Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Correct, it's been called " settled law " for most of the 50-year history. It's only now that a minority of malcontents are contesting it.
Oh please. There’s about a two point percentage difference between pro-lifers and pro-abortioners: latest is 47 to 49%. It’s pretty evenly split.

Besides which, it doesn’t matter: the correct ruling is to reverse the earlier one handed down by an activist Court and apply the Constitution: return the decision to the people to decide, per state.
Oh please. There’s about a two point percentage difference between pro-lifers and pro-abortioners: latest is 47 to 49%. It’s pretty evenly split.

Besides which, it doesn’t matter: the correct ruling is to reverse the earlier one handed down by an activist Court and apply the Constitution: return the decision to the people to decide, per state.
You keep missing the important point here. If I was in that survey, I would delicious pro life on that question. On a personal level I do not believe in abortion. It would be a last resort. Something I'd avoid. But the next question you didn't show was that 70% of Americans still think Roe versus Wade should be in place, not because they all believe in abortion or want it for themselves but because they believe women should have the right to decide their own reproductive Rights, not the courts and definitely not the state.
You keep missing the important point here. If I was in that survey, I would delicious pro life on that question. On a personal level I do not believe in abortion. It would be a last resort. Something I'd avoid. But the next question you didn't show was that 70% of Americans still think Roe versus Wade should be in place, not because they all believe in abortion or want it for themselves but because they believe women should have the right to decide their own reproductive Rights, not the courts and definitely not the state.
And you keep missing two important points:

1) What constitutes “reproductive rights” is subject to opinion. Almost half the people think that right ends when it involves terminating the life of another. Ofherwise, you could smash the baby to smithereens as it descends through the birth canal. Or, since the head emerges first, just have the doctor ready with a machete.

2) It doesn’t matter what the majority of the nation thinks, no matter how slim that majority is. It matters what the majority of the people in each state think. That’s how the Constitution was set up.
And you keep missing two important points:

1) What constitutes “reproductive rights” is subject to opinion. Almost half the people think that right ends when it involves terminating the life of another. Ofherwise, you could smash the baby to smithereens as it descends through the birth canal. Or, since the head emerges first, just have the doctor ready with a machete.

2) It doesn’t matter what the majority of the nation thinks, no matter how slim that majority is. It matters what the majority of the people in each state think. That’s how the Constitution was set up.
Well if the people are given a choice, it's not even a done deal here in Nebraska, a very Republican state, the effort to try to get a trigger Bill attached to the Roe versus Wade outcome didn't Garner enough votes to pass. People here generally live by the rule. " Live and let livlive
Well if the people are given a choice, it's not even a done deal here in Nebraska, a very Republican state, the effort to try to get a trigger Bill attached to the Roe versus Wade outcome didn't Garner enough votes to pass. People here generally live by the rule. " Live and let livlive
People here generally live by the rule, " Live and let live. " In other words mind your own business, and respect other people's decisions, especially on controversial issues where one side is trying to dominate and control the other side.
Well if the people are given a choice, it's not even a done deal here in Nebraska, a very Republican state, the effort to try to get a trigger Bill attached to the Roe versus Wade outcome didn't Garner enough votes to pass. People here generally live by the rule. " Live and let livlive
Fine by me, if that’s what people in Nebraska vote for. It’s not up to me to demand how other states set their laws.
People here generally live by the rule, " Live and let live. " In other words mind your own business, and respect other people's decisions, especially on controversial issues where one side is trying to dominate and control the other side.
And it isn’t YOUR side trying to dominate and control the other side? Leftists are threatening violence - even death - to SCOTUS justices who won’t vote their way, and Biden condones it.

People on our side say the anti-Constitutionalists should mind their own business, get a hold of their arrogance, and stop telling people living in other states how they must set their laws.
Fine by me, if that’s what people in Nebraska vote for. It’s not up to me to demand how other states set their laws.
The whole reason bro versus Wade came into existence was because different states were passing egregious abortion laws. Even if Roe versus Wade does go by the wayside. The same thing is about to happen all over again, so it will have to be brought back and the federal government will settle the matter once again hopefully for all time.
And it isn’t YOUR side trying to dominate and control the other side? Leftists are threatening violence - even death - to SCOTUS justices who won’t vote their way, and a Biden condones it.
No, they're not. No woman's rights activist is trying to force any so-called pro-life woman to have an abortion. Your argument is totally unfounded.
The whole reason bro versus Wade came into existence was because different states were passing egregious abortion laws. Even if Roe versus Wade does go by the wayside. The same thing is about to happen all over again, so it will have to be brought back and the federal government will settle the matter once again hopefully for all time.
it’s not Bro vs Wade. Now you’re trying to make it that it’s men against women, when YOU - a man - has launched insult after insult at women who disagree with you.

