Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

If a man molests young boys, he's not a heterosexual.

Definition of HOMOSEXUAL
1: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
2: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

More girls....MANY more girls are molested by men.....heterosexual men.


Every time I post that, people find it so unbelievable that they ask for links....which I then provide:
Katz, really?

Regardless of how the Africans were initially "kidnapped", the White Americans shipped them over to the United States in 130 degree slave ships (1 of 3 perished), the White Americans auctioned them off (splitting apart families), the White Americans forced them to work on their plantations for no pay, the White Americans whipped and raped them, ect, ect.

Or am I mistaken, was it the Africans that ran the plantations and commerce in the US in 1850 and forced other Africans (in America) to work slave labor?

Be courageous and explain yourself.

According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man.

By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone.

The popular opinion regarding slavery in the United States is that it was a simple matter of racial oppression of blacks by whites. However, the presence of black slaveholders in North America prior to the Civil War shows that slavery was not based solely on color but on economics. Black slave owners, for the most part, were complicities in support of the institution deriving from it wealth and privileges denied to other groups.

Unspoken Reality: Black Slaveholders Prior to the Civil War

The first slave owner in what became the United States was John Rolfe of Jamestown. Now you say he was a black man??????? Since when?

According to colonial records the first slave owner was a black man by the name of Anthony Johnson in 1651.
Morally bankrupt?

Again, are you going to sit here and tell me that we are less moral now vs 1850 when (as I mentioned before) millions and millions of African Americans were being kidnapped (by Americans) and shipped in 130 degree slave ships across the Atlantic to work slave labor for life? Imagine someone coming into your home, breaking up your entire family (never to be seen again) and shipping you off to a completely foreign country to work slave labor for life. Oh yea, and you’ll probably get raped a few times a month too.

Explain to me – please – how our society was less morally “bankrupt” back then as compared to now…

Revisionist history. Americans never kidnapped any slaves. The africans kidnapped were taken by africans as a result of tribal warfare ans sold to ARAB slave traders.

The left is dependent on ignorance.

Katz, really?

Regardless of how the Africans were initially "kidnapped", the White Americans shipped them over to the United States in 130 degree slave ships (1 of 3 perished), the White Americans auctioned them off (splitting apart families), the White Americans forced them to work on their plantations for no pay, the White Americans whipped and raped them, ect, ect.

Or am I mistaken, was it the Africans that ran the plantations and commerce in the US in 1850 and forced other Africans (in America) to work slave labor?

Be courageous and explain yourself.

Surely the slaves were forced to work for no pay. Many people worked for no pay. The average slave received the same as the average apprentice. Mostly white, the apprentice was sold into apprenticeship by his family where he or she worked for absolutely nothing beyond room and board (like the slave). If the master felt generous, the apprentice might get a few coppers now and then. The white indentured servant worked for no pay. Sometimes the indentured servant received freedom when he or she worked off the indenture. Most of the time the indentured servant had the costs of upkeep added to the indenture and they were never able to work it off.

As far as splitting apart families, that was done but no more or less than was done to other families at the time. Certainly no worse than what happened to whites who were captured off American city streets by gangs of pressmen where they were sold to man the ships.

Slavery is a stain on humanity, but it was undoubtably a very necessary stain since there isn't a person on earth today that could not trace ancestry back to some kind of slavery at some time. Were black slaves any worse off than the British slaves of the Romans? Not nearly. Were black slaves better treated or worse treated than the Jewish or Greek slaves of the Egyptians or Romans.

Slavery was an evil, but a necessary evil. It's how the world got built. Now if you say that the slaves should have had jobs and been wage earners that's imposing a current obligation today on a people of long ago that simply had no such concept of fair wages or safe working conditions.
Is it more acceptable to be a drug addict today than in 1953? How about a serial womanizer?

It was much more acceptable in 1953 to be a drug addict (ie alcohol) than in 2013. Remember how folks used to drink during their lunch break and it'd be OK? That stuff doesn't fly anymore.

Serial Womanizer? 1953 without a doubt. Think of the roles of men/women then as they compare to now...

No, drug addict. Alcoholic is not the same thing. Quit playing games.
Yes, some things are more acceptable, some less.
What was your point again?

Alcohol is a drug abuse to abuse alcohol.
First you better be more concerned with the civil war that is coming.
Between this and the gun issue there is a tender box

Ah, the civil war porn that you fringe right wingers masturbate to. :lol:

Look pal, I'm in the Army, deployed three time, the whole nine. If there is some revolt and you summon up the balls to crawl out of your trailer, worried is about the last thing I'll be when I take you out.
Look pal I don't give a fuck what you say your in. The federal government has been warned by many civilian law enforcement what will happen.


More girls....MANY more girls are molested by men.....heterosexual men.


Every time I post that, people find it so unbelievable that they ask for links....which I then provide:

You assume too much

I ask because I was interested in the percentages. It still in no way takes away the fact that men who molest boys are indeed homosexuals, per the definition I provided.
Ah, the civil war porn that you fringe right wingers masturbate to. :lol:

Look pal, I'm in the Army, deployed three time, the whole nine. If there is some revolt and you summon up the balls to crawl out of your trailer, worried is about the last thing I'll be when I take you out.

Look pal I don't give a fuck what you say your in. The federal government has been warned by many civilian law enforcement what will happen. You are one that might be in the military their are many more that are not like you who will fight against you.

Boy oh boy, talk about mixed feelings.

While the comedic value of people like this is essentially off the charts, it's sad to see how badly they've been duped by their radio masters. Now they're all off in the woods playing Rambo and waiting for the big war.

