Robert Kagan: Trump will run in 2024 and send America to 'its greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War'

Trump gets a million excuses, Democrats simply get blamed if something doesn't go right. It's just how you fools operate.

Still, where is the source for your claim that job growth has been bad under Biden?

There were ~4.5 million jobs added since Biden got to thew WH, so wtf are you talking about?
If Don Jr got 3.5 million from russia there would be an investigation and the media would cover it 24/7.

I don't know what 3.5 million you are talking about (and probably niether do you), but how clueless are you to even bring it up?

Don Jr. and the Trump organization DIRECTLY POCKETING MILLIONS and made bussiness deals all over the world, while Trump was in charge of American foreign policy as POTUS. How stupid do you have to be to even try to now start opening your mouth about conflicts of interest.

Bolton specifically stated that American foreign policy towards Turkey was shaped by Trump's personal interests.

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What she has, is all every dem has, the panic mongering that if a republican wins, that they are "evul wacists" and will do "evul wacist" shit. Even though it never actually happens, the lie keeps rolling.
Exactly. This same hatred for Trump is the same vitriol we saw with EVERY REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT since Nixon. And the American electorate are fed up with it.
We are in a major constitutional crisis right now!

Xiden and the dembot cultist are refusing to do their Constitutional duty, and allowing our nation to be invaded…and in fact is encouraging it! in the midst of a pandemic!
YES! There is too much at risk not to! Democracy is on the line!
How? There is nothing about another Donald Trump election that would mean the end of democracy in the U.S.

He can't hold office more than another four years no matter what he does.
Washington Post columnist Robert Kagan on Thursday <gibberish snipped> to this essay on the The Washington Post website. I totally agree with Robert Kagan's warnings.

Robert Kagan: Trump will run in 2024 and send America to 'its greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War'​

Rat prick neocon has had his panties in a wad because Trump wasn’t eager enough to see the world ablaze. These people and their failed ideology cannot abide their declining influence.
His terms are acceptable though.
You've said that job growth was bad. Or is that my imagination?

I've repeatedly asked you to source your claim because there were actually 4.5 million jobs aded, and this braindead crap is all you've got?
The last two weeks were under what was expected. Lol, I guess you cannot read.
If Trump runs & wins we can kiss our Democratic Republic goodbye forever. Once it's gone it's all over. Trump will burn this entire Country down just to even the score with his enemies because he's a FUCKING PSYCHOPATH.

Democrats had better regroup & get their shit together.
No, YOU AND YOUR BUDDIES will burn the entire country down just like you did in the summer of 2020.

Funny how your behavior isn't "sedition" and "insurrection" when you are rioting against an ELECTED president
Washington Post columnist Robert Kagan on Thursday delivered a stark warning about the future of the American republic, which he said was going to come under great strain thanks in large part to the actions of former President Donald Trump.

Kagan starts off by dispelling the notion that Trump will not run for president in 2024.

"Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president in 2024," he writes. "The hope and expectation that he would fade in visibility and influence have been delusional. He enjoys mammoth leads in the polls; he is building a massive campaign war chest; and at this moment the Democratic ticket looks vulnerable. Barring health problems, he is running."

Kagan goes on to warn that Trump and his allies are "preparing for victory by any means necessary," through "an organized nationwide campaign to ensure that Trump and his supporters will have the control over state and local election officials that they lacked in 2020."

Kagan then warns Americans that they should not be certain that the constitutional order will again hold if it comes under assault for a second time in three years.

"All that prevented it was a handful of state officials with notable courage and integrity, and the reluctance of two attorneys general and a vice president to obey orders they deemed inappropriate," he writes. "These were not the checks and balances the Framers had in mind when they designed the Constitution, of course, but Trump has exposed the inadequacy of those protections."

Read the whole essay here.

This essay is alarming and should concern us all - regardless of political ideology. There is much more to this essay on the The Washington Post website. I totally agree with Robert Kagan's warnings.
The fraud has already done that. Shill.
Az. showed proof of fraud. You simply deny it. You lose. Your big lie has failed.

Funny. ALL of those lies have already been thoroughly DEBUNKED by Maricopa County election officials. It's been widely reported. Where do you get your news?
Funny. ALL of those lies have already been thoroughly DEBUNKED by Maricopa County election officials. It's been widely reported. Where do you get your news?
No they have not. And who would listen to the county when they did not run their own election? They do not have administrator access to the data. That is a fact.
No they have not. And who would listen to the county when they did not run their own election? They do not have administrator access to the data. That is a fact.

They ran the election in Maricopa County.
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No, YOU AND YOUR BUDDIES will burn the entire country down just like you did in the summer of 2020.

Funny how your behavior isn't "sedition" and "insurrection" when you are rioting against an ELECTED president
Actually, Trump's fascist goons on 1/6 rioted against Biden's win being certified. Figured they could stop the proceedings which is exactly what that lunatic Trump & his Mafia wanted them to do.
No, YOU AND YOUR BUDDIES will burn the entire country down just like you did in the summer of 2020.

Funny how your behavior isn't "sedition" and "insurrection" when you are rioting against an ELECTED president
Hey, if Trump gets a call from a shrink telling him he's a sociopath will that be a hurdle to him running? Or does he need to be put in a straightjacket?
And once again these Leftist assholes conveniently forget they have exactly the same hatred towards any and all Republican Presidents, regardless of who it is. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, both Bushes and now Trump. You'll see the vitriol when the next Republican is elected...!

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