Roe overturned

You sound like a Russian, are you really an American. I don't know how you got your hateful. You should move to Russia you'd fit in better over there. And you've shown no respect for women, making light of their situation, making them second-class citizens. I'm sorry but this is far from over. Are there not old enough or you're just too stupid to realize that Roe versus Wade between the law of the land because States were passing such egregious abortion laws they were killing women. Well guess what, none of those laws back then are as bad as the laws they're trying to pass now. So Roe versus Wade second generation will be back soon. It's already obvious, the states don't know what they're doing.
I'm the one championing our form of republic government that gives states authority and the people the right to decide, not 9 judges in Roe v Wade's case. You sound like you are against democracy in which communist governments are against. Women aren't 2nd class citizens. Heck, now they get to vote for their rights instead of those 9 male judges who forced their rights upon them. And, in the past, no one was killing women. Heck, who was it that stuck the close hangers into the women to abort the children? It was liberals and not conservative republican men and women. Blame yourselves for any deaths that occurred from a botched back alley abortion because the women should have taken responsibility and had their babies. They killed themselves. Your kind are the murderers back then.
Now, today, it's not 1973 medicine and science that we have. It's 2022 and the medicines and science and transportation abilities will work just fine for you baby killers to still kill millions of babies. Heck, 60% of abortions are done by taking a pill. I'm sure you'll figure out how to get the pills to women so they can kill their babies. Boy, Pharaoh of Egypt and Herod should be happy seeing the deaths of all the children. Your childish fits of rage are getting old. Move to Russia where they love to eliminate people that they believe won't help society.
Will wonders never cease?
I actually agree with something flan327 posted.
Hell will be freezing over shortly.
:thankusmile: yeah I was thinking the same thing.someone who is not a troll must have somehow highjacked his account because he usually posts the same garbage stann does as you well know.
I'm the one championing our form of republic government that gives states authority and the people the right to decide, not 9 judges in Roe v Wade's case. You sound like you are against democracy in which communist governments are against. Women aren't 2nd class citizens. Heck, now they get to vote for their rights instead of those 9 male judges who forced their rights upon them. And, in the past, no one was killing women. Heck, who was it that stuck the close hangers into the women to abort the children? It was liberals and not conservative republican men and women. Blame yourselves for any deaths that occurred from a botched back alley abortion because the women should have taken responsibility and had their babies. They killed themselves. Your kind are the murderers back then.
Now, today, it's not 1973 medicine and science that we have. It's 2022 and the medicines and science and transportation abilities will work just fine for you baby killers to still kill millions of babies. Heck, 60% of abortions are done by taking a pill. I'm sure you'll figure out how to get the pills to women so they can kill their babies. Boy, Pharaoh of Egypt and Herod should be happy seeing the deaths of all the children. Your childish fits of rage are getting old. Move to Russia where they love to eliminate people that they believe won't help society.
Then the new biased supreme Court ruling didn't mean anything either. Good I'm glad to know if Federal control is back and there's one standard for the United States.
Then the new biased supreme Court ruling didn't mean anything either. Good I'm glad to know if Federal control is back and there's one standard for the United States.
Democracy doesn't mean an extremist minority can exert tyranny over the majority. Years ago it was the other way around the government had laws on the books that exerted tyranny on the minorities. Which is also illegal.
You might want to take a look at this. Part 2 and 3 go over this and adequately argue that California's Proposition method of direct democracy doesn't violate the Guarantee Clause. California Constitutional Law: The Guarantee Clause and California’s Republican Form of Government - UCLA Law Review

I've read that before and just did again. It is meaningless. Ruled constitutional is not the same thing as actually constitutional. The United States Constitution forbids it and neither the California Supreme Court nor UCLA socialist law professors can change the US Constitution. Democracy is not compatible with a republican form of government and their claim that democracy enhances the republican form of government is a lie.
Democracy doesn't mean an extremist minority can exert tyranny over the majority. Years ago it was the other way around the government had laws on the books that exerted tyranny on the minorities. Which is also illegal.
Since I got out of the Air Force 50 years ago I've had a copy of the declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those are what our nation are based on. James Madison's opinions might be interesting, we'll check it out later. don't have time right now.
Since I got out of the Air Force 50 years ago I've had a copy of the declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those are what our nation are based on. James Madison's opinions might be interesting, we'll check it out later. don't have time right now.
When I was a kid I had large copies of The Declaration, The Constitution, and The Gettysburg Address on the walls in my room.

Yeah, I was a strange kid.

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