In my opinion, Hillary was as criminally guilty as sin on several levels.

But she is a consummate master at politically gaming the system and skirting the law, and will never be charged with a crime, let alone be convicted. ... :cool:

List her crimes?

Well for starters ….

She's a serial first degree asshole.

On the plus side for Her Royal Highness, she does hold the Guinness World Book of Records title for the worst candidate in U.S. Presidential Electoral history. :dunno:

Since when does an asshole get you locked up, everyone has one.
Rob Reiner on MSM interview declared it would be horrible to let a "potential criminal" select the next Supreme Court Justice, but isn't that why we rejected known criminal Hillary?

Hillary is not under investigation.
Correct, Coney and Strozk made sure of that.

Strozk had nothing to do with it, and well Comey figured he had best come out with the Wieners laptop stuff, so the GOP would not question her winning, yet the GOP is still after Clinton. Are you aware the same 15 year old who was texting Weiner was also raped by a teacher in the same time frame. I suspect there is not 15 year old girl form NC.
You are not a terribly bright person are you?
In my opinion, Hillary was as criminally guilty as sin on several levels.

But she is a consummate master at politically gaming the system and skirting the law, and will never be charged with a crime, let alone be convicted. ... :cool:

List her crimes?

Well for starters ….

She's a serial first degree asshole.

On the plus side for Her Royal Highness, she does hold the Guinness World Book of Records title for the worst candidate in U.S. Presidential Electoral history. :dunno:

Since when does an asshole get you locked up, everyone has one.

I didn't say she had an asshole, I said she IS an asshole.

… and in case you weren't aware you can be locked up for being an asshole.

Just ask
In my opinion, Hillary was as criminally guilty as sin on several levels.

But she is a consummate master at politically gaming the system and skirting the law, and will never be charged with a crime, let alone be convicted. ... :cool:

List her crimes?

Well for starters ….

She's a serial first degree asshole.

On the plus side for Her Royal Highness, she does hold the Guinness World Book of Records title for the worst candidate in U.S. Presidential Electoral history. :dunno:
Let’s not mention how she destroyed evidence that had been supeoned she paid for the dossier, she cozied up with the Russians, she laughed when she got a rapist off, she called half of America deplorable.
Let’s not mention how she destroyed evidence that had been supeoned she paid for the dossier, she cozied up with the Russians, she laughed when she got a rapist off, she called half of America deplorable.

Too late, you just mentioned it. can't keep secrets any better than Hillary Clinton. :cool:
I am 7% jew according to ancestry

That's not actually a thing.

Actually it is. My sister got her DNA tested- and since we have the same ancestry its valid with me too- and I'm 0.2% Ashkenazi Jewish.

I'm quite proud of my Jewish background, and am a firm backer of my Prime Minister, B B Netanyahu.

I'll explain to this to you, and the others who just don't get it. According to Jewish Law, being Jewish has absolutely nothing to do with DNA. If you're born to a Jewish mother, you're a Jew. If you weren't born to a Jewish mother, then you aren't a Jew. It's completely binary. You're Jewish, or you're not. The concept of fractional Judaism and Jewish blood was a creation of the Nazis ... they called anyone with what they determined to be a mixture of Aryan and Jewish to be Mischling, or mixed race. It was their way of creating a 'scientific' basis for deciding who to send to the gas chambers and who to let live.

Many Ashkenazim and Sephardim Jews have DNA markers showing they are descended from the Jews of Israel and Judea prior to the diaspora, but that in no way denotes any connection to Judaism or the Jewish community.

A person may have no genetic connection to the historical Israel and be as Jewish as any other Jew. A person may be directly descended from biblical Jews and have no Jewish identity. The concepts of blood and Judaism have no relationship.
Rob Reiner on MSM interview declared it would be horrible to let a "potential criminal" select the next Supreme Court Justice, but isn't that why we rejected known criminal Hillary?

Hillary is not under investigation.

Neither is President Twitter but that doesn't seem to hinder some brainless dingbats on the left from assuming that he's already been convicted.

