Robert Bowers: Mass murderer, did not vote for Trump

I don't know how anyone can blame politicians for the violence in the country when we see what is commonly on television, in the movies and in the video games commonly played today. When celebs and politicians call for second amendment restrictions, I wonder why they don't push for gun control in the movies and TV shows they make? They say Trump causes people to act badly or a stupid comment by Holder, but somehow, the serial killer of the week shows don't have an effect on anyone? Torture is bad, while people cheer Jack Bauer to get the answers by any means necessary. It is really insulting to all of our intelligence. People have become desensitized to violence and it is really a mix of many factors.
I don't know how anyone can blame politicians for the violence in the country when we see what is commonly on television, in the movies and in the video games commonly played today. When celebs and politicians call for second amendment restrictions, I wonder why they don't push for gun control in the movies and TV shows they make? They say Trump causes people to act badly or a stupid comment by Holder, but somehow, the serial killer of the week shows don't have an effect on anyone? Torture is bad, while people cheer Jack Bauer to get the answers by any means necessary. It is really insulting to all of our intelligence. People have become desensitized to violence and it is really a mix of many factors.

It is true that violence is ever present in our entertainment and that it desensitizes people to violence.
Shooter hated Trump and didn't vote for him. But if you keep this up you will surely inflame one of yours. Remember, you have a whole boatload of antifa types.

and none of them have gone out and shot up a place of worship.

Two extreme right wing types have tried this in the last week.
Was angry that Hillary didn't win probably. Hated the aid that republicans give to jews for certain.
So wait, when someone buys into Maxine's hateful rhetoric--and with all you screaming like bipolar banshees it's only a matter of time--we get to blame ALL of you too, right?

All right. I'll be ready.

I'm sure you will, anyway, but here's the thing.

Maxine isn't President.

When the President screams crazy rhetoric every day about how immigrants are going to kill us all in our sleep, and some nut goes off on a killing rampage because of that, and another nut sends bombs through the mail... there really needs to be a point where you hold him accountable.

Oh bullshit..... Democrat leaders Waters, Clinton, Pelosi are all spewing rhetoric of division and lack of civility. Has nothing to do with being President. But, since you people insist on holding the President ultimately accountable for the high road, where were this voices when Obama was talking about bringing guns to knife fights or punishing enemies?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well it is important to make sure its clear what party these killers grow from, or are hatched from.
  2. We all know that the media will spin it in any case.
  3. So its up to all of us who value justice, and truth, to shed light on these mass murderers actions.
  4. Republicans don't use death to further their political positions, Democrats have and will again.
  5. All attacks on innocents can be traced back to the liberal minds, they feel trapped and compelled to act out, and they being of a sick mind resort to murder innocents without guilt.
  6. This is true and without false information, best to be armed and ready for one never knows when one of these sicko's will snap!
Shooter hated Trump and didn't vote for him. But if you keep this up you will surely inflame one of yours. Remember, you have a whole boatload of antifa types.

and none of them have gone out and shot up a place of worship.

Two extreme right wing types have tried this in the last week.
1 is a mental basket case that really isn't any type and the other is just a nutbag hater who last i checked, didn't vote for trump now did he? in fact, hates him.

but what really gets me is the total lack of empathy for the victims. people, our neighbors and fellow americans, are out there getting shot and we get people coming in here to say LOOK I TOLD YOU IT'S THE OTHER SIDE. people die and it becomes a bullet point for far too many in a forum where 99% of the people in here have never met face to face.

that alone speaks volumes of our culture today. i certainly see BOTH GOD DAMN SIDES doing it every time something bad happens.
Sorry bout that,

  1. It has to be blamed on a party because the liberal media like many slackers here will blame the President, and the Republicans.
  2. So the boo birds will cry and lament while these slaughters, their own peoples actions, and all the while their like minded sicko's gear up for another attack on innocents, so they can blame the President.
  3. The President will not always say what the libturds want him to say, and he should frankly not even try to appease them.
  4. He is too damned busy trying to fix what obama fucked up to care what the evil media says or thinks of him.
  5. Its painfully obvious the media is LIBERAL, that is biased, and Un-American, and not what journalism should be.
  6. Pick a channel, even FOX has it own liberal slant on news stories that are stupidly biased.
  7. Where are the days the media didn't spin the news?
  8. Reporters should just report, not spin, they are Spinners these days not Reporters.
Just because the motivation brushes against political subjects does not mean his motivations are politics. It's clear that Bowers is a radical hate-filled racist and that was his motivation.

