Rodman back in North Korea to “hang out” with Kim Jong Un


Jul 17, 2013
Ummmm is anyone else a little freaked out by this? or am I the only one that thinks Kim Jong Un befriending Rodman as weird.

this reminds me of the video on youtube of the lion and duck becoming friends. Im sure you can tell who is the lion and who is the duck from Rodman and KJU.

The article from AP via said he was not going over there to be a diplomat but to help start a professional basketball program. Since he has built a strong relationship with Kim Jong Un, i believe the State Department should hirer him. If Un is a fan and befriended Rodman, you never know what other crazy dictators would be a fan.

Source: | Rodman back in North Korea to “hang out” with Kim Jong Un
There may be method to his madness.

Who knows?

If he convinces Un to become more sympathetic to the needs of his people, it would be worth it.
There may be method to his madness.

Who knows?

If he convinces Un to become more sympathetic to the needs of his people, it would be worth it.

Maybe he should inquire about the pop band that got liquidated for pornography.
Dennis returns to the land of the surreal...
Rodman in North Korea to visit his 'friend' Kim
Sep 3,`13 -- Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is in North Korea with plans to hang out with authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un, have a good time and maybe bridge some cultural gaps - but not be a diplomat.
Rodman was greeted at Pyongyang's airport Tuesday by Son Kwang Ho, vice-chairman of North Korea's Olympic Committee, just days after Pyongyang rejected a visit by a U.S. envoy who had hoped to bring home Kenneth Bae, an American missionary jailed there. The North abruptly called off the official visit because it said the U.S. had ruined the atmosphere for talks by holding a drill over South Korea with nuclear-capable B-52 bombers. Rodman said the purpose of his visit was to display his friendship for Kim and North Korea and to "show people around the world that we as Americans can actually get along with North Korea."

Speaking to reporters in Beijing ahead of his flight to Pyongyang - his second trip to the North - Rodman declined to say whether he would seek Bae's release. Bae's health is poor, and he was recently transferred to a hospital. "I just want to meet my friend Kim, the marshal, and start a basketball league over there or something like that," said Rodman, wearing rings through his lower lip and each nostril. "I have not been promised anything. I am just going there as a friendly gesture."


Former NBA star Dennis Rodman arrives at Pyongyang airport, North Korea, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013. Rodman landed Tuesday in North Korea and said he plans to hang out with authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un, have a good time and maybe bridge some cultural gaps — but not be a diplomat.

Bae was arrested in November and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for what Pyongyang described as hostile acts against the state. Rodman once asked on his Twitter account for Kim to "do me a solid" and release Bae. Kim has the power to grant special pardons under the North's constitution. "I'm not there to be a diplomat. I'm there to go there and just have a good time, sit with (Kim) and his family, and that's pretty much it," Rodman said, adding that he planned to see Kim "pretty soon," perhaps later Tuesday or Wednesday. Rodman is being hosted in North Korea by the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sport, which has not confirmed if or when Rodman will meet Kim Jong Un. Meetings between senior North Korean officials and foreigners are normally not officially confirmed or announced in advance.

Rodman first met Kim - a die-hard basketball fan - during a visit in February to promote the sport and make a film. U.S. officials frowned on the trip for giving the young leader a propaganda boost. In the weeks that followed, after U.N. sanctions imposed in early March over Pyongyang's February nuclear test, North Korea threatened Washington and Seoul with nuclear and missile strikes and shut down an inter-Korean factory in the North. Rodman, however, suggested "basketball diplomacy" could warm relations and said that Kim wanted President Barack Obama to pick up the phone and call him. He has called Kim an "awesome guy."

There may be method to his madness.

Who knows?

If he convinces Un to become more sympathetic to the needs of his people, it would be worth it.

Not important but, it really makes no sense to call him "Un."

Now, on a more important point, it should be easy for the satellites to pick out Rodman so we can drop a shit load of bombs there and hopefully blow his lunatic 'buddy' into tiny bits of crazy-flakes.

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