Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out


And you said the "federal" government. The sheriffs were going to fight the feds.

See you have not been watching the news

And you said the "federal" government. The sheriffs were going to fight the feds.

Yes I said the feds but the states are the testing grounds
I never said it was going to happen over night, but it's coming.

Um. No. You just said, "And their are a couple of other states that have mandatory confiscation of certain firearms".

Please name one.
Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife?s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit |
OH and New York
Been down that road with him.

He says that correct English is not important.

Which explains a great deal.


OH and here we have one that doesn't understand what illiterate means. When you learn the meaning then you can come back and nitpick what AND HOW I POST UNTIL THEN GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Hey, that reminds me. I'm going to ask you one more time: You said that when I called you illiterate (as if that's a shock to anyone), it was a grammatical error on my part.

Please explain precisely how that is a grammatical error. What did that mean?

I'm not expecting a straight answer, mind you, I'm just looking forward to you avoiding it.

Go ahead. Answer the question, please.


If I'm illiterate like you said I was earlier how could I possibly respond back to you? How could I be able to read what you type?

grammatical error would be using a word and not know it's meaning.
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Ah, the civil war porn that you fringe right wingers masturbate to. :lol:

Look pal, I'm in the Army, deployed three time, the whole nine. If there is some revolt and you summon up the balls to crawl out of your trailer, worried is about the last thing I'll be when I take you out.

Look pal I don't give a fuck what you say your in. The federal government has been warned by many civilian law enforcement what will happen. You are one that might be in the military their are many more that are not like you who will fight against you.

Boy oh boy, talk about mixed feelings.

While the comedic value of people like this is essentially off the charts, it's sad to see how badly they've been duped by their radio masters. Now they're all off in the woods playing Rambo and waiting for the big war.

Imagine going through life like that.

[ame=]Fridays Michael Richards as "Battle Boy" March 20,1981 - YouTube[/ame]

bigrebnc1775....preppin' for THE BIG ONE!!
I don't believe that it will hurt the GOP to stand with the will of the people. The matter has been addressed. Most Americans do not believe in same sex marriage and don't want it. Marriage belongs between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Talk about confusion! No better word to describe the mindset of the homosexuals in this country.

News Poll shows that 54% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 46% oppose .

You are wrong. MOST Americans support same sex marriage.
It was much more acceptable in 1953 to be a drug addict (ie alcohol) than in 2013. Remember how folks used to drink during their lunch break and it'd be OK? That stuff doesn't fly anymore.

Serial Womanizer? 1953 without a doubt. Think of the roles of men/women then as they compare to now...

In 1953 a man who was divorced and cheated on his wife couldn't even get a job and certainly had no friends.

There were social consequences completely outside of the law.

Oh come on. Are you telling me that it was less acceptable for a man to flirt and womanize women in the office-place (for example) in 1953 vs now?

It was never acceptable. It might have been ignored, especially if it was the boss, but no one would go up to a man who was cheating on his wife and say "You dog you!" A man who was looking for a job would be asked if he was married and preference in hiring and promotion would be given to married men. Married men with children, married men without children would be flatly asked if they intended to start a family. Like it or not, men who were disloyal to their wives were understood to be disloyal, and disloyal to the company too.
I don't believe that it will hurt the GOP to stand with the will of the people. The matter has been addressed. Most Americans do not believe in same sex marriage and don't want it. Marriage belongs between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Talk about confusion! No better word to describe the mindset of the homosexuals in this country.

News Poll shows that 54% of Americans support same-sex marriage while 46% oppose .

You are wrong. MOST Americans support same sex marriage.

You can get a poll that says almost anything. MOST Americans support sending the sequester to Portugal.

It is widely believed that the majority in California supports same sex marriage but when gay advocates tried to get enough signatures to put the issue back on the ballot, they couldn't get enough to qualify. That's why they had to get a gay judge to overturn Prop 8. The majority could overturn Prop 8 in one election, but there aren't enough voters to put it on the ballot.
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Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

some people have no compassion for others they dont know.

Those kind of people are BAD choices to represent the interests of others

Excellent point!:clap2:
OH and here we have one that doesn't understand what illiterate means. When you learn the meaning then you can come back and nitpick what AND HOW I POST UNTIL THEN GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Hey, that reminds me. I'm going to ask you one more time: You said that when I called you illiterate (as if that's a shock to anyone), it was a grammatical error on my part.

Please explain precisely how that is a grammatical error. What did that mean?

I'm not expecting a straight answer, mind you, I'm just looking forward to you avoiding it.

Go ahead. Answer the question, please.


If I'm illiterate like you said I was earlier how could I possibly respond back to you? How could I be able to read what you type?

grammatical error would be using a word and not know it's meaning.

Good answer!


the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax.

these features or constructions themselves: English grammar.
an account of these features; a set of rules accounting for these constructions: a grammar of English.
Generative Grammar . a device, as a body of rules, whose output is all of the sentences that are permissible in a given language, while excluding all those that are not permissible.
prescriptive grammar.

Grammar is not the meaning of words, it is the construction of sentences.

Would you like to keep digging?


It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

It doesn't matter who his father is, liberal or conservative. It doesn't change the fact that being gay is his personal choice and it is due to sexual perversion.

You Teabaggers surely do seem to enjoy being wrong.....a LOT!!!!

[ame=]Youngest Brother Has the Highest Chance To Be Gay pt1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Youngest Brother Has the Highest Chance To Be Gay pt2 - YouTube[/ame]​
In 1953 a man who was divorced and cheated on his wife couldn't even get a job and certainly had no friends.

