Roe overturned

Not surprised you support a decision based on the reasoning of two 18th century witchhunters.
You are confused about the ruling.

Let me educate you.

Abortion has NOT been made illegal.

The Court simply said that the Constitution does not provide a right for a woman to get an abortion. It said that the RvW decision that said it was protected was seriously flawed as we all know it was bad law. Should have been overturned a long time ago.

Now it is up to the States to determine if abortion is legal or not. The Commie states will continue to allow it and the American states will stop letting women use the murder of their children for a method of birth control.

Some states will take a middle ground allowing abortion under certain circumstances.

Now we will have common sense abortions instead of the bat shit crazy abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.
Codify Roe in federal law. Confirm more pro choice Justices. Win legislatures in unexpected places. Fight fight fight.
This is the most divisive, constantly referred court case in history, so why do it now before a Mid Term in which the GOP had the Dems flat and without ANY motivation?

This is a decision, if it is made at all; that should occur in 2024 after the GOP wins the W.H back, not today. I don't know enough about the issue, but, I hope some well spoken GOP come out and explain it to the world so that MSM doesn't present it as they want. All the headlines read are "abortions now not legal in America" from CBC to BBC.

The timing is really odd and probably will be followed by some controversial decisions by someone, somewhere that will now fly under the radar, while also ensuring a treasure chest of money for the Dems and division among the GOP, which is what some desire.

Right on cue, Pelosi immediately right now on CNN: "the right to choose is now on the ballot in November", also talking about the "right who packed the courts".

As I told you all, I know the U.S better than I thought.
Notice you just have shown the media lies through their headlines.

The people who support abortion will still vote dem.

I think the other more pertinent issues facing Americans will still take precedent.
I am bothered by the notion that 50 years of legal precedent can be dismissed merely by a change in the membership of the court. That seems a bad road to go down.

I am also interested to see if this has any impact on the mid-terms.
Roe v Wade was an example of activist judges legislating from the bench by judicial fiat

It never had popular support
Or getting it all constitutional like
The Constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to socialize health care. Nor does it grant the state jurisdiction over our internal organs. They dropped the ball on both issues.
You are confused about the ruling.

Let me educate you.

Abortion has NOT been made illegal.

The Court simply said that the Constitution does not provide a right for a woman to get an abortion. It said that the RvW decision that said it was protected was seriously flawed as we all know it was bad law. Should have been overturned a long time ago.

Now it is up to the States to determine if abortion is legal or not. The Commie states will continue to allow it and the American states will stop letting women use the murder of their children for a method of birth control.

Some states will take a middle ground allowing abortion under certain circumstances.

Now we will have common sense abortions instead of the bat shit crazy abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

Yes, but see hw the MSM and the America Last Canada and British media present it, go to CBC and BBC websites, watch their coverage.

This is how they confuse and manipulate, this is why the GOP HAVE TO be loud ad explain what this decision actually means, not how the Dems are SAYING it means.

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