Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Which does nothing but show us we have one more self serving hypocrite in elected office who places their own personal feeling above the will of the people who they supposedly represent. No big deal, hell has plenty of room for this fool and his son.

Listen you holier than thou don't get to call the shots as to who's going to heaven or hell. "His own personal feelings"???? For his own damn son? It's a cinch you don't have any love or compassion for family. He has my admiration, for doing the right thing.
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

Check out the comment directly following yours in this thread for a better understanding of my post. The anti-gay thing is not strictly a liberal/conservative issue, but conservatives do seem to be more driven by their religious zealotry against gays.

Obama has promised Muslim Brotherhood an Islamic State here in America during his 2nd term. There was a story about a spy who had listened to Obama on the phone with one of them promising them this after he won a 2nd term. If you think that evangelicals have religious zealotry against gays you are in for a shock once Islam steps into the game and they are about to so prepare yourselves......... I saw a video of this religious zealotry in action. They dug a hole that looked to be about 10 ft deep - long - wide - "" dropped 5 homosexual men down into the hole and doused them with gasoline. Then they tossed in the match and all five men were burnt alive. That is the penalty for homosexuals according to Islam and one day you will see it right here in the USA thanks to Mr. Obama.

Then the world will see Liberals doing the back stroke as they suddenly become "religious zealots" who wouldn't dare dream of same sex - relations much less same sex marriage. Just wait... it's coming!

Sorry if I don't by into conspiracy theories, but thanks for playing.
Why do Republicans feel the need to support same sex marriage when a friend or family member comes out? Their constituents elected them to act on their behalf, not make decisions based on personal beliefs.

A Republican elected because he (or she) opposes affirmative action should not go against his (or her) supporters because a son or daughter marries an African-American.

Taking a stand against same sex marriage is based on religious beliefs that say homosexuality is wrong, and it is also based on the idea that gays make a choice to be gay. Once any person understands that it is not a choice, but that gays are born gay, it changes everything, because if you are born gay, you can't choose to be straight. It just doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of people who are against gay marriage have the belief that gays make a choice to be gay, and that is the entire problem with their thinking.

They are not born homosexual, they may be oppressed with a perverse spirit ( demon ) that deceives them into believing they are but they are not. Homosexuality is a choice. I know a young man who lived the lifestyle years ago. He told me he chose the lifestyle - it wasn't something he was born with and he didn't believe anyone else was "born with it" either.. It is a convenient excuse but a lie... - Jeremiah

So you know this from first hand experience? You think you could choose to be attracted to another male? Really?

I love when straight people come up with this crap. I'm gay and I can assure you that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I choose to act on my attractions, but the attractions themselves are not a choice.
actually if you do a word study in the bible the word Sodomy means "confusion".. you see there is no greater confusion that a person who is confused about their own identity! Sexuality - identity - its all a state of confusion for these people. I think it would be a great benefit for others who have been delivered of that lifestyle and gone on to marry the opposite sex - to share their stories of overcoming it with others. Definitely would be a great program for public schools to get involved in..
Why do Republicans feel the need to support same sex marriage when a friend or family member comes out? Their constituents elected them to act on their behalf, not make decisions based on personal beliefs.

A Republican elected because he (or she) opposes affirmative action should not go against his (or her) supporters because a son or daughter marries an African-American.

BS. What legislator goes against his core beliefs (albeit, "updated), or should, in lieu of his constituents? I wouldn't vote for a legislator that wouldn't use his or her own moral compass to assess a situation which could possibly impact me. Edit your vote or know who and what you're voting for.
Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

Obama reversed his same-sex marriage stance to pull in his base. I think his reasons were a bit less ethical, however, because it is known that Obama always was for same-sex marriage. He just didn't want us to know this until after he had been in the White House long enough to make it more palatable to the public.

In all honesty if Obama said now that he was a racist, a Muslim, and bi-sexual the left would support him 100%.

And did he impart this info to you, personally? BS. You know nothing.
Excuse me, but is Obama the only one allowed to "evolve" on this matter? He didn't exactly show support until Biden opened his mouth and put Obama on the spot.

For many people, it takes a personal experience to change their hearts and the important thing is that the change takes place. Knock this guy all you want for becoming enlightened, but you sound like the fool. I believe Portman is more sincere because he's probably been doing a lot of soul searching. In Obama's case, it was strictly politics and doing what he figured was in his own best interest. Portman may face criticism, but spoke out anyway. That took courage.

