Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

See an audiologist and a're hearing things.

Look, I get it: you do not like what you see in the mirror I held up, and you are now yapping like a teacup poodle to distract from that fact.

I showed that to my wife. She laughed so hard she scared the cat off my lap.

Look, I get it. You thought you had a winning "Gotcha!" and forgot to find out what to do when it didn't work. So you just ran away and hoped I'd let you go on with waving around your "Gotcha!"

Didn't work. And the more you attack me, and claim that you have a wife who's proud of a husband who attacks women for disagreeing with him, the more you look like what I called you.

But don't let me stop you from playing out your sad loserdom as long as you like. Just don't think you will EVER trot out, "Well, how many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? Aha, I WIN!" until you answer me with something besides playground insults.
Look, I get it. You thought you had a winning "Gotcha!" and forgot to find out what to do when it didn't work. So you just ran away and hoped I'd let you go on with waving around your "Gotcha!"

No, I just point out hypocrites when I see them. Don't want to be pointed out, don't be a hypocrite!

Didn't work. And the more you attack me, and claim that you have a wife who's proud of a husband who attacks women for disagreeing with him, the more you look like what I called you.

Naah, I never said that. I didn't attack you for disagreeing with me, I called out your hypocrisy.

But don't let me stop you from playing out your sad loserdom as long as you like. Just don't think you will EVER trot out, "Well, how many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? Aha, I WIN!" until you answer me with something besides playground insults.

Pot, meet kettle.
This whole thing is weird..just out of the blue.

You knew this asshole would be a problem. I doubt anything will happen and these lefty terrorists will get to gleefully kill the unborn.
Forced abortion is as abhorrent as forced pregnancy.
And if they dismantle Roe versus Wade it will give government the authority over a person's reproductive Rights. So in 20 or 30 years when all the nations of the world have to address the overpopulation issue. The United States will be ahead of the game, they'll already have control of reproductive Rights so then they could decide who can and cannot become pregnant. Things will be completely reversed then, abortions will be forced on women. Only a select few, most likely the rich and powerful, will be allowed to have children.
Illegals pouring through our border have value.
Unborn babies who would be natural born citizens do not.
This is Darwinism at its most ironic.
It would make more sense if you said unwanted pregnancies. As it is, in a consumer society, like ours, the more the better, despite the consequences to the planet.

That's just from the first couple of pages of my Google search.

You really can't get it through your head that medicine and healthcare are not some wide-open Wild West, free of all government involvement and regulation, can you? No matter how many times you're told that your tired line about "women and their doctors, not the government" is ignorant (not to mention hypocritical, since YOUR side spent 50+ years with the federal government mandating things the way you wanted them).
If you looked up the record on all those things you mentioned you'd find they had broad bipartisan support.
And not all things claimed to be "rights" actually are.
I guess that depends on whose rights are being violated and how powerful their oppressors are. Said commentary on a nation that's supposed to have Justice and equality for all.

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