoted, and based on ignorance:

You say, "....your kind is currently disappearing into the oblivion of retirement, and out of Public office, ect [sic], slowly but surely. If I had to guess I'd say you're somewhere in the 40-60 range agewise. I may never be able to convince you to support gay marriage, but I find peace in the fact that my side will prevail (without a doubt) within the next 10 to 20 years......It's a fact that when you compare the (1) older generation with the (2) younger generation, it's the younger generation that's generally more accepting of gay marriage, and it's the younger generation that's going to be running the country for the next 30 years"

Think again.

The youngest person in the US Congress is 39. Most are in their 50s and 60s. The oldest is 89. Those in their 60s and 50s now are from the baby boomer generation, who are healthier and living longer, and better, than any previous generation.

The youngest member of the House of Representatives is 29. There re a few in their late 30s. By far, most members of the House are in their 50s and 60s. There are two who are 83, two are 82, one is 81. Quite a few are in their 70s and many in their 40s. Those in their 60s and 50s now are from the baby boomer generation, who are healthier and living longer, and better, than any previous generation. In comparison, the number of them in their 30s is quite small.

US presidents: all have been over 40 when they took office. Most were in their 50s. Ten were in their 60s. Eight were in their 40s. The next one may very well be in her late 60s when elected.

Current US Governers range in age from 74 to 41, with most, again, being in their 50s and 60s. Those in their 60s and 50s now are from the baby boomer generation, who are healthier and living longer, and better, than any previous generation.

These numbers are consistent around the world as it applies to governments. They are also consistent around the world as it applies to CEOs and top managers in most big corporations. Bill Gates, for example, is 57. He's not going to be giving up his power any time soon, probably never will. The new Pope is 76.

Also, most university professors are well past 40 and many will not retire until they are in their 70s. This applies to most artists and intellectuals around the world who generally keep on going until their death, which is very often nowadays in their 70s or 80s. ~They are very, very often the people who most affect the current thinking of the day.

Your perspective lacks knowledge of the world, of history, of current reality, etc. Your perspective is based on a very limited experience of the world and an apparently very limited knowledge base. Being open minded and liberal does not have to do with age. Your idea that it does illustrates your limitations. You need to read the great philosophers, you need to read history beyond the textbooks you read in high school. You need to familiarize yourself with the great thinkers, writers and artists of the past centuries. You and your generation do not represent open mindedness, not in any way, shape or form. Hopefully, your "side" will do a lot more thinking, learning, and developing of some humility before you and "your kind" 'take over,' which isn't going to be any time soon. You remind me of all those youngin’s out there who think they invented sex.
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Which does nothing but show us we have one more self serving hypocrite in elected office who places their own personal feeling above the will of the people who they supposedly represent. No big deal, hell has plenty of room for this fool and his son.

Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.

I got your bitch boy. I can read, and if you could also you'd know what I know. That it's the word of God that says they'll go to hell. It's not me calling the shots, it's the Lord telling you the facts boy. As for you the rest of your bs, I can understand you, not having any concept of what duty, loyalty and honor actaully means, not making an issue of him placing his personal feelings above the will of the people that actually elected him to represent their views. Like so many other Americans duty, honor and loyalty are foreign concepts to you so I can see why you admire him for his lack of honor, failure to do his duty and his disloyalty to his constituents. Run along now boy, the grown up are talking.

Boy? Does that make your cock hard, and close to cumming, by addressing me that way, bigot?
The word of God? Ha! You'd be the last one qualified to use the Bible as a weapon, ho. You know nothing of the "word of God", since Christ didn't speak to the matter, so it must not have been that important. If you think the Old Testament writings are relevant, then, there are so many violations, nowadays, committed by so-called "Christians", as not to be funny. So it's a moot point. And if you think the writings of Paul are relevant, he is viewed by many to be a latent homosexual and misogynist, rendering him, at least, a hypocrite.
And I need no earthly human, poor and flawed as you, to define or qualify my personal relationship with The Almighty. Above Portman's constituents, he owes fealty and loyalty to his own family and conscience. Since those are foreign concepts to those of you "on the right", I understand if it escapes you.
Boy? Again. I'm a 60 year old man. And you can get up off your knees and off of my dick.
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

Check out the comment directly following yours in this thread for a better understanding of my post. The anti-gay thing is not strictly a liberal/conservative issue, but conservatives do seem to be more driven by their religious zealotry against gays.

This conservative has NEVER been anti-gay. I don't comprehend the thinking of those who are. Why deny or punish a large and growing group of people who are physically harming no one? :cuckoo:
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

Check out the comment directly following yours in this thread for a better understanding of my post. The anti-gay thing is not strictly a liberal/conservative issue, but conservatives do seem to be more driven by their religious zealotry against gays.

I think it's just that conservatives hate minorities because minorities are "not them". But when one of their kids turns out gay, suddenly, it's "one of us". But it's not always a happy ending. Alen Keyes, the guy who ran against Obama for the senate, disowned his daughter and tossed her to the street with only the clothes on her back in the name of "family values".
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

Check out the comment directly following yours in this thread for a better understanding of my post. The anti-gay thing is not strictly a liberal/conservative issue, but conservatives do seem to be more driven by their religious zealotry against gays.

This conservative has NEVER been anti-gay. I don't comprehend the thinking of those who are. Why deny or punish a large and growing group of people who are physically harming no one? :cuckoo:

Fear and hate. Two of the three foundation legs of the Republican stool. The third is ignorance.
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

Check out the comment directly following yours in this thread for a better understanding of my post. The anti-gay thing is not strictly a liberal/conservative issue, but conservatives do seem to be more driven by their religious zealotry against gays.

I think it's just that conservatives hate minorities because minorities are "not them". But when one of their kids turns out gay, suddenly, it's "one of us". But it's not always a happy ending. Alen Keyes, the guy who ran against Obama for the senate, disowned his daughter and tossed her to the street with only the clothes on her back in the name of "family values".

I'm sure she was better off without that psycho.
Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.

I got your bitch boy. I can read, and if you could also you'd know what I know. That it's the word of God that says they'll go to hell. It's not me calling the shots, it's the Lord telling you the facts boy. As for you the rest of your bs, I can understand you, not having any concept of what duty, loyalty and honor actaully means, not making an issue of him placing his personal feelings above the will of the people that actually elected him to represent their views. Like so many other Americans duty, honor and loyalty are foreign concepts to you so I can see why you admire him for his lack of honor, failure to do his duty and his disloyalty to his constituents. Run along now boy, the grown up are talking.

Boy? Does that make your cock hard, and close to cumming, by addressing me that way, bigot?
The word of God? Ha! You'd be the last one qualified to use the Bible as a weapon, ho. You know nothing of the "word of God", since Christ didn't speak to the matter, so it must not have been that important. If you think the Old Testament writings are relevant, then, there are so many violations, nowadays, committed by so-called "Christians", as not to be funny. So it's a moot point. And if you think the writings of Paul are relevant, he is viewed by many to be a latent homosexual and misogynist, rendering him, at least, a hypocrite.
And I need no earthly human, poor and flawed as you, to define or qualify my personal relationship with The Almighty. Above Portman's constituents, he owes fealty and loyalty to his own family and conscience. Since those are foreign concepts to those of you "on the right", I understand if it escapes you.
Boy? Again. I'm a 60 year old man. And you can get up off your knees and off of my dick.

Romans 1 is New Testament teaching - so is Revelation 21. Bible condemns homosexual behavior in the Old AND the New Testament.

- Jeremiah

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