Roe overturned

"Same logic"? Explain please.

This logic...."The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,

The same can be said of marriage, thus both same sex marriage and interracial marriage could undone on a Fed level.

The same thing can be said of birth control, thus the legality of birth control could be undone on a Fed level.
Virtually no impact will be felt. You folks seem to forget in your rage, Biden is still fucking up the country as we speak.

Now Biden is going to speak up tonight in a speech. Now CNN is talking about the effect on contraception, gay marriage, the whole nine.

Now you can all forget about gas ad food prices, and even 1/6 which was supposed to be the end of the world. Now CNN said it's a "legal, civil war!"
I don't want the state in charge of anything, and I don't care what you do with your body UNLESS there's another human life in there. Just don't kill an innocent human life. That is all.
Maybe you want the government's nose up your crotch - I don't.
This is why we need to NOT elect Republican Senators.

They fill the Supreme Court with Ultra Right Wing extremists
It's none of your business what's in my body. You might imagine there's an entire family in there - it's still none of your fucking business.

Do you really want the state in charge of procreation too? Is there anything you don't want government dictating?
Only morally deficient scumbags would try to justify the murder of a child as a method of birth control. Despicable.

There are two bodies Moon Bat and one of them ain't yours You are just a host.
Just announced. Prepare for liberal madness, death, riots, and destruction.


Thanks so much for using that GIF.
It's in the ruling. They won't. They're only talking about abortion.

Yeah, and the 3 new justices all said they would not overturn did that work out?

Seems one cannot really trust what they say
So this decision now makes state legislators do what they were constitutionally charged with before R v W was created by SCOTUS.

R v W is the result of states kicking the can down the road, so they did not have to make a decision on this.

YES, 100% this. Now, people can vote for candidates who support the abortion position they hold, rather than the Court ruling by fiat.



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