Roe overturned

This one worrying about abortion availability is like me worrying qualifications to become an astronaut:

Same as the death penalty (not that they are similar or anything). :biggrin:
I can see a difference in an innocent life... however I'm not in favor of the death penalty if we have life with no possibility of parole....
SEN. SCHUMER: “Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen. Millions upon millions of American women are having their rights taken from them by five unelected Justices on the extremist MAGA court.”
We'll see how this plays out at the ballot box, won't we?

It will still come down to issues that ALL Americans are faced with every single morning they get out of bed with.
Skyrocketing food prices, gas prices, housing costs, overall inflation. If things improve markedly before November, then the abortion issue will be much more in play, if not, then striking down Roe is not going to do it.
Also, Dimocrat voters need to ask themselves, why haven't their lawmakers codified Roe years ago?
Now Biden is going to speak up tonight in a speech. Now CNN is talking about the effect on contraception, gay marriage, the whole nine.

Now you can all forget about gas ad food prices, and even 1/6 which was supposed to be the end of the world. Now CNN said it's a "legal, civil war!"
All 8 of their viewers don't scare us much.
Virtually no impact will be felt. You folks seem to forget in your rage, Biden is still fucking up the country as we speak.

Exactly. If people were still able to feed their kids, put gas in their cars, and not have to watch our money funding a war in Europe, the abortion issue might have more power at the polls. As it is, people just want their lives back.
Mod Mode: Gentlemen, and I use that term loosely!
Amalgamated multiple threads to this one. Lets keep the personal attacks down to avoid the thread melting down instantly due to the emotions involved.
Thank you for flying Air USMBD.

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