Robert Kennedy agrees with Trump on the Ukraine & Russia war.

So, like Trump, RFK wants to surrender to Putin

At least he didn't take his wedding honeymoon in the Soviet Union like Bernie Sanders did.

Admit it: You know damned well you would have voted for him if he'd been the 2016 candidate.
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RFKjr was very early noticing what happened in Ukraine, and opposing the bottomless pit of $$$ US taxdollars flushed into Ukraine

RFKjr is well aware of what Dr. Fauci has done all over the world.

Maybe this time the WaPo will include him in the poll.... LOL!!!
At least he didn't take his wedding honeymoon in the Soviet Union like Bernie Sanders did.

Admit it: YOu know damned well you would have voted for him if he'd been the 2016 candidate.

Trump is the one who celebrated when Putin invaded Ukraine and called him a Genius

Now Trump and RFK want Ukraine to surrender captured territory.
want Ukraine to surrender captured territory

Once again, this is between Russia and Ukraine and the Crimean people. Crimea has loads of ethnic Russians and the Zionist Fascist Ukrainian government treats them very badly. It is disputed territory and the only people in America who care about Ukraine are Zionist Fascists and bought and paid for Uncle Toms like homO and warnock...
Trump is the one who celebrated when Putin invaded Ukraine and called him a Genius

Now Trump and RFK want Ukraine to surrender captured territory.

You're spreading disinformation. Trump never "celebrated" Putin's invasion of Ukraine. But it was a genius move for Putin to wait until Biden was President because he knew Biden wouldn't stop him from invading. And Biden didn't stop him, so now you have a total shitshow on your hands with no way out.

Anyone with half a brain knows your little kabuki theater act portraying conservatives and Republicans as being sympathetic toward Russia is phony as a three dollar bill. Like I said, you're the same people who would have voted for the communist-sympathizer Bernie Sanders, if he had been the 2016 nominee. So quit with the phony bullshit act, you're not fooling anyone. There was no "Trump/Russia collusion", no pee tapes, and no money changing hands between Trump and any communist dictator.

That would be your boy, Joe Roninette Biden.
Now he went and did it. The Democrats will burn a cross in his yard for saying that.

I was thinking now suddenly, a whole bunch of women will turn up from RFK's past now to accuse him of rape!
There is a part of me that kind of wonders if Kennedy is running to actually help Biden.
I mean c'mon - the man is running around saying numerous Republican talking points.
That and his speech impediment makes him sound like he is not mentally all there.
I was thinking now suddenly, a whole bunch of women will turn up from RFK's past now to accuse him of rape!

Well he is a Kennedy, isn't he? Pussy-grabbing is a Kennedy family heritage.

But those Democrats will probably just put him in a limo and drive him past the Dallas Book Depository, that's more their style these days.

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