Roe overturned

It's time to stop buying from Amazon. They have pledged that any money they get from you could now be spent sending their employees out of state for abortions. You can now assume that if you buy from Amazon, you are responsible for killing babies.
You can now assume that if you think women should be able to freely travel while pregnant to states where abortion is still legal that you support baby killers
The only downside to this is it will cause an explosion in black and Mexican minority birth rates putting White people of European heritage's population majority in jeopardy.
I find all of this odd just a few months before the midterms. This is a great way to energize the Dem base and try to have them deny the GOP tidal wave that is sure to occur.

This decision FINALLY shifted CNN from 1/6 and now Biden is going to "address the nation".

All of this is peculiar timing, this would be more wisely done after a GOP W.H victory not now.

It doesn't even matter what this decision means, it ensures the MSM and others will paint it a prticular way. As they said on CNN "people will go to the polls on this decision".

Maybe, but the fascist left is pushing hard to pack the Supreme Court, or abolish it altogether. In light of the terrorist threats against justices coming from Chuck Schumer and others, the time to act was now.
Mike Pence calls for a movement to ban abortion in every state:

”Having been given this second chance for Life, we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the land.”
The only downside to this is it will cause an explosion in black and Mexican minority birth rates putting White people of European heritage's population majority in jeopardy.
You could be right or wrong. You got abortion stats to support that, or is it opinion, based on racial instincts or prejudice?

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