Rod Rosenstein is resigning

We can only hope. This weasel needs to be moving on.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly resigning
Yes, anyone having anything to do with investigating the President is in as dangerous territory as the proverbial messenger bringing bad tidings to the King.
Comey, now Rosenstein, Sessions next.
Then Mueller.
Just watch.
so you're ok with our DOJ wearing a wire to entrap a sitting president.

remember - this won't just be for trump, but an accepted practice moving forward if allowed at all. we need to put laws and punishment ahead of people and emotions.
So you're believing this one from the lying MSM. Okay.
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....
So Trump is having Kelly doing the dirty deed. Either resign or be fired. I would let them fire himself.
heard Kelly is going to ask him to resign, Rosenstein is going to say no, Trump needs to fire me.... is the rumor I am hearing...?
Where did you hear that?
I think it was MSNBC? Could have been CNN?
I just saw that on another thread about this, too.
A few minutes of suspense, as Rosenstein rides to the WH to meet with Kelly....
Ohhh, if he resigns then Trump can replace him with one of his people in the admin that has been appointed and cleared/voted on through the advice and consent of the Senate....

If Rosenstein is fired, then the President can NOT replace him with one of his admin and would have to use, per law, the next person in line, to temporarily sit in Rod Rosenstein's seat as deputy director, until Trump can get someone new through the Senate confirmation process.

This is probably why the rush, the Republican Senate wants to do this before the election because they think they might lose the majority in the Senate...
Why would President "Shitstain" fire him?

Doesn't appear President is firing him, he is resigning...there is a difference.

Demanding a resignation? No one knows. I wonder if Rosenstein will decline and force "The Don" to fire him.
But Trump doesn't LIKE to fire people. Maybe he'll let him find out on tv, like he did with Comey. Or let an advisor let it slip, like he did with Tillerson.


Rosenstein's departure is WELL overdue, not only from the Russian Investigation Witch Hunt but also as Deputy Director of the DOJ!

Rosenstein authored a paper in great detail explaining why former FBI Director Comey should be fired, in addition to the fact that President Trump has / had the legal authority to fire Comey for whatever reason he wanted whenever he wanted. Immediately after Trump took his advice and fired Comey, Rosenstein initiated the investigation into of Obstruction against the President for doing what Rosenstein had advised the President to do.

- This action instantly became a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest as Rosenstein, who had advised the President to fore Comey, became an instant WITNESS at the heart of the investigation. Rosenstein arrogantly declared his refusal to recuse himself, however.

Rosenstein signed the 3rd FISA Warrant Request, proving he intentionally / knowingly helped deceive the FISA court by helping to push the false Russian-authored Dossier as Legitimate Intel while withholding the fact that this information was obtained from the DNC's Presidential candidate and a foreign spy working for the FBI. That information is about to be released to the public when the US IG releases the un-redacted information.

Rosenstein should have already been indicted for Obstruction for refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas, refusing to turn over the documents exposing that fact (about the 3rd FISA Warrant Request). His signing that Request and his Obstruction are both a Conflict of Interest and a Crime!

IF Rosenstein stepping down is true, Trump and Sessions now have an opportunity to hire an objective, Non-Deep State Conspirator Deputy Director who can step-in in the midst of Sessions' absence and take over oversight of Mueller's Witch hunt, to order the investigation of the conspirators and reign in the crime, obstruction, and conspiracy.

I would also like to see that little pimple (Rosenstein) investigated, squeezed, and see if he pops / flips.....

The Witch Hunt conspiracy continues to nose-dive under more and more revelations and scrutiny!

:clap: :thewave: :dance:
We can only hope. This weasel needs to be moving on.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly resigning
Yes, anyone having anything to do with investigating the President is in as dangerous territory as the proverbial messenger bringing bad tidings to the King.
Comey, now Rosenstein, Sessions next.
Then Mueller.
Just watch.
so you're ok with our DOJ wearing a wire to entrap a sitting president.

remember - this won't just be for trump, but an accepted practice moving forward if allowed at all. we need to put laws and punishment ahead of people and emotions.
So you're believing this one from the lying MSM. Okay.
are you saying rosenstein DID NOT do these things? if not, then please feel free to show me counter stories to call bullshit to the accusation.
We can only hope. This weasel needs to be moving on.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is reportedly resigning
Yes, anyone having anything to do with investigating the President is in as dangerous territory as the proverbial messenger bringing bad tidings to the King.
Comey, now Rosenstein, Sessions next.
Then Mueller.
Just watch.
so you're ok with our DOJ wearing a wire to entrap a sitting president.

remember - this won't just be for trump, but an accepted practice moving forward if allowed at all. we need to put laws and punishment ahead of people and emotions.
So you're believing this one from the lying MSM. Okay.
Mike Gallagher is not the MSM.
Trump has something really really BIG to hide, that Mueller/Rosenstein uncovered in the investigation.

Gosh, he seems like such a CROOK.... mob boss.
not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
Trump has something really really BIG to hide, that Mueller/Rosenstein uncovered in the investigation.

Gosh, he seems like such a CROOK.... mob boss.
yea, cause lord knows mueller or rosenstein couldn't say anything later on to let people know what they found.

in the absence of needed evidence, make it up. the left is damn good at that these days.
I'd like to know any other DOJ person who makes a joke about taping the President and injecting the 25th Amendment and expect to have a job after admitting such a thing? I can't believe the absurdity of the left. really, blows my mind.
I believe he said it was a sarcastic joke, didn't he?

LOL...and we are laughing now.
not saying that on the news? just saying he is being called to the whitehouse... to be fired, and to set off the Saturday night massacre.... :eek: Trump isn't there, just Kelly....

I thought they were going to do an IG investigation before making a decision? so much for due process....
this the same due process the left is bypassing to accuse kavanaugh?

yea, i thought so.
I just read more....'false alarm' and an 'entrapment' snare being set for Trump. Rosenstein ACTUALLY stated he is not going to leave on his own but would walk away if FIRED, 'as he is expected to be'.

Rosenstein 'resigning', much like the story about his desire to wear a wire', is an attempt to bait the President to FIRE him like Trump fired Comey.

Hopefully the President is too smart for that. If he fires Rosenstein as a result of a leaked RUMOR, the Left / Mueller will raise holy Hell in an immediate declaration that the firing is even more concrete evidence that Trump is attempting to Obstruct justice by firing all of the 'investigators' (conspirators).
Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.


It is f***ing hilarious to see Republicans EAT THEIR OWN. :abgg2q.jpg:
Sorry bout that,

  1. Now lets get this bag of crap in jail.
  2. If Jeffro Sessions (cookie boy), would wake the fuck up!
  3. Mueller needs a jail cell too being installed by Rosenstein.
  4. How do these people live with themselves, I sure couldn't
  5. Bunch of plotting Wilks Boothers.


It is f***ing hilarious to see Republicans EAT THEIR OWN. :abgg2q.jpg:
it's just justice. It's what normal people actually do.
not to be an asshole, but sometimes I can't help myself, why was my thread moved and not the other thread merged with mine since Mine was first? you do hate me don't you?
it used to be automatic, I thought? when the mod merges them, the earliest thread takes the first spot? Maybe things have changed?
He should resign after plotting to illegally wear a wire

Illegal? Under what law? It wouldn’t be illegal in DC.

and try to manipulate the president and attempt to entrap him to say something that Rosenstein could use against him,
“Entrap”? Ok, besides your misuse of the word, no one has to manipulate Trump into saying something outrageous or controversial.

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