Roe overturned

Because that is TRUE.
No it's not it's a fetus, a gestational stage human beings go through. It's not a child until it's born. Children / people have birth dates. Fetuses do not. And no such animal as an " unborn child " has ever existed. Women who are pregnant and want to continue the pregnancy through fruition affectionately call the fetus a child. But it's not the correct legal term. That's one of the reasons department of health and human services is so upset with donald trump when he banned the use of a whole bunch of words including fetus. It made their work almost impossible, less legal and more irresponsible.
No it's not it's a fetus, a gestational stage human beings go through. It's not a child until it's born. Children / people have birth dates. Fetuses do not. And no such animal as an " unborn child " has ever existed. Women who are pregnant and want to continue the pregnancy through fruition affectionately call the fetus a child. But it's not the correct legal term. That's one of the reasons department of health and human services is so upset with donald trump when he banned the use of a whole bunch of words including fetus. It made their work almost impossible, less legal and more irresponsible.
No, the piece of shit that is SCOTUS has traditionally gotten off by playing word games. An example is "viability," which is an oxymoron.
No, the piece of shit that is SCOTUS has traditionally gotten off by playing word games. An example is "viability," which is an oxymoron.
Viability and non-viability are terms best to determined by a doctor, a person with medical expertise.
The egg and the sperm are human and alive.. When combine they become a single cell with a unique combination of human DNA from its parents. It is not, at the time of conception, a human being.
There is never a time it is not human life. Try to keep up with this crotch-clownism, because smuggling another term into the argument is like POSCOTUS using the oxymoronic term, "viability."
With any freedom's or granted rights outside of the constitution given, then of course you do know that if those freedom's or rights begin to morph into something that begins to deteriorate the nation's cultural harmonies, societal norms, communities, moral's and agreed upon standard's, then a revisiting of those specific rights granted is always a potential if the people can't handle what they've been granted outside of the constitution in a trial so to speak or they intentionally abuse the rights granted, otherwise by using them to abuse other's in which was not suppose to happen...

So if the people begin to abuse those rights granted, and especially in order to abuse and destroy their fellow citizens with them, then a revisiting of those rights will be looked at in order to limit the abuse and destructiveness after what was granted begins to be used in order to abuse other's with.

It's up to the people to do all things decent and in order, and in moderation... It best to regulate themselves before other's are forced to regulate their actions for them. Don't you agree ??
would that be like mandating vaccinations with an experimental drug? or mandating mask wearing?
We introduced the Wiki problem of inserting the wrong AMA president, Henry Miller, in post #2, 243.

We now link two SCOTUS to the one Henry Miller responsible for dissemination of the Memorial on abortion, already mentioned. The Henry Miller of interest is this one:
'....Glasgow, Kentucky....president of the AMA in 1859.'

Miller attended Transylvania University medical school. Alumni include....

'....his narrow reading of the Fourteenth Amendment - he wrote the opinion in the 1873 Slaughterhouse Cases - limited the effectiveness of the amendment.'

'....he wrote the dissent in Plessy v. Ferguson....'

The state of Maryland links to Transylvania University, thus a current Biden abortion apologist link. The other apologist link, now in the media, Hillary Clinton (Chappaque Blue Racer) abortion apologetics, connects another Transylvania alumnus, John C. Breckenridge, Democrat U.S. Vice President. One other link to the Chappqua Blue is the alumnus Henry Clay, who supervised one of Transylvania's buildings. Clay was 7th House Speaker (the Pelosi link) as well as 9th Secretary of State.

In addition, Abraham Lincoln nominated Samuel Freeman Miller, and George Washington gave land in Glasgow to his niece, Elizabeth, called "Spotswood."

Thus we don't think Wiki's mistake in listing an AMA president is coincidence, but ahistoricism.
would that be like mandating vaccinations with an experimental drug? or mandating mask wearing?
But the Connecticut gesture of 1820 was precisely a wave of statutory restriction because of "experimental" abortifacients from plants that women were using, thus expanding criminal liability.
But the Connecticut gesture of 1820 was precisely a wave of statutory restriction because of "experimental" abortifacients from plants that women were using, thus expanding criminal liability.
interesting, but how about answering the question
interesting, but how about answering the question
The question has already been answered by pointing to the attempts to mandate abortion due to chemical experiments of the populace.

We'll note that, ironically, the faculty at Transylvania University who taught the person who helped spearhead abortion suppression (AMA president Henry Miller) included Dr. Charles Caldwell, who himself was taught by Benjamin Rush. Rush signed the Declaration of Independence.
There is never a time it is not human life. Try to keep up with this crotch-clownism, because smuggling another term into the argument is like POSCOTUS using the oxymoronic term, "viability."
Never said it wasn't human or alive. Why do so many anti-Choice folks refuse to answer the question of when should the single cell, a fertilized egg, be entitled to the rights of of a baby born alive?

Is it...

1. From the point of conception.

2. When the Bun comes out of the oven or after Birth.

3. Somewhere in between.

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