Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

Well Ron, I hate to break it to you but um, your son will never have a relationship like Jane and you have had for over 26 years.

It's a physical impossibility.
Indeed, it is heartening to see anyone embrase their child's birth defect.

Why? Evidently, yours embraced yours.

OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.


Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.
Why? Evidently, yours embraced yours.

OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.


Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.


Dance, Sweetie, Dance.

It's like watching Dwarf Bowling.

Why? Evidently, yours embraced yours.

OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.


Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.

How long have you been out of the closet?
Republican politicians have been looking for every excuse they can find to get out from under this losing issue, to justfiy throwing the rightwing nuts overboard on this issue,

and taking political advantage of the consensus of normal America.

Very good point.

Still though there are many in the GOP who will continue to try to play to their base by continuing the crusade against gay marriage, so I don't think the GOP will ever be out from under this until gay marriage is legalized, nationally.
actually if you do a word study in the bible the word Sodomy means "confusion".. you see there is no greater confusion that a person who is confused about their own identity! Sexuality - identity - its all a state of confusion for these people. I think it would be a great benefit for others who have been delivered of that lifestyle and gone on to marry the opposite sex - to share their stories of overcoming it with others. Definitely would be a great program for public schools to get involved in..

LOL...Sodomy means confusion? What bible have you been reading? Sodomy came from the city of Sodom which was destroyed by god's wrath.

It is truly ironic that the gays ended up with the shit end of the stick considering all that went on in Sodom...

Angels visit Lott...the townspeople, who have turned from god's grace and are pagan idol worshipers, demand that Lott bring forth the angels to be gang raped (rape, by the way, has nothing to do with sex or love, but with power). Father of the year, Lott says "no, leave these guys alone and rape my daughters instead!" Then this paragon of virtue runs off into the mountains and screws his own daughters after his wife turns into salt.

Despite the sin of Sodom really being in-hospitality, "they gheys" get painted with the Sodom label. That's some fucked up shit.

Confusion is the word it translates to - yes - that was from a bible study done by Benny Hinn years ago and he agreed that is the final translation. Don't know if you are aware of it or not but the bible can be studied through study of the words also - Greek Translation - Hebrew Translation - very fascinating how this is done because it makes it impossible for someone to base their particular case on a false translation or misinterpretation of scripture. Sodomy is condemned in the bible ( why do you think the USA created laws against sodomy - check it out ) ) as an abomination before God and that would include acts of lesbianism. The punishment for it is hell. You have a free will and can do whatever you choose to do.. but if you continue on in your sin you won't get heaven in the end. - Jeremiah
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OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.


Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.


Dance, Sweetie, Dance.

It's like watching Dwarf Bowling.


LOL.....Girl, do something with that "do"...."Bobs" are so 60's.
Honestly, the best thing that can happen for the GOP is for gay marriage to be legalized nationally, so that it stops being an issue.

As long as it remains an issue however, it will hurt the GOP at the ballot.
OOOOO....must have hit a little nerve.


Queers are always funniest when they're obvious.


Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.

How long have you been out of the closet?

I know you're not talking to me.....that's on a need to know basis...and last time I checked, you didn't need to know.
My condolences to the senator on finding out his son is a fudge packer.

Looks like no grandchildren from his pervert offspring.

Unless you count the mud babies his faggot son flushes down the toilet.......... :lol:
Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.


Dance, Sweetie, Dance.

It's like watching Dwarf Bowling.


LOL.....Girl, do something with that "do"...."Bobs" are so 60's.

Terrific RuPaul Impression.

Queers? Who uses that term anymore but closet queens, in denial of their own homoerotic fantasies. You're way too yourself away. "Real men" are not bothered by gays, as they know it means nothing about them....only "closet cases" are upset, and make brouhaha. Thanks for outing yourself, queen.

How long have you been out of the closet?

I know you're not talking to me.....that's on a need to know basis...and last time I checked, you didn't need to know.


How long doesn't matter.

The important thing is that you recognise your disability and try to live a happy normal life.

