Roe overturned

Maybe, but the fascist left is pushing hard to pack the Supreme Court, or abolish it altogether. In light of the terrorist threats against justices coming from Chuck Schumer and others, the time to act was now.

This is the most divisive, constantly referred court case in history, so why do it now before a Mid Term in which the GOP had the Dems flat and without ANY motivation?

This is a decision, if it is made at all; that should occur in 2024 after the GOP wins the W.H back, not today. I don't know enough about the issue, but, I hope some well spoken GOP come out and explain it to the world so that MSM doesn't present it as they want. All the headlines read are "abortions now not legal in America" from CBC to BBC.

The timing is really odd and probably will be followed by some controversial decisions by someone, somewhere that will now fly under the radar, while also ensuring a treasure chest of money for the Dems and division among the GOP, which is what some desire.

Right on cue, Pelosi immediately right now on CNN: "the right to choose is now on the ballot in November", also talking about the "right who packed the courts".

As I told you all, I know the U.S better than I thought.

This was the primary reason I voted for Trump....I supported Cruz in the primary, had massive doubts about New Yorker Trump......but he has shown himself to be the most consequential President in our lifetime.....the MAGA King........

I told posters and people I would talk to that we did not want hilary "the vile," to put Justices on the court.......and I was right.....this week would have been different had Trump lost in 2016..........

Trump........the defender of the Constitution of the United States......protector of the unborn, bringer of peace around the world.....making America Great Again.....

His time in office was short, but it was "HUGE....."

Thank you President Trump........this wouldn't have been possible without your leadership, your fight, and your willingness to take the attacks by vile leftists under the control of obama and hilary....

And to the pro-baby killing supporters.....

All this does is show us "What Democracy Looks Like." Now you will have to fight in each state to keep your ability to kill babies in the womb..........each state will now get to decide...that is all that happens.....

So if you want to kill will need to win elections.......I know, elections don't work for you cheat and steal....

But that is why in the end...when you lose all pretense of civil behavior and you burn, loot and murder Americans in our cities....after your democrat party leaders order the police to do nothing...........that is why we have the 2nd protect us from you and your evil, vile hate....
Sen Warren (Pocahontas) statement, followed by Sen Tim Kaine


Can you believe it!

Never thought I'd see this day.

Thank you Joe Biden for the Biden Rule that allowed Mitch McConnell to block Obama's Supreme Court nominee and keep Garland off the Court.

Thank you Barack Obama and Democrats for being so weak you couldn't stop it.

Thank you Democrats for nominating the worst candidate in the known universe, Hillary Clinton, whose defeat cemented this victory over murder.

Thank you Harry Reid for Nuking the filibuster on judicial nominees. Your shortsightedness made this all possible.

Thank you Mitch McConnell for the having the backbone and the intestinal fortitude to block a terrible Supreme Court nominee AND give us Conservative Court that not even John Roberts can fowl up.

Thank you President Donald Trump.

None of this would have been possible without your victory in 2016. No one will ever forget that you crafted the Court that overturned Roe.

And Thank you Republicans. When we actual fight...we win!

It's a Glorious Day!
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Can you believe it!

Never thought I'd see this day.

Thank you Joe Biden for the Biden Rule that allowed Mitch McConnell to block Obama's Supreme Court nominee and keep Garland off the Court.

Thank you Barack Obama and Democrats for being so weak you couldn't stop him.

Thank you Democrats for nominating the worst candidate in the known universe, Hillary Clinton, whose defeat cemented this victory over murder.

Thank you Harry Reid for Nuking the filibuster on judicial nominees. Your shortsightedness made this all possible.

Thank you Mitch McConnell for the having the backbone and the intestinal fortitude to block a terrible Supreme Court nominee AND give us Conservative Court that not even John Roberts can fowl up.

Thank you President Donald Trump.

None of this would have been possible without your victory in 2016. No one will ever forget that you crafted the Court that overturned Roe.

And Thank you Republicans. When we actual fight...we win!

It's a Glorious Day!
Plenty of blame to go around.
It's time to stop buying from Amazon. They have pledged that any money they get from you could now be spent sending their employees out of state for abortions. You can now assume that if you buy from Amazon, you are responsible for killing babies.

Let us know how that works out for you.

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