In fact, the ones on this thread arguing strongest for women to be able to kill their unborn children are men. I guess you like the idea of being able to knock a woman up, and just have her “get rid of it,” without your having to pay child support.
Had Roe remained as it was nothing would have been done. Abortion up to the moment of birth and possibly for several months thereafter demanded action. Make the legislature responsible for killing children.
This entire leak is to force the issue into Congress, where a massive and nasty debate can take place, and remove the focus from Biden’s failures with the economy….with the illegals…..with Afghanistan…..with energy independence….with Hunter’s laptop….
it’s not Bro vs Wade. Now you’re trying to make it that it’s men against women, when YOU - a man - has launched insult after insult at women who disagree with you.

In fact, the ones on this thread arguing strongest for women to be able to kill their unborn children are men. I guess you like the idea of being able to knock a woman up, and just have her “get rid of it,” without your having to pay child support.
As I have said that was times before I use a voice machine to print out the words because I have bad arthritis in my hands. Of course it's supposed to be Roe versus Wade there's no deception intended there. And where did I say it was men against women ? I'm sorry but you're adding your thoughts to the conversation and not concentrating on what I'm saying. It's getting late maybe you're tired I know I am I had a very rewarding day and I'm about to go to bed so keep worrying about things that aren't your concern and I'm sure you'll get a lot more wrinkles and have a less satisfying life. That's about all the good it's going to do you. You see things very strangely. I'm not sure I can continue talking to you. There's no Goodwill in your tone of voice. You keep trying to put words in my mouth that you are thinking.
Oh please. There’s about a two point percentage difference between pro-lifers and pro-abortioners: latest is 47 to 49%. It’s pretty evenly split.

Besides which, it doesn’t matter: the correct ruling is to reverse the earlier one handed down by an activist Court and apply the Constitution: return the decision to the people to decide, per state.
It seems to me that a 7-2 decision by judges nominated by both parties is a hell of a lot less activist than a 5-4 decision rammed through by a majority consisting exclusively of judges nominated by Conservative judges. Wouldn't you say?

Coming back to your "activism" claim. A judge that in his legal argument claim immediately puts in caveats to which his argumentation doesn't apply isn't so much making a legal argument as he is justifying activism.

As for "the people" deciding. They already do. NOBODY is forcing anybody to have an abortion.
None...but unlike the hypocrites, I am not trying to stop abortion.
You are aware that abortion and adoption have nothing to do with each other, right? You do understand that she doesn't want to end abortion altogether, do you?

Are you aware that she understands there are medical reasons for abortion that don't involve vanity or convenience?

This kind of stupidity from you is quite new.

Just want to ask one more time, though:

You do understand that abortion and adoption have nothing in common with each other, right?

Apparently not.
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If you can't figure that out, there is no point in attempting to answer. You're not bright enough to understand.
Of course, I've never quite understood misogynistic pricks like you, telling a woman in what manner she should have her kids. It's none of your damn business.
It seems to me that a 7-2 decision by judges nominated by both parties is a hell of a lot less activist than a 5-4 decision rammed through by a majority consisting exclusively of judges nominated by Conservative judges. Wouldn't you say?

Coming back to your "activism" claim. A judge that in his legal argument claim immediately puts in caveats to which his argumentation doesn't apply isn't so much making a legal argument as he is justifying activism.

As for "the people" deciding. They already do. NOBODY is forcing anybody to have an abortion.
That doesn't change the fact that 70% of Americans believe Roe versus Wade should stay in place. If the supreme Court does reverse their opinion about it, it will be the most unpopular decision ever. And then all the problems that Roe versus Wade will resurface again and the people will demand its return.
I wanted to address this statement of yours separately. That is true today, but by handing over women's reproductive rights to the states. You give the state the right to force women to have abortions in the future if it is deemed necessary. And the world is hurling very fast towards being overpopulated. During such a Time having more children would probably be detrimental to society and deemed illegal.
That doesn't change the fact that 70% of Americans believe Roe versus Wade should stay in place. If the supreme Court does reverse their opinion about it, it will be the most unpopular decision ever. And then all the problems that Roe versus Wade will resurface again and the people will demand its return.
I wasn't disagreeing with you. It will be unpopular.

That's besides the point actually. The leaked argumentation is simply flawed since Alito has to immediately say that he won't apply the same logic to other potential cases that will be brought before the Supreme Court.

Just like Lisa's argument that she wants "the people" decide is flawed because that's exactly what the status quo allowed, and she is arguing for taking the choice away from "the people"

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