Dance, Sweetie, Dance.

It's like watching Dwarf Bowling.


LOL.....Girl, do something with that "do"...."Bobs" are so 60's.

Terrific RuPaul Impression.


I'll take that as a compliment. RuPaul is making more money than either you or I. He is the embodiment of "The American Dream". And he looks fabulous...kicking asses and taking I did yours.
I don't believe that it will hurt the GOP to stand with the will of the people. The matter has been addressed. Most Americans do not believe in same sex marriage and don't want it. Marriage belongs between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Talk about confusion! No better word to describe the mindset of the homosexuals in this country.

I'm just wondering what happens when ALAC ( American Law for American Courtrooms ) gets turned back and Sharia law comes in full swing to the courtrooms. ( part of Obamas promise to MB on what he'd do for muslims in America ) All of you are on record demanding your rights as gays. The penalty for being gay under Sharia Law is death. Some of you are definitely not thinking with your heads here. - Jeremiah
No I have never made that claim.
If the bitch was my child and did something out of what I taught him that was wrong he would be out on his own

Wow, so even when talking about a subject that isn't gun-related, you still do the crazy talk.

Guy, it isn't a matter of what you taught them. Who "taught" you to be straight?

Sexual orientation is imprinted on us like hair color, and a lot harder to change.
WOW you aren't born gay that's for sure. are an expert on this. Do tell.
My condolences to the senator on finding out his son is a fudge packer.

Looks like no grandchildren from his pervert offspring.

Unless you count the mud babies his faggot son flushes down the toilet.......... :lol:

You know, Queers do not appreciate being reminded that The Dirt Road is, well, Dirty.

I hope you are prepared for the slap-fight that will ensue.
My condolences to the senator on finding out his son is a fudge packer.

Looks like no grandchildren from his pervert offspring.

Unless you count the mud babies his faggot son flushes down the toilet.......... :lol:

Right on time! Here is a Muslim! Let's ask him! Sunni man, under sharia law what would a court do with a person found guilty of homosexuality? Can you tell the readers here please? Thanks! - Jeremiah
LOL.....Girl, do something with that "do"...."Bobs" are so 60's.

Terrific RuPaul Impression.


I'll take that as a compliment. RuPaul is making more money than either you or I. He is the embodiment of "The American Dream". And he looks fabulous...kicking asses and taking I did yours.

I meant it as a compliment.

Queers, Dwarves, Giants, the Grossly Obese, Honey Boo Boo, etc., all with birth defects should be able to leverage their disabilities into profitable enterprises.
Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) has reversed his stance on same-sex marriage two years after learning that his son is gay, several Ohio news outlets, including the Columbus Dispatch and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, reported Friday.

In an interview with Ohio reporters in his Senate office, Portman said that his son, Will, came out to the senator and his wife in February 2011.

"It allowed me to think of this issue from a new perspective, and that's of a Dad who loves his son a lot and wants him to have the same opportunities that his brother and sister would have -- to have a relationship like Jane and I have had for over 26 years," Portman said.

Portman said that his son, who is now a junior at Yale University, inspired him to reassess his position on same-sex unions. The senator also consulted clergy on the matter, as well as friends such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose daughter Mary is openly gay. According to Portman, Cheney told the senator to "follow [his] heart" on the matter.

"The overriding message of love and compassion that I take from the Bible, and certainly the Golden Rule, and the fact that I believe we are all created by our maker, that has all influenced me in terms of my change on this issue," Portman said.

Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

It's a shame that it takes a conservative's child being gay to come to the realization that being gay is not some lewd choice made by an individual due to some sexual perversion.

some people have no compassion for others they dont know.

Those kind of people are BAD choices to represent the interests of others
Right on time! Here is a Muslim! Let's ask him! Sunni man, under sharia law what would a court do with a person found guilty of homosexuality? Can you tell the readers here please? Thanks! - Jeremiah
You sound awfully worried about this issue?

Is there something you wish to reveal to the board?? ....... :doubt:

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