Roe overturned

You have the right to body autonomy.

What you want is the right to a medical procedure that ends a life.

That's not covered.

Just like you could demand a medical procedure to remove your healthy heart or cut off a healthy leg and claim it is your Constitutional right under the 14th Amendment.
You end life, everything you vote for CP (capital punishment) and vote the ACA away. Us women are nothing but incubators now.
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Just what we needed was more unwed mothers. Should fix all our problems. Perfect for a country that already has no decent childcare. I’m sure teachers are excited about more bad students from overworked single parent homes. Wonder how many criminals come from single parent homes?
How many different contraceptives are available today that were not 50 years ago?...
Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
The Roberts' court had already shown a blatant disregard for precedent. This religious based ruling puts in to play any previous ruling no matter how well established. Begging the question, what's next?
They should have never involved themselves in that.
They tried to discriminate against gays. They discriminate against single people on taxes. Etc
Its crazy.


State issued marriage licenses became more of a requirement
when they wanted to discriminate against interracial marriage by making Common Law Marriage illegitimate.

It's like the people granted the government the power to discriminate ...
and then bitch and whine about needing to force the government to address its own discriminatory practices.

It's just a bunch of Authoritarian Fascists running around granting the government the power
to make everyone do one thing or another, absent any responsibility or Liberty.


A Witness in court must swear to tell the truth
Supreme Court Justices can say whatever it takes to get confirmed. Then they are there for life
It does not mention marriage, thus same sex and interracial marriage falls under the same logic.

It does not mention birth control, thus soon it could fall under the same logic.
Yes, and? That doesn't mean the judges will use that same logic.

What is it with you people and not allowing people in their individual states to decide these issues? It is easy to see the founders chose not to regulate marriage at the federal level, and chose to leave that matter to the states, and that even includes interracial marriage and gay marriage.
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How long till they apply this same logic to Same Sex Marraige.
Valid question. Once you start down a path, you seem to build off of it not call goals accomplished.

The "we just want one flag taken down" is a prime example. But the "victory" seems to propel people to further action.

But like I've been saying, when you push too far in one direction, it will eventually spring to the other sides extreme.

Here we go
Excellent. This returns the legal limitations to the individual states. Absolutely nothing changes here in Massachusetts. Don’t like your state’s laws… get them changed or move.

Of course, you were always free to either move to Saudi Arabia or seek democratic changes to the laws of our country before this case. But instead, you're clapping for activist judges.
Look how angry you are that the court put up a roadblock to the left's black genocide program. You're a disgrace.
There is no black genocide prrogram. Quit thinking you can speak for blacks. You guys talk about us having all these unwed births while we're perfoming black genocide by abortion. Get your lies straight white ---.

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