Rod Rosenstein is resigning

Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.
The only reason he would resign would be to possibly avoid prosecution. Get out of the way before the tidal wave hits. If the story is true, he must know the shit's gonna hit the fan soon.

Oh it's true


Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

Yes; I agree. Seeing Trump destroy America is quite entertaining. Trump is after all, an entertainer, a celebrity.

We sure got US a good un to pick the nation to bits.

It's kinda like seeing a vulture pick apart some road kill; real fun stuff.
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

So Rosenstein helps him fire Comey, and Session is not protecting Trump. Yes we can see clearly now, like we always could. He is not draining the swamp , as he is still there.
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....
So Trump is having Kelly doing the dirty deed. Either resign or be fired. I would let them fire himself.
heard Kelly is going to ask him to resign, Rosenstein is going to say no, Trump needs to fire me.... is the rumor I am hearing...?
And i knew the minute I posted it from infowars it would bs OH SO NOT TRUE................. GOD U FKR WHO HATE INFOWARS AND USE THEM TO DENY INFORMATION if you only knew how deeply you are being fkd over by MSM.........

mean while infowars states the same gawd dam information only better they decode what dumbasses can't. That's why most sheep can't handle factual truth.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the second highest level US law enforcement official, announced his resignation Monday, according to reports.

From Axios:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Breaking: Fired or Resigned? Rosenstein Job Coming to End, Reports Say
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

So Rosenstein helps him fire Comey, and Session is not protecting Trump. Yes we can see clearly now, like we always could. He is not draining the swamp , as he is still there.

I agree. Many, as we can see, do not see the forest for the trees.
Rod the Mossad won't resign.

Rod the Mossad doesn't care about Kelly or Sessions or Trump or the US.

Rod the Mossad cares about ISRAEL, and his only boss is this monster....

not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....
So Trump is having Kelly doing the dirty deed. Either resign or be fired. I would let them fire himself.
heard Kelly is going to ask him to resign, Rosenstein is going to say no, Trump needs to fire me.... is the rumor I am hearing...?
Where did you hear that?
Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge. Per a second source with direct knowledge: “He’s expecting to be fired,” so he plans to step down.

Oh he's resigning if true, what's that tell you the dumb SOB lied. The traitor SOB has dirt that can be used on him and he knows.
Can't trust none of these stupid sob's. and for the dip shit who thinks the Martial Law E.O. EXECUTIVE ORDRES are a conspiracy this is one of those E.O. that are forcing the draining of the swamp.

If some pea brains would have read and watched how these E.O's are coming you wouldn't be a dumb ass lol.

It is comical to see Rosenstein, a registered Republican, getting so much heat from the right aka Republicans.

I also see it as comical that Trump continues to create more & more perceived enemies at home & abroad.

I have to hand it to Trump; he loves creating chaos, drama, and enemies.

What people aren't seeing is Trump is duping these fkrs so they basically tell on themselves, then it comes out into the open. He is draining the swamp....... Sessions is next and that pos really needs to go.

Yes; I agree. Seeing Trump destroy America is quite entertaining. Trump is after all, an entertainer, a celebrity.

We sure got US a good un to pick the nation to bits.

It's kinda like seeing a vulture pick apart some road kill; real fun stuff.

YOu can keep telling your indoctrinated self that, but blind sheep can not see he is saving our asses from ending up in one world order, but sadly your all a little to dumb to understand what he is doing to save us.

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