So supporting same sex marriage is the enlightened position?

That would make opposition to same sex marriage the unenlightened position.

Some of us have been trying to educate some of you people on that for a very long time.
Why do Republicans feel the need to support same sex marriage when a friend or family member comes out? Their constituents elected them to act on their behalf, not make decisions based on personal beliefs.

A Republican elected because he (or she) opposes affirmative action should not go against his (or her) supporters because a son or daughter marries an African-American.

BS. What legislator goes against his core beliefs (albeit, "updated), or should, in lieu of his constituents? I wouldn't vote for a legislator that wouldn't use his or her own moral compass to assess a situation which could possibly impact me. Edit your vote or know who and what you're voting for.

I have to agree that the "gotchya" press' need to create "hypocracy" out of someone's change in prospective is almost as tiresome as blaming today's issues on whomever was president 4 years ago.

I wonder when Dems will change their "Core Beliefs" about run-away government spending and be rewarded for their "Up-dated" and "Evolved" moral compasses?
Obama reversed his same-sex marriage stance to pull in his base. I think his reasons were a bit less ethical. Not to mention the fact that Obama always was for same-sex marriage. He just didn't want us to know this until after he had been in the White House long enough to make it more palatable to the public.

In all honesty if Obama said now that he was a racist, a Muslim, and bi-sexual the left would support him 100%.

You just said that Obama was always for same sex marriage until he reversed himself, unethically, to be for same sex marriage. Cool trick.

For the learning impaired that means that he reversed his position to get elected and then reverted back to his original position once he felt it would help him stay elected.

BS. Prove it. I love it when folks who have no clue about which they speak, "wax philosophical", when they couldn't possibly know the parameters or what people think. Sophistry.
actually if you do a word study in the bible the word Sodomy means "confusion".. you see there is no greater confusion that a person who is confused about their own identity! Sexuality - identity - its all a state of confusion for these people. I think it would be a great benefit for others who have been delivered of that lifestyle and gone on to marry the opposite sex - to share their stories of overcoming it with others. Definitely would be a great program for public schools to get involved in..

LOL...Sodomy means confusion? What bible have you been reading? Sodomy came from the city of Sodom which was destroyed by god's wrath.

It is truly ironic that the gays ended up with the shit end of the stick considering all that went on in Sodom...

Angels visit Lott...the townspeople, who have turned from god's grace and are pagan idol worshipers, demand that Lott bring forth the angels to be gang raped (rape, by the way, has nothing to do with sex or love, but with power). Father of the year, Lott says "no, leave these guys alone and rape my daughters instead!" Then this paragon of virtue runs off into the mountains and screws his own daughters after his wife turns into salt.

Despite the sin of Sodom really being in-hospitality, "they gheys" get painted with the Sodom label. That's some fucked up shit.
Republican politicians have been looking for every excuse they can find to get out from under this losing issue, to justfiy throwing the rightwing nuts overboard on this issue,

and taking political advantage of the consensus of normal America.
So supporting same sex marriage is the enlightened position?

That would make opposition to same sex marriage the unenlightened position.

Some of us have been trying to educate some of you people on that for a very long time.

So supporting a balanced budget is the enlightened position.

That would make opposition to a balanced budget the unenlightened position.

Some of us have been trying to educate some of you people on that for a very long time
Taking a stand against same sex marriage is based on religious beliefs that say homosexuality is wrong, and it is also based on the idea that gays make a choice to be gay. Once any person understands that it is not a choice, but that gays are born gay, it changes everything, because if you are born gay, you can't choose to be straight. It just doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of people who are against gay marriage have the belief that gays make a choice to be gay, and that is the entire problem with their thinking.

They are not born homosexual, they may be oppressed with a perverse spirit ( demon ) that deceives them into believing they are but they are not. Homosexuality is a choice. I know a young man who lived the lifestyle years ago. He told me he chose the lifestyle - it wasn't something he was born with and he didn't believe anyone else was "born with it" either.. It is a convenient excuse but a lie... - Jeremiah

So you know this from first hand experience? You think you could choose to be attracted to another male? Really?

I love when straight people come up with this crap. I'm gay and I can assure you that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I choose to act on my attractions, but the attractions themselves are not a choice.

