Robin Hood, Brainwashing, and the Failed Republican Party


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like it that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, the young people don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
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Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, they don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
I don't think you liberals are busy enough....maybe get a job and not spend so much time on the drugs....
Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like it that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, the young people don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
Why should young people care. They've been shown that their parents and grandparents (Gen X and Baby Boomers) only concern themselves with how the ruling billionaire class can exploit the planet's surface for profit.

Young people can easily see the ruling billionaire class can find no reason to leave anything alive after they are dead, why should they? No one important will be left when they're gone. The Gen Xers and the boomers feel the same way.

The young, the over 50 people say, "Fvck the young! We got ours."

Why should young people care. They've been shown that their parents and grandparents (Gen X and Baby Boomers) only concern themselves with how the ruling billionaire class can exploit the planet's surface for profit.

Oh I KNOW... Music superstars, Hollywood superstars, major sports heroes, lottery winners, Big Wind farm investors ALL have been "exploiting the planet's surface for profit"... It's a travesty aint it?

WALMART is the worse.. Because their WHOLE BUSINESS is attracting "poor folks" to come get raped and pillaged at their stores.. Goodyear, Firestone never did a damn thing for people to MAKE that profit..

You go girl... You got the leftist slang down pat.. But you'll never understand what money IS or wealth or RISK.. So whatever "solutions" ya got might as well come from Big Bird on Sesame Street..
Young people can easily see the ruling billionaire class can find no reason to leave anything alive after they are dead, why should they? No one important will be left when they're gone. The Gen Xers and the boomers feel the same way.

You're tribe keeps telling the kids that GWarming is gonna KILL them in 12 years. Why SHOULDN'T they join in the "raping and pillaging" of the Earth?

What did Bill Gates or Elon Musk EVER STEAL from you? Other than the rather juicy tax credits that Musk makes you pay for EVERY BUSINESS he operates.

Tell me which bad guy billionaires touched you?? Pleasse... Need a list. I'll go beat em up for you..

Maybe the Quaker Oats guy? The Jolly Green Giant?? I don't care.. I'll freakin whoop their asses for you...

The POWER TO RAPE AND PILLAGE belongs to the govt.. Exxon Mobil has no Domestic Surveillance system, no IRS, no legal authority whatsoever. What POWER do they have to FORCE YOU to buy petroleum products???
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" Why should young people care. "

They should care because they are the ones who will be paying the interest on all that debt. Which will be a pretty big chunk of change that grows ever larger every year, and even larger if the Dems ever get in charge. People bitch about Trump's spending, and they have a point although a big piece of it is due to the COVID-19. But have you seen the spending that the Dems want to do? It's staggering, and I got news for those who believe that raising taxes on the rich and the big corps will cover it: you are delusional.
Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, they don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
I don't think you liberals are busy enough....maybe get a job and not spend so much time on the drugs....

You totally misread that post, if you actually read it (I'm guessing you just read the thread title). And task is no liberal.
Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like it that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, the young people don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
Why should young people care. They've been shown that their parents and grandparents (Gen X and Baby Boomers) only concern themselves with how the ruling billionaire class can exploit the planet's surface for profit.

Young people can easily see the ruling billionaire class can find no reason to leave anything alive after they are dead, why should they? No one important will be left when they're gone. The Gen Xers and the boomers feel the same way.

The young, the over 50 people say, "Fvck the young! We got ours."


The millennials are the dumbest generation to ever walk the earth.
Betcha that'll get me a few red thumbs down. But read on, please; Dov Fischer, the writer of the column linked to below, talks about how he (and we) have been brainwashed into thinking that Robin Hood was a hero, a good guy, right?

It took me a few days, and then it hit me: I had been brainwashed by my schoolteachers in elementary school, my school textbooks, the movies. What in the world is righteous about stealing assets from people who have come to them legally? What makes the assets of the rich less rightly theirs than the assets of anyone else? By what right does anyone assign to himself the right to steal from someone to give his assets to someone else?

And how on G-d’s earth had I missed that point for three decades? Nowhere does the Torah allow stealing from someone else, neither from the rich nor the poor. What got into my head that Robin Hood was OK, much less a hero?

My elementary school teachers had gotten into my head. TV had gotten into my head. Movies. Errol Flynn. Douglas Fairbanks. Others.

