Roe overturned

I hope people finally get that VOTING MATTERS!

A corrupt, racist, money AND power hungry imp got to put THREE Supreme Court justices on the bench.

Those three said they would protect precedent KNOWING their goal was to overturn every right they deemed inappropriate.

This all happened because not enough people care enough to vote. And not enough people who DO vote choose leaders that care about everyone — not just the people who think, love and look like them.

This is bad.
This is VERY bad.

No it was properly overturned because they were legislating from the bench it was inevitable that it be overturned.

Now it is up to the Congress to pass an Abortion law one hopefully follow along the lines:

100% legal abortion up to 16 weeks which most Democrats already do at the 93% rate.

Week 17-40 banned with exception of Health of Mother, Diseased/deformed Fetus.

Partial birth be murder one.
The court can’t make law. Only overturn a previous decision.

The Congress has the power to make law. Expect a new law codifying the right to an abortion to be coming soon.

The court won’t be able to overturn that.
Are you talking about an amendment? Lol good luck with that.
Of course, you were always free to either move to Saudi Arabia or seek democratic changes to the laws of our country before this case. But instead, you're clapping for activist judges
I'm applauding RIGHT finally winning out after fifty years of WRONG being the law of the land.

SCOTUS should never have accepted the Roe case to begin with. As these six Justices pointed out… the US Constitution doesn’t give the Federal Government ANY say is this matter.
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Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

Yep. The Constitution means whatever the court says it does.

That statement hasn’t really sank in with the righties I see.
I hope it gets women to pay more attention to the options they have to avoid pregnancy.

Rythm method
Plan B
Or merely go and move to Looney Tunes States.Like California
and New York.With the Nations Highest Taxes and outright
persecution of those who even hesitate to think Conservative.
The institutional legitimacy of the SC is now shattered. It has become an extension of political parties. Ironically, with Repubs being in the minority, and the SC being populated by 3 justices nominated by a prez who did not win the majority of votes. It's called the tyranny of the minority.

It's amazing how everything is so awful when your side doesn't get 100% of it's way.
Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
Where the heck do you live that had laws immediately go in effect that banned abortion outright? Seriously, how ignorant ARE people that think overturning Roe outlawed abortion?
Do tell what good will come from this. What are the benefits to more unwed mothers and single parent families?
What good????

Are you that stupid?

Children's lives will be saved.

Maybe people fucking will have to learn to be more responsible because now in some states they can't use murder of a child as a method of birth control.
Its interesting that the people claim this is the death of democracy, while advocating violence to usurp the will of the people.


How is democracy dead when this will go to the states to vote on?
The Constitution doesn't authorize the federal government to socialize health care. Nor does it grant the state jurisdiction over our internal organs. They dropped the ball on both issues.

I might have to tune into MSNBC to watch the meltdown
I just looked in there and it's nothing but a wall of bullshit. Trump Trump Trump, gun gun gun Trump court Trump.
The court can’t make law. Only overturn a previous decision.

The Congress has the power to make law. Expect a new law codifying the right to an abortion to be coming soon.

The court won’t be able to overturn that.
Yes, I'm sure you'll get the necessary 10 Republican votes in the Senate to pass such a law.

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