Well he is under investigation, not convicted yet, but 20 indicted and what 4 guilty pleas. They save the biggest for last.
IN a single post you called Mueller, Comey, Brennan, and the 3 agencies liars for saying Trump is not being investigated (*probably because he was just being spied on through phoney charges to investigate his staff (not him) which the left used to spy on the campaign (cheat the campaign) like they cheated the debate and cheated her obstruction and destroying evidence(gov't property) charges.
When they got caught spying to cheat (worse then watergate), they turned into displaced blame diversion tactics liken to a Peewee Herman
"I know you are but what am I" Routine (so perfect timing with that pic of a guy in a Peewee suit).
Hmmmm.... Off topic..... Where is Archie to straighten out the Meathead when you need him.....My most favourite and there were a lot of them in All in the FAmily was when Archie found out to his shock that one of his best friends was secretly Jewish. Stretch Cunningham was Jewish and hid this fact from Archie after he died stretch who was known for his ironic sense of humour and had Archie a blatant rascist do his eulogy.... Things like that are the hidden ironies of life... That show brought to the forefront the grey areas . People should keep that in mind when discussing things in mere black and white terms... There are always exceptions to the rules and not every concept or thing fits into a pretty little box.... Ah ........those where the days....
I am 7% jew according to ancestry and disapprove of this thread. Nazi Reference Removed. Late night talk shows are generally only for lesbians who are lesbians because no dudes were interested, and qu33r males who want alpha males to hurt them, and get mad when they are uninterested.
Why the past tense ?
Hmmmm.... Off topic..... Where is Archie to straighten out the Meathead when you need him.....My most favourite and there were a lot of them in All in the FAmily was when Archie found out to his shock that one of his best friends was secretly Jewish. Stretch Cunningham was Jewish and hid this fact from Archie after he died stretch who was known for his ironic sense of humour and had Archie a blatant rascist do his eulogy.... Things like that are the hidden ironies of life... That show brought to the forefront the grey areas . People should keep that in mind when discussing things in mere black and white terms... There are always exceptions to the rules and not every concept or thing fits into a pretty little box.... Ah ........those where the days....
I GOT what you were conveying.
Irony is not just the reflective twists in every displaced blame, but also irony is that through their hate for the President and fallacious blame they end up causing the changes they seek by the one they hate, which the one they loved and his mouth pieces never could change and solve.
Sad is the refusal to recognize this fact, continuing the fake outrage after he fixed it while Dems voted against fixing it, & the former and his Senate & Congress cronies had done what they are outraged over, without that same
venomous criticism. In case of
selecting Justice, they did so in mid terms and know very well the rule means Presidential election years. We have to change their party logo to Pinocchio.
Did anyone see how South Park skewered Rob Reiner over his anti-smoking hysteria? If not you need to, it was beautiful to watch.
Hmmmm.... Off topic..... Where is Archie to straighten out the Meathead when you need him.....My most favourite and there were a lot of them in All in the FAmily was when Archie found out to his shock that one of his best friends was secretly Jewish. Stretch Cunningham was Jewish and hid this fact from Archie after he died stretch who was known for his ironic sense of humour and had Archie a blatant rascist do his eulogy.... Things like that are the hidden ironies of life... That show brought to the forefront the grey areas . People should keep that in mind when discussing things in mere black and white terms... There are always exceptions to the rules and not every concept or thing fits into a pretty little box.... Ah ........those where the days....
I GOT what you were conveying.
Irony is not just the reflective twists in every displaced blame, but also irony is that through their hate for the President and fallacious blame they end up causing the changes they seek by the one they hate, which the one they loved and his mouth pieces never could change and solve.
Sad is the refusal to recognize this fact, continuing the fake outrage after he fixed it while Dems voted against fixing it, & the former and his Senate & Congress cronies had done what they are outraged over, without that same
venomous criticism. In case of
selecting Justice, they did so in mid terms and know very well the rule means Presidential election years. We have to change their party logo to Pinocchio.
Exactly... But didn’t Pinocchio nose grow with every lie he told I wonder if there is enough Wood in the world for each and every lie they have told..
Known criminal? How many special prosecutors are investigating Hillary? Nazi Reference Removed

The Left and Deep State have no interest in investigating Hillary because she is ONE OF THEM and they are even bigger crooks than her! To investigate her risks her spilling the beans on THEM. Meantime we have nothing more than hollow accusations levied at Donald Trump, for Hillary, we already have the admission of the head of the FBI James Comey himself that Hillary is a treasonous, federal felon at least FIFTEEN TIMES over! If Trump or Flynn or Cohen or Manafort were Hillary, they would already be in Leavenworth doing TEN LIFE SENTENCES. Reiner shows once again that the Left (especially the Hollywood Left) are more dangerously STUPID than a box of shoes.

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