Rod Rosenstein is resigning

Trump under this E.O. where iditos who think Martial Law are the cops breaking in the door which it's not, but this will give Trump the power to Arrest all these traitors who are in office being snitches, DRAIN THE SWAMP is coming fools. Globalist are working AGAINST THIS COUNTRY.......... Sheep blamne Trump for the very saving if this Nation. because the dumbasses think it's Trump this, Trump htat they blame him for everything and anything. LOSERS learned from Obama.

Interesting concept.... don't fire him to give the abnormals cause to hang Trump in the MSM, Simply do what was done to Bruce Ohr, TWICE...DEMOTE ROSENSTEIN.....Hat check clerk would be suitable!
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the second highest level US law enforcement official, is heading to the White House to resign or be fired, according to reports.

The AP reported Monday Rosenstein’s “expecting to be fired Monday at the White House, after critical comments about President Donald Trump.”

An earlier report from Axios suggested Rosenstein had submitted his resignation to Chief of Staff John Kelly.

From Axios:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Background: Rosenstein talked last year invoking the 25th Amendment and wearing a wire during Trump meetings, the N.Y. Times’ Adam Goldman and Michael S. Schmidt reported last week. He denied both allegations.

The White House reportedly accepted the resignation Monday, Bloomberg News reports,..................

Breaking: Fired or Resigned? Rosenstein Job Coming to End, Reports Say
Bibi wants Trump in power

Bibi and the rest were all for Hillary, at least in this universe....

I am shocked that the NYT actually published this. There may be more coming out on Rod the Mossad and the NYT is just covering its own rear by getting ahead of chasing Rod the Mossad out even as they lied and did everything they could to keep him after Trump before....
Couple Gems gleaned from a Fox News Article:

Deputy AG Rosenstein heading to White House expecting to be fired, sources say

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is heading to the White House expecting to be fired, sources tell Fox News, in the wake of a report that he suggested wearing a wire against President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year.

The New York Times report said Rosenstein had discussed wearing a "wire" to tape Trump and pursuing his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials. This would have been in the tumultuous days after James Comey was fired as FBI director, with the president citing in part a memo penned by Rosenstein -- reportedly catching him off guard.

The Washington Post quoted an unnamed individual saying Rosenstein quipped sarcastically after McCabe pushed for an investigation into the president, "What do you want to do Andy? Wire the president?"

The Times quoted other sources who said Rosenstein was serious, however.

In July, Reps. Mark Meadows of North Carolina and Jim Jordan of Ohio, the chairman and a prominent member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, introduced five articles of impeachment against Rosenstein.

Those impeachment articles accused Rosenstein of intentionally withholding documents and information from Congress, failure to comply with congressional subpoenas and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). That effort was referred to the House Judiciary Committee, where it has not been voted upon.
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....

Rosenstein has to prove he never wore a wire to record TRUMP or I'm gonna have to assume he's guilty.

Trump has to prove HE DID wear a wire or suggest seriously to do such.... this is why they supposedly were going to have the IG investigate....first.

What makes you think the IG investigation isn't going to continue?
Surely this has been thought out to the last detail.

In this context, it's a chess game between a novice politician and highly sophisticated operatives in the 'checks and balances' framework.

Trump has zero chance of winning this short of a civil war.
I'll give you all a guess who the FBI and DOJ Officials were that Rosenstein discussed his wearing of a wire to wiretap his conversations with the president.

Anyone want to guess? They wouldn't happen to be Insurance Policy Salesmen, would they?
Funny that Trump now believes McCabe's notes from a meeting when he claimed McCabe had to be fired and was fired for being a liar... :rolleyes:

When NO ONE else at this meeting mentioned Rosenstein using the 25th or a wire, in their notes of the meeting....
not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
it used to be automatic, I thought? when the mod merges them, the earliest thread takes the first spot? Maybe things have changed?
This does piss me off.
The Mod SYSTEM did this automatically, when I was a mod... you went to merge the threads, and the thread with the earliest posting slipped in to the first spot...

the merge puts all the posts from the first post to the last post, from both of the threads being merged, in to a timely order....they merge post by post from both threads by time.

So maybe your post was not first???

They do have a new board managing system that they went to, so maybe that is not a feature on this one?
according to the time stamp mine was 9 minutes earlier.
No, jc, Mindwars had the first thread. I was in it right away.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.
Rosenstein should be fired if not investigated, and Trump is not going to pass up a golden opportunity to get rid of him.
Surely this has been thought out to the last detail.

In this context, it's a chess game between a novice politician and highly sophisticated operatives in the 'checks and balances' framework.

Trump has zero chance of winning this short of a civil war.

Yeah, the novice who beat 16 "sophisticated" Establishment/Republican candidates, the "sophisticated" Queen of the Democrats and their entire "sophisticated" media monopoly.
Funny that Trump now believes McCabe's notes from a meeting when he claimed McCabe had to be fired and was fired for being a liar... :rolleyes:

When NO ONE else at this meeting mentioned Rosenstein using the 25th or a wire, in their notes of the meeting....

Trump's base really have to be the dumbest bunch of shit in the toilet; bar none.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

Yes; I agree. Seeing Trump destroy America is quite entertaining. Trump is after all, an entertainer, a celebrity.

We sure got US a good un to pick the nation to bits.

It's kinda like seeing a vulture pick apart some road kill; real fun stuff.

YOu can keep telling your indoctrinated self that, but blind sheep can not see he is saving our asses from ending up in one world order, but sadly your all a little to dumb to understand what he is doing to save us.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

Yes; I agree. Seeing Trump destroy America is quite entertaining. Trump is after all, an entertainer, a celebrity.

We sure got US a good un to pick the nation to bits.

It's kinda like seeing a vulture pick apart some road kill; real fun stuff.

YOu can keep telling your indoctrinated self that, but blind sheep can not see he is saving our asses from ending up in one world order, but sadly your all a little to dumb to understand what he is doing to save us.

You're either a fool or a damn liar. There's no in between!

Your continuing theme, posted over and over, is tantamount to a mentally ill person walking around with a sandwich board telling passerby's "the end is near"; or a supporter of Authoritarian Government, and opposed to the rule of law and democracy, who is dishonest to the core who promulgates a conspiracy hypothesis as if it is a reality.

In either case you lack credibility; in the former it is pitiful, in the latter a damn lie. So which one is the real way to evaluate this thread; a product of paranoia, or a fools errand?
Crooked Don, just wants to have the new person HIDE the Mueller report and not release it to congress or we the people.

and you Trumpsters will probably go along with your cult leader... and let it be burned, so no one can ever see the crook he really is....

We can only hope that the Mueller team, makes copies of their investigation, like the Watergate investigators did when Archibald Cox was fired, and took them home....

lawlessness is abound, alright..... :eek:
Considering the buildup, it looks like Rosenstein is out. If Trump was going to just slap him on the wrist, it would be done without us knowing.
Surely this has been thought out to the last detail.

In this context, it's a chess game between a novice politician and highly sophisticated operatives in the 'checks and balances' framework.

Trump has zero chance of winning this short of a civil war.
Which lying media outlet told you this?

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