Listen lady, there are people who are attracted to kids too but they don't act out on the behavior or they will go to prison... were paedophiles born that way? No and neither were homosexuals. I didn't say the attraction isn't there - it is quite clear that lust is a huge factor in homosexuals acting out their fantasies - whatever - but the fact is if you are acting on it you are going to hell. I didn't say that Romans 1 says that and so does Revelation 21 so as long as you are willing to go to hell for it - it is your decision.

One more thing about the conservative who flipped on gay marriage. What they did was they denied Jesus Christ and His Word by putting their childs perverse lifestyle above their own relationship and dedication to God and His Word ( The bible ) - Jeremiah

- Jeremiah
Republican politicians have been looking for every excuse they can find to get out from under this losing issue, to justfiy throwing the rightwing nuts overboard on this issue,

and taking political advantage of the consensus of normal America.



Once Tax Paying Queers have a choice, what will the Dems do for entertainment during their Party Conventions?
Why do Republicans feel the need to support same sex marriage when a friend or family member comes out? Their constituents elected them to act on their behalf, not make decisions based on personal beliefs.

A Republican elected because he (or she) opposes affirmative action should not go against his (or her) supporters because a son or daughter marries an African-American.

Taking a stand against same sex marriage is based on religious beliefs that say homosexuality is wrong, and it is also based on the idea that gays make a choice to be gay. Once any person understands that it is not a choice, but that gays are born gay, it changes everything, because if you are born gay, you can't choose to be straight. It just doesn't work that way.

The vast majority of people who are against gay marriage have the belief that gays make a choice to be gay, and that is the entire problem with their thinking.

They are not born homosexual, they may be oppressed with a perverse spirit ( demon ) that deceives them into believing they are but they are not. Homosexuality is a choice. I know a young man who lived the lifestyle years ago. He told me he chose the lifestyle - it wasn't something he was born with and he didn't believe anyone else was "born with it" either.. It is a convenient excuse but a lie... - Jeremiah

BS. Sexual orientation is not "of choice".
Sexual Orientation
Can a Person's Sexual Orientation Be Changed?

Most experts agree that sexual orientation is not a choice and, therefore, cannot be changed. Some people who are homosexual or bisexual may hide their sexual orientation and/or live as heterosexuals to avoid prejudice against people who are homosexual and bisexual. They may live as heterosexuals in order to avoid their own moral dilemmas when their sexual orientation is incompatible with their personal beliefs.
actually if you do a word study in the bible the word Sodomy means "confusion".. you see there is no greater confusion that a person who is confused about their own identity! Sexuality - identity - its all a state of confusion for these people. I think it would be a great benefit for others who have been delivered of that lifestyle and gone on to marry the opposite sex - to share their stories of overcoming it with others. Definitely would be a great program for public schools to get involved in..

LMAO. You're a clown.
It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

Indeed, it is heartening to see anyone embrase their child's birth defect.

Why? Evidently, yours embraced yours.

OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.

They are not born homosexual, they may be oppressed with a perverse spirit ( demon ) that deceives them into believing they are but they are not. Homosexuality is a choice. I know a young man who lived the lifestyle years ago. He told me he chose the lifestyle - it wasn't something he was born with and he didn't believe anyone else was "born with it" either.. It is a convenient excuse but a lie... - Jeremiah

So you know this from first hand experience? You think you could choose to be attracted to another male? Really?

I love when straight people come up with this crap. I'm gay and I can assure you that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I choose to act on my attractions, but the attractions themselves are not a choice.

Listen lady, there are people who are attracted to kids too but they don't act out on the behavior or they will go to prison... were paedophiles born that way? No and neither were homosexuals. I didn't say the attraction isn't there - it is quite clear that lust is a huge factor in homosexuals acting out their fantasies - whatever - but the fact is if you are acting on it you are going to hell. I didn't say that Romans 1 says that and so does Revelation 21 so as long as you are willing to go to hell for it - it is your decision.

One more thing about the conservative who flipped on gay marriage. What they did was they denied Jesus Christ and His Word by putting their childs perverse lifestyle above their own relationship and dedication to God and His Word ( The bible ) - Jeremiah

- Jeremiah

And yet you cannot equate gays with pedophile anymore than you can equate straights with pedophiles. There is a little thing called consent you should look into. Children, animals and dead people cannot consent. You should learn that before you get into trouble. That sheep in your barn cannot consent!

If I'm going to hell, I'll have a lot of company. All those shellfish eaters, divorcees, people who wear clothing of mixed cloth. We'll have a party!

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