Roe overturned

This logic...."The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,

The same can be said of marriage, thus both same sex marriage and interracial marriage could undone on a Fed level.

The same thing can be said of birth control, thus the legality of birth control could be undone on a Fed level.
Please see the Thomas concurrence. He specifically says that and wants to revisit those.
It's none of your business what's in my body. You might imagine there's an entire family in there - it's still none of your fucking business.

Do you really want the state in charge of procreation too? Is there anything you don't want government dictating?

Your rights don't supersede the rights of the person inside you. This is a win for science, and a win for life.
Yeah, and the 3 new justices all said they would not overturn did that work out?

Seems one cannot really trust what they say

I believe they said something to the effect of "Roe is the law of the land", which is true.

But are you not a libertarian? How is a federalist decision like this not one you support?
You want government everywhere - even up your crotch. Statists fucks.
The ruling actually said that there will be less government intervention because now it is not protected under the Constitution.
Nancy is speaking now and pissed. About voting in November now. We are a patriarchal derived people being forced into a matriarchal one by radicals and globalists. But the growing male impoverished are violent and live in anarchy.
Nice. Can't say whether I agree down the line, at this time, but for so soon after announcement and relating to it, gotta give you points for putting the thought into it. It's more than a lot on here do.

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