When we leave education and entertainment in the hands of the Left, as we have, we do not realize what we are doing, what we have done to destroy ourselves. Nothing is more precious than educating our children: “And you shall teach it diligently to your children And speak to them of it” (Deuteronomy 6:7). We handed our country’s most precious resource, our future generations or two or three, to the Left. When we try now to educate the past two college-“educated” generations to the dangers and outright evils of socialism, we fail to realize that we mostly have missed the boat. They mostly are lost. We handed the reins over to leftists to educate them. We allowed them to take a generation or two of Ocasios and inculcate lies into their heads as truth. Now they merely spout what they were taught, what our tax dollars paid their brainwashers and lent them.
The Left has won the universities for this round, the half-century ahead. Four years of Trump and DeVos barely have scratched that surface. If anything, Cancel Culture has gotten even 10 times worse. If the snowflakes previously were relegated to whining over microaggressions and demanding trigger warnings and safe spaces where they could heal with Play-Doh, cocoa, and comfort pets, now they are armed with axes to end careers. A great business law professor, Gordon Klein, got suspended for a term for tweeting some common sense. Another great business professor said a word in Mandarin that sounded like a word rhyming with “bigger,” a word that Black rappers use dozens of times in their rap “songs,” and the guy got kicked off the faculty. I personally can tell my own personal stories of Cancel Culture. Leftists can spout garbage all day in the classroom instead of teaching the subjects they are assigned and paid to teach, and they can get away with it. But a contemporary professor dare not say a word in support of Donald Trump or condemn Kamala Harris for sleeping her way into California Democrat politics with a married man 31 years her senior, or he can get canceled.
For all this I blame the Republican Party. I blame Eisenhower and Nixon and Dole and McCain and Romney and anything Bush. And all the fools in New Hampshire and Iowa who voted for them in Republican primaries, effectively using their early-round advantages to knock out the conservative candidates we needed. The Democrats did what they openly set out to do: destroy our culture and values. I give them credit for their honesty. But the Republicans were supposed to be the conservatives. They were supposed to care for our values. That is why we elected so many of their impostors to the presidency. They were supposed to name conservative judges to balance the Democrat nominees appointed by Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama. They were not sent there to give us Blackman, Stevens, Souter — or even Kennedy, O’Connor, and Roberts. We didn’t vote for that.

They focused so much on their “free trade” and on privatizing social security that they overlooked, oh, the colleges and universities. And Trump missed that one, too.

The universities indoctrinate politically and should be denied their tax-deductible status. They should be required to lend money themselves without government involvement in student loans. They have endowments, and they should be required to lend from them, not from our taxes. If they teach well and productively, the loans will be repaid with interest by productive and successful alumni borrowers. By contrast, if they send out a generation of ignorant students, who know critical race theory but cannot multiply two digits by two digits, cannot identify whom we fought in the Revolutionary War, and who don’t know the difference between a pronoun and a preposition, then the loans will default as they should. Such loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, and the universities should bear the costs.

The universities are rich. Let Robin Hood steal from them and from millionaires like Obama and Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and give back to the poorest of the poor — America’s taxpayers who now are more than $27 trillion in debt.

Interesting perspective, no? I do not believe the gov't at any level ought to be involved with funding education. At all. An education starts with each individual's desire to achieve it. No amount of money and the best schools and teachers will matter if the student doesn't make an effort to learn something. IMHO, to a significant degree we are a nation of idiots and there are people who like it that way; they are called democrats. They want the biggest gov't possible that will take care of you from cradle to grave, in style no less. And here's the kicker: the very people who will suffer the most if such a scenario occurs are the very people who have been indoctrinate by our schools, universities, and the media and Hollywood. We are at $27 trillion in debt and heading north of that, and if the Dems have their way the pace of that debt accumulation will be a lot faster with all the spending they want to do. The sad part is, the young people don't even know it. Don't even care as far as I can tell.
Why should young people care. They've been shown that their parents and grandparents (Gen X and Baby Boomers) only concern themselves with how the ruling billionaire class can exploit the planet's surface for profit.

Young people can easily see the ruling billionaire class can find no reason to leave anything alive after they are dead, why should they? No one important will be left when they're gone. The Gen Xers and the boomers feel the same way.

The young, the over 50 people say, "Fvck the young! We got ours."


The millennials are the dumbest generation to ever walk the earth.

Not surprising is it? Most of them have not been taught to think for themselves, our liberal-run education has seen to that. They've been brainwashed. Vote democrat and we'll take care of you for the rest of your life. Most millenials think that is a good thing.

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