Rock bottom: Lunatic James Carville threatens young voters with all of his delusions in expletive-filled rant

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Carville sounds like most of your resident Biden cultists, so you know he's got that fearsome combination of stupidity, bigotry, and hostility that's become the most recognizable feature of the left in 2024.

Watch this short clip and tell me Carville doesn't sound exactly like one of our local DNC kooks, i.e. Mac1958, rightwinger, or Zincwarrior

Carville sounds like most of your resident Biden cultists, so you know he's got that fearsome combination of stupidity, bigotry, and hostility that's become the most recognizable feature of the left in 2024.

Watch this short clip and tell me Carville doesn't sound exactly like one of our local DNC kooks, i.e. Mac1958, rightwinger, or Zincwarrior

Sounds like he's trying to stay relevant.
Carville sounds like most of your resident Biden cultists, so you know he's got that fearsome combination of stupidity, bigotry, and hostility that's become the most recognizable feature of the left in 2024.

Watch this short clip and tell me Carville doesn't sound exactly like one of our local DNC kooks, i.e. Mac1958, rightwinger, or Zincwarrior

Posting videos while drunk is never a good idea.
If the Scotus can't make up their minds by election time, Trump's total immunity from prosecution is going to scare those Americans who are old enough to understand the perils of a dictatorship.

Would Biden or Trump be more likely to use the power being granted to him? I suspect Biden wouls and already has in some instances.
LOL.....The dude is funny as hell when you get him away from talking politics.....He's got some stories.....He used to hang out at the place I get my tires.

I saw in the paper (what's left of it) a few months back where he got a one million dollar construction permit for his place the next (deep red) county over. He has a nice farm along the north branch of the Shenandoah River.
If the Scotus can't make up their minds by election time, Trump's total immunity from prosecution is going to scare those Americans who are old enough to understand the perils of a dictatorship.

Would Biden or Trump be more likely to use the power being granted to him? I suspect Biden wouls and already has in some instances.
That would leave Joe open to prosecution and somehow, he has escaped that up to now due to having dementia. Yet having dementia and being President is okay.
That would leave Joe open to prosecution and somehow, he has escaped that up to now due to having dementia. Yet having dementia and being President is okay.
I think that the decision of the Scotus that's going to be sent to congress, is going to depend a great deal on who gets to be the next president.

IOW, Biden's past crimes will be considered legitimate official business if he's elected.

If Trump is elected, Biden's past crimes will be considered to be punishable. fk man, he's started an illegal war!

think it through 22, the implications of this Scotus clusterfk are enormous!
But I'm glad you're brave enough to talk about it!
Carville sounds like most of your resident Biden cultists, so you know he's got that fearsome combination of stupidity, bigotry, and hostility that's become the most recognizable feature of the left in 2024.

Watch this short clip and tell me Carville doesn't sound exactly like one of our local DNC kooks, i.e. Mac1958, rightwinger, or Zincwarrior

Politics today is run by fear. If it isn't climate change it is gay rights, racial injustice returning, on and on.

This years buzzword is "the end of democracy". Somewhat odd for a Republic, but I suppose they don't want to use the term...
LOL.....The dude is funny as hell when you get him away from talking politics.....He's got some stories.....He used to hang out at the place I get my tires.

I saw in the paper (what's left of it) a few months back where he got a one million dollar construction permit for his place the next (deep red) county over. He has a nice farm along the north branch of the Shenandoah River.

He understands the value of living in a place run by conservatives. Low taxes, safety, cleanliness, get along attitudes, and politeness. Not like the dirty, dangerous blue shitholes.
Carville sounds like most of your resident Biden cultists, so you know he's got that fearsome combination of stupidity, bigotry, and hostility that's become the most recognizable feature of the left in 2024.

Watch this short clip and tell me Carville doesn't sound exactly like one of our local DNC kooks, i.e. Mac1958, rightwinger, or Zincwarrior

More young people are turning away from the Democrat party.
All these people keep saying trump will destroy democracy, trump will put us in chains, he will exterminate blacks, he will put people in camps, and all this other stuff.

My question is: then why didn't he do any of this when he was president before?

He is no better than this person.

These kinds of people only exist by being alarmists. They don't actually contribute anything, they don't improve anything, they don't actually do anything besides make outlandish claims based on hate and fear. The only way they can stay relevant is by making unsubstantiated claims that never come true. They only want the illusion of doing something.
More young people are turning away from the Democrat party.

More of EVERYONE is turning away from the DemoKKKrat party:

Biden’s historic low compared to other US presidents​

President Biden’s approval rating 39 months into his presidency is the lowest of any elected chief executive in modern American history, according to Gallup.

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower (1956): 73.2%
  • Ronald Reagan (1984): 54.5%
  • Richard Nixon (1972): 53.7%
  • Bill Clinton (1996): 53.0%
  • George W. Bush (2004): 51.0%
  • Jimmy Carter (1980): 47.7%
  • Donald Trump (2020): 46.8%
  • Barack Obama (2012): 45.9%
  • George H.W. Bush (1992): 41.8%
  • Joe Biden (2024): 38.7%
If the Scotus can't make up their minds by election time, Trump's total immunity from prosecution is going to scare those Americans who are old enough to understand the perils of a dictatorship.

Would Biden or Trump be more likely to use the power being granted to him? I suspect Biden wouls and already has in some instances.

Quick: name one real crime with real victims. Times up. You can't and no one ever can.
At least he admits that the Democrats don't actually address the issues the people they expect to vote for them, care about.
If the Scotus can't make up their minds by election time, Trump's total immunity from prosecution is going to scare those Americans who are old enough to understand the perils of a dictatorship.

Would Biden or Trump be more likely to use the power being granted to him? I suspect Biden wouls and already has in some instances.
just look at what dem governors did with there draconian lock downs and Biden with his COVID mandates .

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