There were social consequences completely outside of the law.

Oh come on. Are you telling me that it was less acceptable for a man to flirt and womanize women in the office-place (for example) in 1953 vs now?

It was never acceptable. It might have been ignored, especially if it was the boss, but no one would go up to a man who was cheating on his wife and say "You dog you!" A man who was looking for a job would be asked if he was married and preference in hiring and promotion would be given to married men. Married men with children, married men without children would be flatly asked if they intended to start a family. Like it or not, men who were disloyal to their wives were understood to be disloyal, and disloyal to the company too.

Yes, but even you admit that in the 1950's that sort of thing was more likely to be "ignored". In 2013 it would be much less likely to be ignored, and the issue would be confronted head on. As you know, women were treated much differently back in those days; heck, it would have even been considered taboo to feature a single female to be the star of a TV show in 1953. In 2013, not a big deal because the gender is being treated a whole lot more equally.

My point is largely centered around sexism and fairness. We have progressed in these categories since 1950, in my opinion.

Do you agree?
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Then let them handle it on a state by state basis but let the homosexuals know that by using slander, force, death threats, boycotts, destroying careers, getting people fired, using any method possible to force the issue they will one day come face to face with Islam here in America and will suddenly realise the stupidity of their actions. It started with Anita Bryant and it has led up to where we are today. - Jeremiah

Considering homosexuals make up such a small percentage of the population, you're certainly crediting them with a lot of power.

Muslims make up an even smaller percentage of the population yet we have sharia law being introduced in american courtrooms. In fact, it has become so bad that we have now had to introduce American Law for American Courtrooms. State by State they are introducing ALAC to stop Sharia law in our courtrooms. CAIR is fighting it tooth and nail. Probably something else you didn't realise was going on inside USA, eh? Bottom line? You don't have a point. Get it?


Sharia law in American courts? Who is this nutcase? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Ron Portman's revelation should make people uncomfortable. What he says is "It's okay for me to oppose same sex marriage for YOUR children. When it comes to MY child, I'll change my mind. That's a lack of basic character. When Mary Cheney came out of her closet, Dick Cheney expressed his love for his daughter but it didn't change his belief. That's what honesty looks like.

This is too bad, because I thought Ron Portman would have made a good presidential candidate. Knowing that he will change positions when the issue comes to him personally, puts him in a whole different shadow.
Ron Portman's revelation should make people uncomfortable. What he says is "It's okay for me to oppose same sex marriage for YOUR children. When it comes to MY child, I'll change my mind. That's a lack of basic character. When Mary Cheney came out of her closet, Dick Cheney expressed his love for his daughter but it didn't change his belief. That's what honesty looks like.

This is too bad, because I thought Ron Portman would have made a good presidential candidate. Knowing that he will change positions when the issue comes to him personally, puts him in a whole different shadow.

See you have not been watching the news

Yes I said the feds but the states are the testing grounds
I never said it was going to happen over night, but it's coming.

Um. No. You just said, "And their are a couple of other states that have mandatory confiscation of certain firearms".

Please name one.
Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife?s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit |
OH and New York

Ah. So they are not coming for everyone's guns. Just the mentally unstable.

I'm sure you mean the civil war was all about the government coming for mentally unstable people's guns, right?

You are the textbook example of "disingenuous".
I think the problem here is so few Gays can face reality.

The reality is that the majority of Americans support legalizing gay marriage, several states now allow it and the tide is moving against you.

That's the reality.

Now spin away.

Not against me, cuz I don't care ether way.

I feel everyone deserves to feel the same pain, suffering, and expense a bad marriage and divorce will produce.
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First you better be more concerned with the civil war that is coming.
Between this and the gun issue there is a tender box

:rofl: more toughie talk from lil'rebnyc1775 :lol:

loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

Wow.....those are some great examples you offer?????

Um. No. You just said, "And their are a couple of other states that have mandatory confiscation of certain firearms".

Please name one.
Guns of Law-Abiding Husband Confiscated After Wife?s Single Voluntary Mental Health Visit |
OH and New York

Ah. So they are not coming for everyone's guns. Just the mentally unstable.

I'm sure you mean the civil war was all about the government coming for mentally unstable people's guns, right?

You are the textbook example of "disingenuous".

No they came for the husbands guns not his wife's guns.

Ah. So they are not coming for everyone's guns. Just the mentally unstable.

I'm sure you mean the civil war was all about the government coming for mentally unstable people's guns, right?

You are the textbook example of "disingenuous".

No they came for the husbands guns not his wife's guns.

The guns were bought by the mentally unstable person, not the husband.
Ron Portman's revelation should make people uncomfortable. What he says is "It's okay for me to oppose same sex marriage for YOUR children. When it comes to MY child, I'll change my mind. That's a lack of basic character. When Mary Cheney came out of her closet, Dick Cheney expressed his love for his daughter but it didn't change his belief. That's what honesty looks like.

This is too bad, because I thought Ron Portman would have made a good presidential candidate. Knowing that he will change positions when the issue comes to him personally, puts him in a whole different shadow.

Politicians like Ron are human beings, and sometimes human beings experience things that will force them to change their former opinion on a subject. I don't think this 'discredits' a person one bit. Also, you're saying he's being dishonest? To simply say I don't support gay marriage would be the easy thing to do; his whole career is on the line, after all - correct? To say that you support Gay marriage (as a republican representative) is putting yourself in the firing line and takes a lot of courage to do so. He's the one being honest (and courageous) here.

Question for you Katz --- Have you ever held an opinion, only to have it change later through experience? If you answered yes, does that discredit your character?
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