Roe overturned

I believe they said something to the effect of "Roe is the law of the land", which is true.

But are you not a libertarian? How is a federalist decision like this not one you support?

I am not really bothered by this decision as much as where it will lead.

I personally do not think that the Govt should be in the marriage business at all.

But if they are going to be, then they should not discriminate in the process
Nice. Can't say whether I agree down the line, at this time, but for so soon after announcement and relating to it, gotta give you points for putting the thought into it. It's more than a lot on here do.
Just to try and focus the discussion, Alito was correct in saying that Casey actually overturned Roe's trimesters approach, and explicitly found the state's interest in protecting potential life.

And, btw that in turn led to the various laws with pregnant women injured/killed in violent crimes and DUI (which is also a crime of violence if you want to get technical about it)

The result is not surprising. What might be interesting is that Alito in one paragraph disposed of equal protection by citing a case involving abortion protestors. (ofay) But the result is that women, whom are the only sex that gets pregnant, have no legal standing towards healthcare of any kind besides that which applies equally to both sexes, while their fetuses remain a valid state interest. That point, more or less, is discussed in the dissent
Well see what your people do this weekend.
Probably what they do most weekends in the summer.

The stupid hate filled Moon Bats will be butt hurt but most Americans will just note that they are pleased with the decsion for life and then go on with their summer weekend plans.
The ruling actually said that there will be less government intervention because now it is not protected under the Constitution.

Yeah, those states arresting women and doctors for abortion will clearly be less government intervention
These 5 justices were appointed by two presidents who lost the popular vote, yet overturned what was a 7-2 decision in 1973, a decision that Americans have considered settled for 50 years. This Court is out of touch with the people and increasingly suffers a legitimacy crisis.
Wimpy decision by the court

If Abortion is immoral……say it is immoral and outlaw it
Letting 50 states determine morality makes no sense

So you believe that something which some find "immoral" should be "illegal"?

That's insane.

My late morally strong grandmother would have a very real problem with the fact that my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I enjoy a rather spirited sex life. Is sex outside of marriage something you believe should be outlawed?
This logic...."The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,

The same can be said of marriage, thus both same sex marriage and interracial marriage could undone on a Fed level.

The same thing can be said of birth control, thus the legality of birth control could be undone on a Fed level.

I don't see it that way. With Roe we are talking about an innocent human life at stake, it is much more unique than the issues that you are comparing it to.
Thats because low iq people think overturning Roe = all abortions illegal. Of course this is not the case.
It means states like Texas can legally outlaw all abortions.

Stop gaslighting. You've been doing that shit for 50 years
Don't worry you and your boyfriend can still get married....

This is the thing with you bigoted types, everything is about you. You only approve of things you want to do and think nobody should be allowed to do it if you do now wish to.

I will celebrate my 30th anniversary with my wife early next year, but I can still support the right of people of the same sex to get married if they desire to do so.

Sadly people like you will never understand such a position
This logic...."The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,

The same can be said of marriage, thus both same sex marriage and interracial marriage could undone on a Fed level.

The same thing can be said of birth control, thus the legality of birth control could be undone on a Fed level.
Because it doesn't. Google a copy of the Constitution, now CTRL-F the word "abortion."
Now go read the 10th Amendment.


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