Roe overturned

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said he will close the state agency at noon today as a “memorial” to “almost 70 million babies who have been killed in the womb” as a result of Roe v. Wade.

I've got something that will trigger liberals.

Our dumb-as-a-doorknob liberal governor of Louisiana has already signed an abortion ban into law, before the RVW ruling. That's gotta hurt.
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Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade
I just heard a liberal whining on the radio that the court had taken away "the Constitutional right to an abortion".

There is no Constitutional right to abortion.

As for your hysterics about stare decisis, the Supreme Court's Brown v Board of Education decision overturned the Plessy v Ferguson decision which had stood for 56 years. If you had some CRT education, you would know this.

But you needn't worry. The number of abortions are going to remain virtually unchanged in America.
Wimpy decision by the court

If Abortion is immoral……say it is immoral and outlaw it
Letting 50 states determine morality makes no sense
You have missed the entire point of the ruling. The Supreme Court doesn't get to make law - not pro-abortion or anti-abortion. The Federal government, Congress, doesn't get to make that law.

The fight is not over, though. This is really just the beginning. The fight must, and will, continue until there is a constitutional amendment banning all abortions.
Yesterday, I could have gone out and gotten an abortion of I needed one. As of today, it's now illegal. So much for deeply rooted traditions.

But the real damage here is that there is not one single Supreme Court precedent that means anything anymore. From now on, all past precedents will be subject to the political leanings of the court at that moment in time. Heller? Enjoy it while it lasts. Yesterday's ruling on gun rights? It has an expiration date.

The democrats will respond with moves to pack the court. Things will spiral more and more out of control in our country. And China will be the ultimate winner.

Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

The Court is making it clear
Past rulings are off the table

The only thing that matters is the views of 18th century Americans thought we needed

If you did not need in in the 1700s, you don’t need it now
I just heard a liberal whining on the radio that the court had taken away "the Constitutional right to an abortion".

There is no Constitutional right to abortion.

As for your hysterics about stare decisis, the Supreme Court's Brown v Board of Education decision overturned the Plessy v Ferguson decision which had stood for 56 years. If you had some CRT education, you would know this.

But you needn't worry. The number of abortions are going to remain virtually unchanged in America.
It was as predictable as sunshine on the Sahara that there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth that abortion is now illegal in the US, even though we told them over and over again it would not be.
Yes, and? That doesn't mean the judges will use that same logic.

Why wouldn't they?

What is it with you people and not allowing people in their individual states to decide these issues? It is easy to see the founders chose not to regulate marriage at the federal level, and chose to leave that matter to the states, and that even includes interracial marriage and gay marriage.

Somethings cannot be limited to the state level. If a married couple moves from one state to another and then POOF they are no longer married that is problem.
The court can’t make law. Only overturn a previous decision.

The Congress has the power to make law. Expect a new law codifying the right to an abortion to be coming soon.

The court won’t be able to overturn that.
It's a bit late for that.

And if unconstitutional yes they can.

God you are a blithering idiot.
Are you talking about an amendment? Lol good luck with that.

I’m talking about the legislative process. The Congress can pass a law making the right to an abortion a federal statute. It does not require ratification by the states.

And it looks nay requires a majority in the House, and suspending the filibuster to pass it by majority in the Senate.
New flash republican have abortions they just keep it mum.
If you mean they don't politicize it you are correct... this doesn't end abortion... it will still be available... some states will put late term rules in place... they are just keeping up with science... we can hear a heartbeat and see fully formed babies in the womb... that was a game changer for many people right and left...
The Court is making it clear
Past rulings are off the table

The only thing that matters is the views of 18th century Americans thought we needed

If you did not need in in the 1700s, you don’t need it now
Sounds like you'd better get to know your state legislators then. They just got a big boost or power.

This is actually an amazing, historical event. The US Federal government actually REDUCED its power over the American people. That almost NEVER happens.
You mean states would have to protect same sex marriage on its own. So.

And interracial marriage.

The "so" is that if a legally married couple in one state goes to another state and they are no longer viewed as married then that is a real problem.
Where the heck do you live that had laws immediately go in effect that banned abortion outright? Seriously, how ignorant ARE people that think overturning Roe outlawed abortion?
There are several states which have trigger laws which ban abortion as of this ruling.

My daughter asked me this morning if abortion is illegal where we live now. I explained to her that is not the case. It is legal in our state and probably always will be. But in some states, it is now illegal.
So then woman who believe it's their Body can decide
if a Fetus deserves a chance a Live.
About as creepy as the Susan Hayward movie ...
- I Want to Live - { 1958 }
Where a Prostitute,sentenced to death for murder pleads
her Innocence.
People back in the 50's understood much better as to
right and wrong.
That is precisely why Today's Left does not value Truth.
Basically everything the Left touches is made worse.
Usually much worse.If not then what has the left made
Chalk a big one up for the Orange Man.
For w/o his victory in 2016 .... Today would only be a
bad dream fir Democrats.

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