Imagine going through life like that.


Comical value is from those like you.
Why did the feds order all those new toys and ammo?
They would never have ordered as much as they did without planing for something major.
One of two things we're going to be invaded or a civil war.
First you better be more concerned with the civil war that is coming.
Between this and the gun issue there is a tender box

:rofl: more toughie talk from lil'rebnyc1775 :lol:

loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns. The only voices who are saying someone is coming for your guns are the ones on the syndicated Idiot Network and the ones in your head.

So if a politician makes a tough guy stand about what he is going to do when they come for your guns, he's basically scooping up the Gullible Rube vote. It's free money lying in the street to those guys.
Dere cummin fer y'gunz! But doon yoo worry, cause ima gonna blast 'em!
The point that you are really ignorant on the history of slavery, not only in this country but of it's origin.

Not trying to discredit, simply trying to enlighten.

It was also legal for a Black man to "own" another human being, and force him to work for life without pay simply because the man's skin was black.

"Blacks were worked to death, raped, beaten, and treated like animals."

There were exceptions but this certainly was not the rule.

But please link me to historical facts that would prove me wrong.

No I don't agree that we as a nation are a more moral, ethical, or progressive society.

We as a society has determined that slavery was morally wrong, but we as a society also find that the taking of innocent unborn life is morally acceptable.

Lone - My point is that slavery (and all of its horrors) existed - period - in the US on a gigantic scale in 1850, and that it doesn't exist now. That’s what it comes down to. I don't understand what exactly there is to 'spin' about that statement..

I don’t care what the origins of slavery was, I don’t care if blacks too owned slaves (it's still slavery, right?), I’m simply pointing out that millions of human beings were enslaved in the United States in 1850 and that sort of thing does not exist in 2013. It was voted and outlawed as we progressed morally as a society.

You imply that we were a more moral, ethical, and progressive society in 1850 vs now, but why exactly (share some points)? Will your explanation address racism, sexism, and the fact that women couldn’t vote and had very minimal rights (compared to men), and the fact that it was legal to split apart a black family and auction off the women, men, and children to different plantations never to see one another again?

I mean, it's very difficult to discuss "ethical" societies (by today's standards) and argue that the one that condones slavery is more progressive than the one that does not.

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First you better be more concerned with the civil war that is coming.
Between this and the gun issue there is a tender box

Ah, the civil war porn that you fringe right wingers masturbate to. :lol:

Look pal, I'm in the Army, deployed three time, the whole nine. If there is some revolt and you summon up the balls to crawl out of your trailer, worried is about the last thing I'll be when I take you out.

Isn't it just wonderful what these loons think of you? Any day now, the DHS and the US Army are going to be shooting us all with 1.6 billion rounds of ammuntion, and locking the rest of us up in FEMA camps and roughing us up.

Good times.

[ame=]Red Dawn - YouTube[/ame]

:rofl: more toughie talk from lil'rebnyc1775 :lol:

loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns. The only voices who are saying someone is coming for your guns are the ones on the syndicated Idiot Network and the ones in your head.

So if a politician makes a tough guy stand about what he is going to do when they come for your guns, he's basically scooping up the Gullible Rube vote. It's free money lying in the street to those guys.
No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns.
What do you think universal registration is about?
You haven't been watching the news have you?
WOW you aren't born gay that's for sure.

So if Rob Portman's son was not born gay, are you suggesting that Rob Portman taught his son to be gay? Or you're going with the falsehood that his son is just a sexual deviant who made a conscious decision to like other guys rather than women?

His son is a sexual deviant that choose to be a dick sucker.
^ talks about gay sex more than gays do.
loonie toons if you haven't been keeping up with the news I suggest looking at sheriffs of each state that have said what they will do if the feds go against the constitution.

No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns. The only voices who are saying someone is coming for your guns are the ones on the syndicated Idiot Network and the ones in your head.

So if a politician makes a tough guy stand about what he is going to do when they come for your guns, he's basically scooping up the Gullible Rube vote. It's free money lying in the street to those guys.
No one is coming for your guns. No one is even saying they are coming for your guns.
What do you think universal registration is about?
You haven't been watching the news have you?

Actually, I have been watching the news. You have obviously been listening to the Idiot Network instead.

Please show me they are coming for the guns you own. Show me they are changing ANYTHING AT ALL about the guns you own.
Look pal I don't give a fuck what you say your in. The federal government has been warned by many civilian law enforcement what will happen. You are one that might be in the military their are many more that are not like you who will fight against you.

Boy oh boy, talk about mixed feelings.

While the comedic value of people like this is essentially off the charts, it's sad to see how badly they've been duped by their radio masters. Now they're all off in the woods playing Rambo and waiting for the big war.

Imagine going through life like that.


Comical value is from those like you.
Why did the feds order all those new toys and ammo?
They would never have ordered as much as they did without planing for something major.
One of two things we're going to be invaded or a civil war.

Sounds good to me.

Go for it, Rambo.

So some misguided idiots think gay marriage is ok, and I'm supposed to accept that?
Sorry that duck don't fly.

You're free to think whatever you like.

And once gay marriage is the law of the land, you're free to "accept" it or not. Matters little what you think, because the majority will have made it law.

First you better be more concerned with the civil war that is coming.
Between this and the gun issue there is a tender box

:lol: :cuckoo:
Aaaaaanything at all. Show me one change to the guns you own that's in the pipeline. Anything.

Go ahead.

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