Rod Rosenstein is resigning

The only way this 'trap' backfires on the conspirators is if Head of the DOJ, US AG Jeff 'AWOL' Sessions steps forward to reclaim control of the DOJ by being the one to fire his Deputy.
not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
it used to be automatic, I thought? when the mod merges them, the earliest thread takes the first spot? Maybe things have changed?
This does piss me off.
He should resign after plotting to illegally wear a wire
Illegal? Under what law? It wouldn’t be illegal in DC.

and try to manipulate the president and attempt to entrap him to say something that Rosenstein could use against him,
“Entrap”? Ok, besides your misuse of the word, no one has to manipulate Trump into saying something outrageous or controversial.
It's called political suicide. hmmm doesn't sound too smart to admit you said it.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.


It is f***ing hilarious to see Republicans EAT THEIR OWN. :abgg2q.jpg:
Rosenstein is a Republican, and worked with Ken Starr on White Water investigation against Bill Clinton...!


Rosenstein's departure is WELL overdue, not only from the Russian Investigation Witch Hunt but also as Deputy Director of the DOJ!

Rosenstein authored a paper in great detail explaining why former FBI Director Comey should be fired, in addition to the fact that President Trump has / had the legal authority to fire Comey for whatever reason he wanted whenever he wanted. Immediately after Trump took his advice and fired Comey, Rosenstein initiated the investigation into of Obstruction against the President for doing what Rosenstein had advised the President to do.

- This action instantly became a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest as Rosenstein, who had advised the President to fore Comey, became an instant WITNESS at the heart of the investigation. Rosenstein arrogantly declared his refusal to recuse himself, however.

Rosenstein signed the 3rd FISA Warrant Request, proving he intentionally / knowingly helped deceive the FISA court by helping to push the false Russian-authored Dossier as Legitimate Intel while withholding the fact that this information was obtained from the DNC's Presidential candidate and a foreign spy working for the FBI. That information is about to be released to the public when the US IG releases the un-redacted information.

Rosenstein should have already been indicted for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas, refusing to turn over the documents exposing that fact (about the 3rd FISA Warrant Request). His signing that Request and his Obstruction are both a Conflict of Interest and a Crime!

IF Rosenstein stepping down is true, Trump and Sessions now have an opportunity to hire an objective, Non-Deep State Conspirator Deputy Director who can step-in in the midst of Sessions' absence and take over oversight of Mueller's Witch hunt, to order the investigation of the conspirators and reign in the crime, obstruction, and conspiracy.

I would also like to see that little pimple (Rosenstein) investigated, squeezed, and see if he pops / flips.....

The Witch Hunt conspiracy continues to nose-dive under more and more revelations and scrutiny!

:clap: :thewave: :dance:

Better yet think about this:

Rosenstein was close friends with Comey, Strozk and McCabe as well as Yates.
Rosenstien knowingly filed for FISA Warrant against a presidential candidate using Russian Propaganda he knew was false and salacious and unverifiable.
Rosensten got Sessions to recuse himself from The Russia probe, and at the same time was investigating President Trump for Obstrution of Justice for doing the very thing he advised him to do.

Rosenstein then appoints Mueller who was rejected by Trump as FBI head by the President. He also barred him from Trump resorts for not paying his greens fees, but that's another issue.

This effecitvely made Mueller head of The FBI, and Rosenstein head of The DOJ. Neither wer appointed by The President.

Mueller goes out and appoints Trump Haters like Preet Brahara and Strozk to his team, and all the while refused to look in to anything The Clinton Campaign did with Russia 'including the very Russian Dossier Clinton and Obama paid for from Putin and handed it over to McCain and John Kerry to hand that to Strozk, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and Yates to file False Affidavits in The FISA Court to continually attack and spy on Donald Trump and leak all the classified intel they obtained.

Prior to that you have Loretta Lynch obstructing justice directing Comey to stand down on The Clinton scandal and illegally meeting Bill Clinton on the tarmac, and both of them along with Susan Powers and Susan Rice illegally leaking classified intel and unmasking Americans in order to smear them in the media so that later they have political cover to set them up and prosecute them for jaywalking offenses.

The Rabbit Hole goes deep on this, and these people are scum and this needs to be dug up all the way to the roots and a purge in our Government needs to happen. And I have only touched the surface of all the stunts these people pulled.

And to think we wouldn't know about most of this stuff, had Anthony Weiner not had classified intel on his laptop. Classified Documents Clinton said she never deleted from her server (another of her 10,000 Lies) nor had not the IG came in and found 50,000 messages The FBI said never existed.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.


It is f***ing hilarious to see Republicans EAT THEIR OWN. :abgg2q.jpg:

It is something, isn't it. I do believe Rosenstein is an honorable person and is doing what is best for the country, not Trump. While I do not agree with Sessions, Trump did appoint him.:)
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....