I agree. He is a nut job with his own agenda.

He shot and killed people in the synagogue and he also shot and wounded four police officers.

Our country is full of nut jobs just like this idiot.
Then why didn't he vote for Trump? Ans: He was a garden variety anti-Semite racist. His brand of MAGA was not Trump's vision. For example, I doubt he would have supported Trump's dreamer deal.

And neither would most of Trump's "Supporters" here. If Trump ever does reach an agreement on the dreamers, half of you will be here trying to rationalize it and the other half will be screaming about how he betrayed you and America is over because a Mexican might date their daughters.
A Mexican dated my brother, then married him.

Her family and mine have a problem with a caravan, waving flags of a country they are running from, demanding unfettered entry and asylum, as they turn down the "Asylum" offered by Mexico.

You feed them and support them...

They can all return home and apply.

No more amnesty.
Then why didn't he vote for Trump? Ans: He was a garden variety anti-Semite racist. His brand of MAGA was not Trump's vision. For example, I doubt he would have supported Trump's dreamer deal.

And neither would most of Trump's "Supporters" here. If Trump ever does reach an agreement on the dreamers, half of you will be here trying to rationalize it and the other half will be screaming about how he betrayed you and America is over because a Mexican might date their daughters.
Illegal is illegal, just Existing gives no one any rights...

Refugees seeking asylum are not illegal.
Then they will accept the Asylum from Mexico?

Or continue the the March for Asylum in America...
Since we politicize everything, who is claiming ownership of this asshole?

He hates Trump. He hates Jews.

I am going to need some help from those steeped in identity politics.

To me, he is crazy fuck. Period.

Absolutely. He was a crazy fuck.

And what tipped him over the edge was three weeks of screaming about this caravan that is wandering around Mexico right now, like this is the biggest threat to America ever.

His problem with Trump is Trump isn't shooting the darkies on sight, but Trump is the one creating the ugly rhetoric to start with.

And, oh, yeah, he was able to legally buy an AR-15.

Sorry, you guys own this freak.
Bull fucking shit...

Do you own all of the rhetoric from Democrats like Maxine Waters and the burning of Baltimore and other cities..

Fake Republican?
Robert Bowers: What we know so far about the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting suspect - CNN

Looks like another nut job. No crime history, truck driver, anti-Semite, survived a shoot-out with SWAT, unapologetic...does not appear to be politically based, blames Jews for helping illegals...WTF??

Did police confiscate Robert Bowers' Trump rally tickets and Trump MAGA merchandise?

Oh Goody, another Prog Hack Noob no-nothing.

Your confession is noted. For your honesty you win Robert Bowers' MAGA hat and his confiscated Donald Trump merchandise. Enjoy.

Boring Noob gonna boring noob.
Oh bullshit..... Democrat leaders Waters, Clinton, Pelosi are all spewing rhetoric of division and lack of civility. Has nothing to do with being President. But, since you people insist on holding the President ultimately accountable for the high road, where were this voices when Obama was talking about bringing guns to knife fights or punishing enemies?

We weren't making crazy stretches to find similarities...

Trump says this sort of shit every day... that's the problem. A steady diet of crazy that sets guys like Bowers and Sayec off.
Bull fucking shit...

Do you own all of the rhetoric from Democrats like Maxine Waters and the burning of Baltimore and other cities..

Fake Republican?

There are no more "Republicans"... there is just the Cult of Trump.

Last time I checked, Baltimore was still there.
Looks like another nut job. No crime history, truck driver, anti-Semite, survived a shoot-out with SWAT, unapologetic...does not appear to be politically based, blames Jews for helping illegals...WTF??

Wait a minute, this guy was someone who bought into Trump's hateful rhetoric and was upset he wasn't doing even more awful things to illegals.

And Trump's whining for two weeks about an imaginary caravan is probably what sent this nut over the edge.

Who said, "If they bring a knife, we bring a gun?"
Oh bullshit..... Democrat leaders Waters, Clinton, Pelosi are all spewing rhetoric of division and lack of civility. Has nothing to do with being President. But, since you people insist on holding the President ultimately accountable for the high road, where were this voices when Obama was talking about bringing guns to knife fights or punishing enemies?

We weren't making crazy stretches to find similarities...

Trump says this sort of shit every day... that's the problem. A steady diet of crazy that sets guys like Bowers and Sayec off.

Who said the shit that set off James Hodgkinson?

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