Roe overturned

It means states like Texas can legally outlaw all abortions.
That is a good thing.

When the people of Texas go to the polls if abortion is an important issue for them then they can vote for someone that has the same values. That is how a Republic works.

All the Court said today is that RvW was flawed and never should have been enacted in the first place. That there nothing in the Constitution that protects abortion and they are correct.

There is nothing that says "the right of a woman to have an abortion shall not be infringed" like it says about another right we are all familiar with.
We'll see how this plays out at the ballot box, won't we?
The pro choice movement is fractured... many common sense pro choice folks agree that rules for late term abortion are sensible....
Just like some pro 2nd amendment folks agree that some gun laws are common sense...
I’m just fine fruitcake. A lot of women who will be dead because of this decision soon aren’t having a good one though.

This some kind of a game to you fruitcake?
No, it isn't a game asshole, you need to work on solutions instead of being a divider. Congress should have dealt with this decades ago instead of letting the two party's use it as a wedge issue. Time to work on solutions instead of dividing, instead of you crying like a little baby.
We'll see I guess, but I still see this as a unique issue, and therefore worthy of NOT being used as any precedent for other changes.

I do not really disagree with you, but I have no faith in the court to see it that way.

I supported all 3 of Trump's picks for SCOTUS and listed them as one of the good things he did. It truly bugs me how dishonest they were in the hearings.
I personally do not think that the Govt should be in the marriage business at all.

But if they are going to be, then they should not discriminate in the process
They should have never involved themselves in that.
They tried to discriminate against gays. They discriminate against single people on taxes. Etc
Its crazy.
Just what we needed was more unwed mothers. Should fix all our problems. Perfect for a country that already has no decent childcare. I’m sure teachers are excited about more bad students from overworked single parent homes. Wonder how many criminals come from single parent homes?

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