Rosenstein has to prove he never wore a wire to record TRUMP or I'm gonna have to assume he's guilty.
I just read more....'false alarm' and an 'entrapment' snare being set for Trump. Rosenstein ACTUALLY stated he is not going to leave on his own but would walk away if FIRED, 'as he is expected to be'.

Rosenstein 'resigning', much like the story about his desire to wear a wire', is an attempt to bait the President to FIRE him like Trump fired Comey.

Hopefully the President is too smart for that. If he fires Rosenstein as a result of a leaked RUMOR, the Left / Mueller will raise holy Hell in an immediate declaration that the firing is even more concrete evidence that Trump is attempting to Obstruct justice by firing all of the 'investigators' (conspirators).
Jesus, can't you wait an hour to see what happens instead of making up shit?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.


It is f***ing hilarious to see Republicans EAT THEIR OWN. :abgg2q.jpg:
Rosenstein is a Republican, and worked with Ken Starr on White Water investigation against Bill Clinton...!

Yes; I already knew that & Mueller is also a registered Republican.

Pretty comical to see the GOP eating their own.
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not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
it used to be automatic, I thought? when the mod merges them, the earliest thread takes the first spot? Maybe things have changed?
This does piss me off.
The Mod SYSTEM did this automatically, when I was a mod... you went to merge the threads, and the thread with the earliest posting slipped in to the first spot...

the merge puts all the posts from the first post to the last post, from both of the threads being merged, in to a timely order....they merge post by post from both threads by time.

So maybe your post was not first???

They do have a new board managing system that they went to, so maybe that is not a feature on this one?
not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
it used to be automatic, I thought? when the mod merges them, the earliest thread takes the first spot? Maybe things have changed?
This does piss me off.
The Mod SYSTEM did this automatically, when I was a mod... you went to merge the threads, and the thread with the earliest posting slipped in to the first spot...

the merge puts all the posts from the first post to the last post, from both of the threads being merged, in to a timely order....they merge post by post from both threads by time.

So maybe your post was not first???

They do have a new board managing system that they went to, so maybe that is not a feature on this one?
according to the time stamp mine was 9 minutes earlier.
I just read more....'false alarm' and an 'entrapment' snare being set for Trump. Rosenstein ACTUALLY stated he is not going to leave on his own but would walk away if FIRED, 'as he is expected to be'.

Rosenstein 'resigning', much like the story about his desire to wear a wire', is an attempt to bait the President to FIRE him like Trump fired Comey.

Hopefully the President is too smart for that. If he fires Rosenstein as a result of a leaked RUMOR, the Left / Mueller will raise holy Hell in an immediate declaration that the firing is even more concrete evidence that Trump is attempting to Obstruct justice by firing all of the 'investigators' (conspirators).
Jesus, can't you wait an hour to see what happens instead of making up shit?
'smatter, OL?

You think it was just a coincidence that a story about Rosenstein considering wearing a wire to secretly record the President just 'slipped out'? :p

And this is a 'Discussion Board', is it not? Feel free to STFU and ignore my post if you do not want to discuss what is going on....
We can only hope. This weasel needs to be moving on.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly resigning
Yes, anyone having anything to do with investigating the President is in as dangerous territory as the proverbial messenger bringing bad tidings to the King.
Comey, now Rosenstein, Sessions next.
Then Mueller.
Just watch.
No reason to fire Mueller, better to let him twist in the wind until he dries up and blows away.
Rosenstein is a Republican, and worked with Ken Starr on White Water investigation against Bill Clinton...!

which covered up the MOSSAD MURDER of Vince Foster....

Those who serve Israel are both Dems and GOPs, but they are all traitors, liars, and sell outs devoid of a molecule of patriotism to the US.

Ken Starr and Rosenstein both serve ISRAEL, not the US.
It’s an intriguing prospect; but I’ll reserve commentary until we get some official word...
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....

Rosenstein has to prove he never wore a wire to record TRUMP or I'm gonna have to assume he's guilty.

Trump has to prove HE DID wear a wire or suggest seriously to do such.... this is why they supposedly were going to have the IG investigate....first.
Rod the Mossad won't resign.

Rod the Mossad doesn't care about Kelly or Sessions or Trump or the US.

Rod the Mossad cares about ISRAEL, and his only boss is this monster....

It was two jews who wrote the NY Times piece, and Bibi wants Trump in power, so maybe they are Bibi's stooges. I actually do not believe the article or the Op Ed, well I believe it was Trump behind it and ? Shine.
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The deep state does not need Rosenstein so now they are hanging him out to dry. This is how they play . They meaning the DEEP STATE
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

There are many who wear the "registered Republican" mask to hide their Establishment/Progressive tendencies.

Just wait. If the midterms go Trump's way, the numerous firings that follow will look like "Kung Fu Hustle". :auiqs.jpg:


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